Jordan James Pfuntner

JFK Assassination
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Jordan James Pfuntner

Post by JDThomas »

This is a new one on me.Bil Kelly has highlighted this today.Jordan James Pfuntner was working with army intel in 1962 providing information about and seeking army assistance for Alpha 66. No mention of Antonio Veciana and also states that Alpha 66 do not want to work with the CIA. Very little else I can find out about this guy, but probably the same man who died in Waco Texas in 2013 aged 92.Anyone else heard of him?Did Veciana know him? ... 3&tab=page
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Re: Jordan James Pfuntner

Post by JDB4JFK »

Antonio Veciana told the HSCA THAT THE CIA funded Alpha 66. He testified that he received $253,000 dollars from the CIA Maurice Bishop, AKA David Atlee Phillips!So Army Intelligence and CIA working as one and Lansdale was working for both! Double dip!!!
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Re: Jordan James Pfuntner

Post by JDThomas »

It seems strange that there is so little information about this guy though - if he really was the go-between with Alpha 66, then there should be an intel file of some considerable size concerning him and its hard to believe that Veciana would not have known him from this time. (has anyone asked him).Its quite plausable that Alpha 66 were jusy saying that they did not want to work with the CIA, or even that the CIA put them up to say it (easy denial of their own involvement), but after getting involved there is no way that Army intel and CIA would not work together on this, or else they'd risk getting in each others way - a recipe for disaster. It is the lack of detailed records that speaks loudly here - the case history has either been filleted or else there is something else fishy about Pfuntner's story.I'm told that the ARRB found a file on Pfuntner, but I have found no further information on it, unless the record available from Mary Ferrell is its sum total (which is hard to believe).