THE proof

JFK Assassination
Kyler Cobain
Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

your friend

Post by Kyler Cobain »

"He mirado este documental aleman y ahora estoy seguro de eso."

Well, I'm not surprised. Are you suggesting that your inquiry is not objective and you're okay with that? Thanks anyway but I'm not sure you can help with this message if that's the case...
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Post by dankbaar »

Kyler Cobain,

I don't know who you are and why you are even pursuing this. It's possible you just don't think things trough.

Okay, Castro, Escalante and his people did it. Did they also appoint the Warren Commission? Did they also lie to the public for 42 years? Did they also rig the autopsy of JFK? Did they also lock up the files? Did they also keep the Zapruder film away form the public. Did they also pull Hoover's, Ford's, Dulles' strings to rig the Warren Commission? Did they also decide who was called to testify and who not? Did they also fake the autopsy foto's of Kennedy'head? Did they also invent the single bullet theory? Did they order Jack Ruby to silence Oswald? Did they kill Giancana, Roselli and Nicoletti before they were called to testify?

Jim Thompson
Posts: 226
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Rick Again?

Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote:Kyler Cobain,I don't know who you are and why you are even pursuing this. It's possible you just don't think things trough.

Cobain's English writing style = Rick

MO (method of operation) = Rick first appears on the forum masquerading as a nice newbie who has just discovered this wonderful forum. Then, professing ignorance, Rick raises some issue which Rick calculates will attract Wim's interest & attention. Then Rick, slowly & carefully at first, begins to gently argue the issue with Wim. Rick continues to bait Wim in a slow, ever increasing escalation of the argument until Rick is seen trying to make Wim seem unreasonable & hostile to the fair minded & reasonable Rick, the innocent newbie. Soon Wim will realize that
Kyler Cobain is a disinformation plant & the same fool who keeps popping up at the forum with the same English prose style & the same asinine MO.

Kyler Cobain
Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Kyler Cobain »

I'm truly sorry you've reached the conclusions you have regarding my motives. Thank you for your time. Your services will no longer be needed.

I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.
Jim Thompson
Posts: 226
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Paranoia? Sure Rick

Post by Jim Thompson »

Kyler Cobain wrote:I'm truly sorry you've reached the conclusions you have regarding my motives. Thank you for your time. Your services will no longer be needed.I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.

Note! A truly innocent newbie, a genuine student of the JFK topic new to this forum, would have had a totally different reaction to what must have seemed to him to be an amazingly uncalled for & inexplicably unfounded attack. Cobain, if innocent, should have been bewildered & should have asked Wim: "What!? What in the world, for God sake, is this post from Jim Thompson all of a sudden all about! I don't know what he is talking about. Or why. Please explain."

Instead, Cobain responds precisely as Rick, a guilty thing, would be expected to respond: he runs away as fast as he can.

The forum hasn't seen the last of Rick, however.

- Jim
R Croxford
Posts: 398
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Post by R Croxford »

Kurt Cobain Kyler Cobain
Original thinking. I agree he is an imposter.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Re: THE proof

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:08.21.2006 - Mr. Francois Bertrand Posted this Headline that developed a discussion that provided an interesting analysis and discussion of many points.I think that an in depth analysis of Francois' points is very intelligent.10.26.2012 - What have we come to believe, the "more informed JFK Research Community" ?Respectfully,BB.