JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

01.17.2018:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:My Opinions:Slav, an Excellent Long Time Contributing Member to the JFKMS Forum, has recently made several contributions, Posts and Articles about what I consider to be the Most Important Top Down Approach To The Removal Of JFK, and Related Subject Matters.While I acknowledge with respect all sincere efforts, focus, opinions, Analyses, Articles, Books, Interviews, Movies, Readings, Research, Videos, Writings, etc., ABOUT THE REMOVALS OF JFK, MX, MLK, and RFK, and THE OKLAHOMA BOMBINGS, and 09.11.2001, I SINCERELY BELIEVE THAT LESS THAN 5% OF THE COMPLETE, HONEST, TOTAL TRUTH HAS EVER BEEN ACHIEVED AND DISCLOSED OPENLY TO "We the People..."The Deep State Pretends that "We the People..." are like naive, simple, even stupid children "...who can't handle The Truth."I think that The True Reality of The Deep State is That They Play GOD, and Make Themselves Deeply Entrenched Powerful, and Rich, almost in a replicating, musical chairs fashion and format. HENCE CONSTANT WARS, FOR EXAMPLE.The Advisory Group that I work with is Greatly Interested in any and all Academic Contributions Reviewing any and all of Slav's Recent Contributions, and Similar Subject Matters from any and all JFKMS Forum Members.We personally have Zero Interest in Who Shot JFK.We know who shot JFK, and have The Proof. SO WHAT ?We don't care about how any shooters, shots, teams, etc. This has Zero Value to OUR Advisory Group Interest's and Project's.The Dispositive Work Product addressing the Salient Subject Matters for The Top Down Approach is what WE are interested in pursuing.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Post by Slav »

Thank you Bruce, all we have to do as others say is follow the money, with the fake media constantly trying to program the people into believing people like Posner and there official lies, the deep state seem to think we are all dummies, look how the news has changed in the past 25 years, before we had reporters trying to find the truth now we have reporters who insult people on there show to take there version of events.I never seen an attack on anyone like the attack on trump 24/7 I think we are living in a gastapo type world.
Tom Bigg
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Post by Tom Bigg »

I'm just hoping that artificial intelligence will be able to do what humans have not been able to do--unravel conspiracies like this with high computer statistical certainty. Remember the Star Trek computer? Never a doubt.Check out this article on a computer that recently started from zilch to attain mastery of chess:
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

Churchill referred to a "high cabal". Prouty expands on this concept:The Existence of a High Cabal or Power Elite core thesis is the discovery the earth was round made its expanse, resources, wealth finite.He finds the period 1600-2000 critical: exploration, colonization, economization.I see the powers that be as a combination Pusherman/Sheriff of Nottingham.Guido Giacomo Preparata, Conjuring Hitler ... 1Xpresents the subsidization of the Third Reich under Bank of England director (1922-1944) Montagu Normanon the foundation of the Treaty of Versailles created with Dulles & Dulles as internsSullivan & Cromwell was their means to doing business with Germanywhich was using the Soviet Union for aircraft manufactureProuty suggests war is now economic, something central to Gerard Colby & Charlotte DennettThy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil, 1994 ... 60927232in which the U.S. uses a panoply of tools to exploit foreign resources, diplomatic, military, commercial, covertButtressing an economic war armature concept is Donald Gibson, Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, 1994 ... 5779604JFK as one who thwarted corporate ambition--by not invading Cuba, by respecting Third World NationalismJFK’s Embrace of Third World NationalistsJim DiEugenio the Fed with EO 11110 and the National Security Establishment with the American University "Peace Speech" the same monthJFK’s War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated Kindle Editionby Douglas Horne ... VBIF0Today we have Clapper/Comey/Brennan arrayed against Trump--like JFK, the new kid on the blockUsing FISA to monitor POTUS as though it were a scene from Enemy of the State (1998) or Person of InterestWe have U.S. troops GUARDING the smack in Afsmackistan--behold TPTB as the pushermanNothing new here, opium wars--and Vietnam as a conduit, and the Contra action as another--Terry Reed and John Cunningham, Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the C.I.A., 1994 ... 493Clinton and Oliver North arguing over cocaine profitsProuty is certain China's culture pre-exists the West by millenia and dominates the cabalMao had friends in Truman's administrationSchwartz and Loral passed missile secrets; Wen Ho Lee had U.S. warhead and legacy codes on a disc he claimed he destroyedThe four-way deal in 1950 that gave Truman the military appropriation Forrestal balked at--before flying lessonsVietnam the war fought over JFK's dead body--because, you know, in the war factory You Don't Stop the MachineKhrushchev's sin of desiring to rebalance guns and butter got his ouster October 1964Evica saw a group of treasonous CIA and KGB officers above nationalism, ideology, religion, chain of commandThe arrival of Putin to follow the liberal Gorbachev: 1999 Blowing Up Russia: The Secret Plot to Bring Back KGB Terror by Alexander Litvinenko and Yuri Felshtinsky ... 017Hillary would be doing Uranium One because business is businessJust as Panetta would be Clinton's agent to sell PLAN/COSCO U.S. Navy Long Beach stationand FDR would play RISK/Battleship with Pearland display royal largesse with Eastern EuropeThe bankers call the tune and the rest high and low danceDead at the century mark with his fourth reptilian heartDavid Rockefeller who fought JFK's comptroller of the currency James J. Saxon over reforms to the Fed(You have no idea who you're dealing with, Howard Beale)
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Post by bobspez »

Really great summary Slav. The jury for me is still out on Trump. His rhetoric has been crazy but he has done no real harm as of yet. To me he comes off like Archie Bunker, and many of us have a bit of Archie inside us if we are senior citizens. All bark and no bite I can live with.Regarding the ruling cabal, I agree 100%. The history books are no secret. Anyone who cares can get the true story on Youtube and online essays. The problem as I see it is many people see the actions of the Dulles brothers, Harriman and Prescott Bush, the CIA, all the dirty tricks, assassinations, coup d'etat, wholesale murder and carnage as justified. They support it. They don't see those who the propaganda defines as "enemies" as human. And many don't care if they know the truth, and many more don't want to know because it upsets their view of the world as projected by the media, teachers, politicians, etc. They are willing to "Kill for Jesus", or have someone else do it, but they are killing for money, not Jesus and not democracy. The money of the wealthy orchestrating the whole system, which the rest of us see a small part of. The system works by the carrot and stick approach successfully used on mules. You get the carrot if you do your job in creating more wealth for the wealthy, the stick if you don't. The stick can be joblessness, homelessness, prison or death. The carrot can be a decent place to raise your family, food, shelter, a car, a TV, health care, an education, some toys and vacations. Most of us take the carrot for the years we are here. Those that don't can wind up dead, in prison, hooked on drugs, or just surviving on the generosity of others. We are living in a sort of matrix, but even if we see the matrix, we can't control it or change it. From time to time we try, but it always ends the same. Maybe it's just in our human dna to be manipulated by the rich and powerful for their benefit, the way it is in bees dna is to spend their lives and sacrifice them if need be to perpetuate the queen.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

01.21.2018:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:01.17.2018 - I originally Posted this Attention Getting, Sincere Headline and Supporting Material.A short, interesting Discussion followed.01.19.2018 - Mr. Phil Dragoo, one of the most brilliant researchers and writers I have ever encountered, Posted his Response, and Supporting Material.Phil Dragoo Posted a well delineated, well focused, clearly developed historically, extremely intelligent, well thought out and through thought process of:1. The Top Down Approach, 2. Through a Sequential Time Line Analysis, of The Deep State, controlling "We the People...",as originally referred to as The High Cabal by Sir Winston Churchill.In 1895 Sir Frederick Pollock and Frederic William Maitland wrote their HISTORY OF ENGLISH LAW BEFORE THE TIME OF EDWARD I. Pollock and Maitland are considered by many as 2 of the 3 greatest researchers and writers of the Development of the English Speaking People(s).Sir Winston Churchill was and is considered one of the 3 Best Researchers and Writers about the Development and the History of the English Speaking People(s) of all times.Phil cites one of the Best of the Best with Churchill as Phil usually does.Phil then goes on to cite the Theory of Finite Land, Minerals, and Riches, espoused in great part to the travels of Ferdinand Magellan, 1480 - 1521, when it was established the The World Is Round, and hence FINITE IN ALL REGARDS.Coupled later with Charles Darwin's Academic Darwinian Evolutionary Theory of Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest only served to concretize what the downtrodden, poor, Oppressors, Rulers, and Warlords knew for centuries - MIGHT MAKES RIGHT - POWER CONTROLS AND RULES WITH IMPUNITY, AND POWER CORRUPTS, AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY.Onward to the Civil War, the perfect mating of the Industrial Revolution, Wars, and Weaponry, all within the United States of America.Thereafter Samuel Bush helped create and develop Remington Arms and Buckeye Steel with Percy Rockefeller.Samuel Bush in his era with Remington Arms and Buckeye Steel became the equivalent to our modern day Dick Cheney with Halliburton."67% of all ammunition used in World War I by the U.S., Britain, and Russia was sold by the 'Merchants of Death' Remington".THUS WE SEE THE BEGINNING AND ENTRENCHMENT OF THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL CORPORATIONS AND THEIR FIXATIONS TO WARFARE, WARS, AND WEAPONRY FIRMLY BEGINNING DURING AND THROUGH THE CIVIL WAR, WITH GLOBAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TAKING HOLD DURING WORLD WAR I.Thereafter we saw Prescott Bush, Joseph Kennedy, Sr., and Henry Ford dealing with, financing, and/or providing for an Up and Coming Adolph Hitler.The Insurmountable Forces that JFK, MX, MLK, and RFK faced were truly like FIGHTING A BATTLESHIP WITH A BB GUN.HOW MANY WARS HAS THE U.S. BEEN INVOLVED IN SINCE VIETNAM, LAOS, AND CAMBODIA ALONE ?As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

WebsterGTarpleyGeorge Bush: The Unauthorized BiographyChapter 1 – The House of Bush: Born in a Bank 1919 Versailles peace conference brought together British imperial strategists and their American friends to make postwar global arrangements. For his own intended international adventures, Harriman needed Bert Walker the seasoned intriguer, who quietly represented many of the British-designated rulers of American politics and finance.*************Note: Dulles & Dulles would be at Versailles as interns, later to do business with Germany on behalf of Sullivan & Cromwell clients.*************The Hamburg-Amerika takeover created an effective instrument for the manipulation and fatal subversion of Germany. One of the great “merchants of death,” Samuel Pryor, was in it from the beginning. Pryor, then chairman of the executive committee of Remington Arms, helped arrange the deal and served with Walker on the board of Harriman’s shipping front organization, the American Ship and Commerce Co.Walker and Harriman took the next giant step in 1922, setting up their European headquarters office in Berlin. With the aid of the Hamburg-based Warburg bank, W.A. Harriman & Co. began spreading an investment net over German industry and raw materials.From the Berlin base, Walker and Harriman then plunged into deals with the new dictatorship of the Soviet Union. They led a select group of Wall Street and British Empire speculators who re-started the Russian oil industry, which had been devastated by the Bolshevik Revolution. They contracted to mine Soviet manganese, an element essential to modern steelmaking. These concessions were arranged directly with Leon Trotsky, then with Feliks Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Soviet dictatorship’s secret intelligence service (K.G.B), whose huge statue was finally pulled down by pro-democracy demonstrators in 1991.*************Note: Gore, too, was Skull & Bones, and--father and son--would be senatorial projects and protectors of Armand Hammer, Soviet bagman responsible for CPUSA. See also, Edward Epstein, Dossier: The Secret Life of Armand Hammer************From 1926, George’s father Prescott Bush showed a fierce loyalty to the Harrimans and a dogged determination to advance himself; he gradually came to run the day-to-day operations of W.A. Harriman & Co. After the firm’s 1931 merger with the British-American banking house Brown Brothers, Prescott Bush became managing partner of the resulting company: Brown Brothers Harriman. This was ultimately the largest and politically the most important private banking house in America************Note: Consider Donald Gibson on Guido Giacomo Preparata, Conjuring Hitler:His arguments about the role played in Germany’s turn to extremism of world economic developments, particularly in the 1931 to 1933 period, and of the machinations of the financial elites in the United States, England and Germany are convincing. Dr. Preparata presents an incisive analysis of the underlying relations among the policy-makers in the three countries, particularly between English and German elites, and he has made a convincing case that the actions taken by influential figures in the United States and England contributed to the rise of Hitler. In the process he has not only filled in gaps left by people such as President Clinton’s Georgetown University professor, Carroll Quigley (in his The Anglo-American Establishment and in Tragedy and Hope), but has advanced the explanation and given additional emphasis to economic factors. He has drawn on vast secondary literature in several languages to construct a descriptive and explanatory history that offers a somewhat new understanding of one of the most important developments in modern history. He makes the case that for at least some elites outside Germany, the aim was to foster a mutually destructive conflict between Germany and the USSR. Preparata argues that Germany’s destruction was top priority.Comment: German military put Lenin on a sealed train for Petrograd when Allen Dulles was running the U.S. diplomatic mission in Bern in 1917--Russia is removed from Germany's flank enabling it to prosper in the interbellum period, building the Wolf to attack the Bear to the advantage of the Lion, and later, the Eagle.The Cold War would ensue. Patton would be removed for wishing to end it. Forrestal would be removed for wishing to oppose the Truman-Marshall military appropriation. Kennedy would be removed to expedite the War to Make the World Safe for Heroin. Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev would be removed for desiring butter over guns. The Cold War is now in its Afghan/Cartel phase. [Per Golitsyn its end was a feint, a charade.]Trump's pursuit of The Wall and resistance to militarist adventurism has brought the machinations of the intelligence Rats' Kafka Castle.While the proles wallow in Krazy Kommie Kid Kills Kennedy While Russian Hookers Shower Hotel Bed.Capital returns to CONUS and a barrier threatens the world's largest industry: Drugs, second only to Arms and Oil.US oil production is a thorazine shot to Russian expansion and Chinese dredgemony.As London sinks into the Islamic Tar Pit.For the first time in two hundred years US and UK ends may diverge--hence Steele's intrigue.It's the end of the world as we know it--or did we ever really know it--
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Post by Bob »

This is part of a post I wrote in the flow chart thread started by Bruce at an earlier time. This basically gives one a quick view of the top down approach in the removal of JFK.- Two people who were definitely at the table at the outset of the plan to kill JFK were David Rockefeller and Allen Dulles.- The assassination was financed by Big Banking and Big Oil.- Big Banking was upset about changes to the Federal Reserve, while Big Oil was also pissed (oil depletion allowance).- The CIA and the Military Industrial Complex were not happy regarding JFK's policies in Cuba and Southeast Asia.- The Mob was not happy because RFK was going after them with zeal.- The primary assassination planners in the CIA/MIC were James Jesus Angleton, Richard Helms, Edward Lansdale and David Atlee Phillips.- Poppy Bush also had a subsidiary role, as he was the main recruiter for Operation 40, the CIA assassination team.- The actual assassination was orchestrated by the CIA/Mob, with assistance from the Secret Service.
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Post by Slav »

Bob I think we’re all forgetting the most important fact, Poppy George Bush sr was involved mainly because JFK really stole the election From Prescott Bush Puppet Richard Nixon I think this is what triggered the planning from day one , Prescott was so upset that Nixon lost that he had his son help to Take jfk out, and it was attempted again with Reagan .It was also attempted on Ross Perot, but the assasin from the Cia refused to kill Perot, and Poppy lost the election anyways without killing Perot.Bush= Crime Family, Drug Dealers, Treason.It’s funny that under Bush that there was a takeover of Pablo Escabar (killed and 30 billion missing) business and Noriega Business when he was good friends with the cia.
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Post by Slav »
