March 29, 1977

JFK Assassination
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March 29, 1977

Post by Bob »

On March 29th, 1977, my Dad turned 51 years-old. But besides that day being memorable in terms of my family, it was also very memorable in terms of the deaths of a couple of people who had key roles in the JFK assassination. Yes, on March 29, 1977, or 40 years ago today, Chuck Nicoletti and George de Morhrenshildt were both murdered. Both men were due to appear before the HSCA where they were to be asked about their involvement in the assassination of JFK. ... childt.htm
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Re: March 29, 1977

Post by Slav »

That's pretty amazing, your fathers birthday same day, and you also share another day with your birthday?
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Re: March 29, 1977

Post by Bob »

Slav wrote:That's pretty amazing, your fathers birthday same day, and you also share another day with your birthday?Yes, it is pretty astonishing, Slav. As you know, my birthday is also JFK's, although we are 40 years apart. In addition to that, I have the same two first names of RFK. Robert Francis.That is purely a coincidence though, as I was named after my Dad's brother who was killed in Korea during that conflict.
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Re: March 29, 1977

Post by Slav »

I don't really believe in coincidence , what I do believe it was meant to be, higher power decided that and it was for a good reason, the same reason you have dedicated your life and continue to preach what we all know and believe is the truth and your good at it, I'm sure there are others here with some kind of common donominator and we haven't realized it, yours is more visible and your message are stronger . You were meant to be here to help guide us along , and I truly believe that . .....
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Re: March 29, 1977

Post by Bob »

I appreciate the kind words, Slav. This forum has become the best JFK assassination research forum out there. It's definitely a team effort. There's a reason why JFK assassination researchers/writers like Michael Calder will visit and post here. Or why Robert Groden links this site on his web page. Just a quick history lesson about this forum. Wim and Bruce are aware of this, but before this forum started over 11 years ago, there were earlier forums (over a two to three year period) which were hacked and taken down. Thankfully, Wim has great technical support team now to keep the forum up and running, with Ed Bishop doing what he can to keep it running smoothly.Through the years I've been able to strike a great friendships with Wim, Bruce, Ken Murray, Joe Hall, Phil Dragoo and many others. And now I've also been able to talk with Jimmy Files. In addition to that, I've been able to reach out and communicate with many of the top researchers in the JFK assassination arena. I've also been fortunate enough to be on Black Op Radio three times now, plus have been on Jim Fetzer's show a couple more times. But it all comes back to this forum and people like yourself who add valuable insight and information. The key to this forum is that we have been able to discuss subject matter in a respectful manner, even when it's a "hot" topic, like it is when we discuss Donald Trump.The bottom line in research, whether it's about the JFK assassination or any related subject, is to stay positive, to be passionate and to be persistent.I see those attributes all the time in this forum.
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Re: March 29, 1977

Post by JDB4JFK »

Bob, why doesn't Joe Hall, or Phil Dragoo post on here any more.Also, are you allowed to tell us what you and Jimmy talked about?
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Re: March 29, 1977

Post by Bob »

I know Joe is an extremely busy fellow. I did hear from him on Facebook the other day, but we haven't talked in awhile. I'll definitely make it a point to call him later this week. Phil posts on Facebook quite often in various JFK assassination forums. I do at times as well, but usually only at the JFK, James Files and Chauncey Holt forum. Davey Jones also has a forum (JFK...Searching for the Truth) and I used to post there from time to time, but it's been awhile since I last did. Over the last several months, I have focused on doing most of my posting here. My main focus on Facebook is putting out my sports stories. In terms of talking to Jimmy, until I hear different, I'm going to keep our discussions private. I will say this, my belief in the story Jimmy has told has not changed since I have been able to speak with him. If anything, the belief has gotten stronger.
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Re: March 29, 1977

Post by Bob »

I talked to "Mr. Oak Cliff" (Joe Hall) for quite awhile. Nobody knows the Oak Cliff area and it's cast of characters better than Joe. Speaking of Oak Cliff, Joe was the impetus of this story I wrote a few years back: ... e-perryJoe did the leg work and gave me a lot of the information I used in the piece. I even mentioned Joe in the story.Anyway, Joe is going through some minor health issues, but he still checks out the forum on a regular basis.
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Re: March 29, 1977

Post by JDThomas »

Hi Bob,thanks for reminding us about Joe's work, particularly with the Ruby/Oswald incident and Perry's 'interference' with documentation. I wish more people knew about this as the Ruby/Oswald relationship has cropped-up on numerous places recently.