Was Jack Ruby Watching The Kennedy Motorcade

JFK Assassination
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Re: Was Jack Ruby Watching The Kennedy Motorcade

Post by Slav »

Tommy I Never knew the rear seat has hydraulics, see we all learn after all these years the simple things. https://www.hemmings.com/blog/2014/10/0 ... ale-again/
Phil Dragoo
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Was Jack Ruby Watching The Kennedy Motorcade

Post by Phil Dragoo »

November 22, 1963. Arlen Fuhlendorf, a group manager in the Dallas Intelligence Division of the Internal Revenue Service, told the FBI that Jack Ruby had contacted one of his informants the morning of the assassination. Ruby asked the informant if he “would like to watch the fireworks.” [Greg Parker determines informant Vanderslice died in Texas in 1979 or in Pennsylvania in 1978: https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.ne ... -fireworks]A few minutes after the shooting Victoria Adams, who worked in the TSBD, told the Warren Commission that she observed a man standing on the corner of Elm and Houston a few minutes after the assassination who may have been Jack Ruby. Across the street Mrs. Louis Velez, and two co-workers, saw Ruby walking up and down the street near the TSBD. When HARVEY Oswald came out of the building, they saw Ruby give him a pistol (perhaps, as was reported, a pistol with a defective firing pin). These women knew Oswald, who ate with them at a nearby restaurant, and both were acquainted with Jack Ruby. Mrs. Velez told her story of Ruby giving Oswald a pistol to her mother (Mrs. Evelyn Harris), who was interviewed by FBI agent Manning on 11/30/63. Neither Mrs. Velez nor her co-workers were interviewed by the DPD or FBI and given the opportunity to confirm or deny their story. If their story is true, then Ruby may have been setting up HARVEY Oswald, by giving him a pistol (with a defective firing pin) to provide justification for the police if and when they shot him. On Friday evening (11/22/63) District Attorney Henry Wade told news reporters, “when a Dallas Police officer was arresting him the pistol was snapped at another police officer's head and didn't fire.” (@ 1:35) from John Armstrong: Harvey and Lee: http://harveyandlee.net/Ruby/Ruby.htmlArmstrong alleges McLendon was one of Ruby's "closest friends"--McLendon was an associate of David Atlee Phillips. Ruby contacted the KLIF news hot line (known only to insiders) to determine the particulars of the DPD news conference and advised he would be available at KLIF when two men came to Brown's garage looking for him:The following day (Sat., Nov 23) Ruby arrived at the Allright Parking Garage between 1:30 PM and 2:00 PM and asked to use the telephone. He phoned the KLIF “hotline," known only to radio station personnel, and asked if any KLIF newsmen were at City Hall. After completing the call, Ruby left and within a few minutes called Thomas Brown, the manager of the parking garage. He told Brown that two men would soon stop by the garage and ask for him (Ruby). Ruby asked Brown to tell the men to contact him at KLIF radio. The two unidentified men soon arrived and Brown relayed the message. Around 3:00 PM Ruby returned to the parking garage and again telephoned KLIF radio, spoke with Garnett Hallmark and said, “I understand they are moving Oswald over to the county jail ... you know I'll be there.” At 4:00 PM a WBAP news crew was outside of the police station waiting for the transfer of Oswald to the county jail. Ruby approached a WBAP engineer and cameraman and said that he knew DA Henry Wade and offered to get information for them. Ruby was apparently trying to pose as a news reporter to once again gain access to the police station and to Oswald. After Ruby learned that Oswald was to be transferred to the county jail the next morning, he left the area.Noel Twyman, Bloody Treason, charts Ruby's calls to OC cutouts in the ninety days prior to the assassination. Coupled with his relief when advised Oswald was dead indicates an area of responsibility assigned and accomplished. [Twyman's researcher Anna Marie Kuhns-Walko found the FBI photo of two--not three--purported MC casings.]