
JFK Assassination
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Post by Rachel »

Hello all,

My name is Rachel Mertens and I've been roaming this site for a couple of months now. I guess I started developing an interest in the assassination when I was still a child and read these Readers Digest-type books that showed frames of the Zapruder flim and Kennedy's bloodstained jacket. In my teens I watched "The men who killed Kennedy" and I couldn't shake it off anymore. When I studied in Austin,TX for a semester I paid Dealey Plaza a visit, of course, and I remember standing there behind the picked fence feeling so unreal.
By no means would I call myself a serious investigator or researcher, there are far too much other things that keep me occupied and leave me too little time to be of any value to y'all. However I do consider myself a sensible person who would like to exchange views and ideas on the subject.
About a month ago I decided to indulge myself and ordered the whole package and I've been reading and watching whenever I can find the time. For myself, I am convinced Mr.Files is speaking the truth.
Furthermore I would like to thank Mr.Dankbaar for his splendid work and everyone else that made a contribution to this great site.

I have one question: after Joe West passed away did someone else try to file a case for exhuming JFK's body or are there any concrete plans to still do so ?

kind regards,

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Post by dankbaar »

Hi Rachel,

Glad to hear you like your investment.

This is how my new film starts:
This film is dedicated to the late Joe West. I never knew Joe West but in my firm opinion he did more to solve the murder of John F. Kennedy than anyone else. I also believe he paid the highest price. Willem Dankbaar - Executive Producer

No, nobody revived Joe West's exhumation suit. As a non American I cannot do it. Any takers?

These articles cover the initial rejection in Houston. Joe then filed it in Dallas.

September 29, 1992

Dear :

The day I received your last letter was the first day of the most awful case of the flu I have ever had. Today, is one week later, and I’m
just starting to come back to the land of the living. I still have not gotten anywhere on finding the “Fireballâ€
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Rachel Mertens:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Ms. Rachel Mertens,

I join Mr. Wim Dankbaar in welcoming you to Wim's JFK Forum.

Rachel, whatever you think you lack in total knowledge, you make up for in
hyper intelligent analysis. Why has no other American, other than Joe West, legally tried to exhume JFK"S Body ?

Jimmy Files warned Joe West that some way or another, it would never happen. Jimmy still maintains that JFK was buried in the Ocean.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.,
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Post by dankbaar »


Maybe we wil get an answer from JFK's brother. I just emailed this message to his office.


I would like to know if Mr. Edward Kennedy would support the exhumation of John F. Kennedy in order to prove or disprove the conspiracy once and for all.

I would also like to know if Mr. Kennedy is aware that the Bush administration is protecting his brother's assassins up to this day.

"This film is dedicated to the late Joe West. I never knew Joe West but in my firm opinion he did more to solve the murder of John F. Kennedy than anyone else. I also believe he paid the highest price.

Willem Dankbaar - Executive Producer"

No, nobody revived Joe West's exhumation suit. As a non American I cannot do it. Any takers?

These articles cover the initial rejection in Houston. Joe then filed it in Dallas.

Source: ... .php?t=724


Wim Dankbaar
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Post by Rachel »

Dear mr.Brychek, mr.Dankbaar,

Thank you for your welcome.

Do you, or mr. Files, believe that mr.West's death was an unnatural one ?

Is there a fair chance that someone else would be able to come as far as mr.West did ?

It's hard to get over the fact that he was so close.

kind regards,

Mark Johansson
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Post by Mark Johansson »

Rachel wrote:Dear mr.Brychek, mr.Dankbaar,Thank you for your welcome. Do you, or mr. Files, believe that mr.West's death was an unnatural one ?Mark: Joe West had recovered well after his massive heart attack. He drank coke and chatted along with his friends when he unexpectedly got worse. He fell into coma and died of wrong medication. The medication he received is often used to hide the cause of death. He was murdered according James Files and Joe West’s widow. Is there a fair chance that someone else would be able to come as far as mr.West did ?Mark: We don’t even know if JFK’s body is buried in Arlington Cemetery. James Files is convinced that JFK’s body is buried on the bottom of the sea. It's hard to get over the fact that he was so close.kind regards,Rachel
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Joe West Was Murdered:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Ms. Rachel Mertens, and Mark Johansson,

Jimmy Files and I strongly believe that Joe West was murdered. Jimmy and Joe West actually talked about the dangers he would eventually face.

Jimmy and I maintain the most highly confidential sources, many of who are friends. We would rather be called liars than break our word.

The amount of highly confidential material and information given to my Trusted Friend Mr. Wim Dankbaar, that he has never divulged because he has given his word to us, with no written contract, would blow your minds.

There are few men as noble as Mr. Wim Dankbaar.

That being said, we are confident to say that Joe West was murdered.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by Rachel »

Thank you for your replies, but I guess that answers the question as for why someone hasn't revived the case; it might be signing your own death warrant.
In the interview mr.Files speaks of "Wolfman", being the person that prepared his rounds. This person passed away just a week, I believe, before he would meet with mr.Files. To me this sounded suspicious right away too. Are there suspicions by you, or mr.Files, that this man also died of unnatural causes ?
If this is the case, are there implications for mr.Files himself or for the people that surround him ?


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Post by Paul »

Rachel wrote: This person passed away just a week, I believe, before he would meet with mr.Files.

You mean mr. West in stead of mr. Files I guess?
Wolfman died 1 week AFTER he talked to Jimmy Files and BEFORE Joe West could meet with him...Pity!

Gr. Paul.
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Post by Rachel »

You're right Paul, that's what I meant.

A pity indeed...