JFK Assassination
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Re: re

Post by Pennyworth »

R Croxford wrote:I lived in Hell Paso for 2 years, Fort Bliss. Do some homework on that place. Some cool shit has gone down in Bliss. That is .5 miles from Juarez, I could smell that shit hole at night.Peace

What year was this????

Which town are you speaking of Fort Bliss, El Paso , or Cuidad Juarez as the s-hole?
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

both in 90-91
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Re: re

Post by Pennyworth »

R Croxford wrote:both in 90-91

I was there passing thru on vacation...too bad I missed you by 10 years.

It wasn't that bad around 1981...It was the first time I set foot in Texas, and I haven't gone back and set foot in the Lone Star state since...Friends tell me that Texas is detestable though....ditto Florida....even passing thru....
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Horrific article....

Post by Pennyworth »

Clergy attack 'cure-all' church
Claims of satanic ritual, child sacrifice

December 10, 2005 Edition 1

Sheena Adams, Chiara Carter and Sheetal Snijder

Religious groups are up in arms over the plans of a controversial Brazilian church with a well-established presence in South Africa to hold a mass miracle healing event in Johannesburg on New Year's Eve.

The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) was banned for the second time in Zambia last week and is being investigated by religious groups in South Africa who have heard bizarre allegations about the church, ranging from satanic worship to child sacrifice.

Undeterred, the UCKG intends holding a mass miracle-healing event at the FNB Stadium on New Year's Eve and has been touting the rally with television adverts which promote the meeting as a cure-all for finance and health issues.

The UCKG, founded in 1977 by self-professed street preacher Emir Macedo, has long been tainted by claims of satanic worship - one of the reasons the Zambian authorities banned the church this week.

Crowds rioted in the capital Lusaka last month amid rumours of a planned ritual sacrifice. Madagascar banned the church in February this year and jailed four senior church officials for the burning of Bibles.

The UCKG claims a presence in about 85 countries around the world.

Various articles have been written about the church from Los Angeles and Paris to Madagascar and Mozambique, alleging money laundering and even drug smuggling.

All accusations have been refuted by the UCKG and investigations have proved none of the allegations.

Besides the sprawling network of churches, Macedo also heads a wealthy business empire in Brazil which includes a television network, radio stations and a bank.

Reverend Moss Nthla, co-ordinator of the Evangelical Alliance of SA (Teasa), told Independent Newspapers yesterday his organisation had long been investigating the UCKG and had approached the Human Rights Commission to take the investigation further. He said he was advised to take the complaints to the police.

Nthla said several people had complained to Teasa about various aspects of the UCKG's operation in South Africa. Complaints ranged from satanic influences in the church services to human sacrifice, he said.

Dr Molefe Tsele, general secretary of the South African Council of Churches, said that the organisation was working on ongoing research into emerging churches such as the UCKG.


One man, claiming to be a former UCKG pastor, submitted a videotaped testimony in which he listed a host of allegations including that children were sacrificed and their bones ground into a salt to be given out to worshippers during church services.

Nthla said the man had also said human blood was mixed with a type of oil to form a concoction then used during blessing ceremonies.

"The institution presents itself as an ordinary Christian church, but when you look deeper down you'll see the satanic influences. The problem is proving them in court," he said.

The church opened its first South African branch in Johannesburg in 1992. Its website ( says the church is active in eight provinces, with cathedrals in Durban, Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town.

The UCKG was approached for comment several times. An official from the office of presiding Bishop Bira Fonseca refused a request for an interview, but promised the church would respond to written questions. However, officials did not respond to repeated appeals for answers.
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Blood solicitation mentioned in this article....

Post by Pennyworth »

Public warned against miracle-healing claims

December 10 2005 at 04:45AM

Religious groups are up in arms at the plans of a controversial Brazilian church to hold a mass miracle healing event in South Africa on New Year's Eve.

The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) was banned for the second time in Zambia last week and is being investigated by concerned religious groups in South Africa who say bizarre allegations have been made about the church, ranging from satanic worship to child sacrifice .

The UCKG intends holding a mass miracle-healing event at Johannesburg's FNB Stadium on New Year's Eve and has been advertising the rally on television adverts as a cure-all for improved finances and health.

The UCKG was founded in 1977 by self-professed Brazilian street preacher Emir Macedo and has long been tainted by claims of satanic worship.

'They would not deal with the spiritual concerns'
This is the Zambian government's second attempt to outlaw the organisation - on the previous occasion the government claimed the church had solicited blood from its members.

Crowds rioted in the capital Lusaka last month amid rumours of a planned ritual sacrifice of two people who were said to have been taken hostage by the church. Madagascar banned the church in February this year and jailed four senior church officials for burning bibles.

The UCKG claims a presence in about 85 countries around the world and at least 22 in Africa.

The church has been the centre of media speculation from Los Angeles and Paris to Madagascar and Mozambique; numerous articles have alleged the church is involved in money laundering and even drug smuggling.

All allegations have been denied by the UCKG and investigations launched by various governments have come up with nothing.

The church is allegedly involved in drug smuggling
Besides the sprawling international network of churches, Macedo also heads a wealthy business empire in Brazil which includes a television network, radio stations and a bank.

Reverend Moss Nthla, co-ordinator of the Evangelical Alliance of South Africa (TEASA), said on Friday that his organisation had been investigating the activities of the UCKG for a long time. He said the Human Rights Commission had advised them to take the complaints to the police.

"We must pursue this with the police... although they are likely to have a limited agenda and would probably concentrate on the drugs and the money laundering.

"They would not deal with the spiritual concerns," he said.

Nthla said "several people" had complained to TEASA about various aspects of the UCKG's operation in SA. Complaints ranged from "satanic influences" to human sacrifice.

Dr Molefe Tsele, general secretary of the South African Council of Churches (SACC), confirmed that the organisation was working on "ongoing research" into emerging churches such as the UCKG.

Nthla said TEASA had co-sponsored a meeting with the SACC in 2000 in which testimonies of former UCKG employees and allegations against the UCKG were discussed.

One man, claiming to be a former UCKG pastor, submitted a videotaped testimony in which he listed a host of allegations including that children were sacrificed and their bones ground into a salt to be given out to worshippers during church services.

He also claimed that the church was involved in drug smuggling.

Nthla said the man had also said that human blood was mixed with a type of oil to form a concoction, which was then used during blessing ceremonies in the churches.

"The challenge for us is that it's very difficult to pin down all these claims... But we really want to blow the whistle on the these guys.

"The institution presents itself as a Christian church or an ordinary Pentecostal or Evangelical church at a superficial rhetoric level but when you look deeper down you'll hear about all these Satanic influences.

"The problem is proving them in a court of law," he said.

The church's South African chapter has been growing in leaps and bounds since opening its first branch in Johannesburg in 1992. Its South African website says the church is active in eight provinces with main "cathedrals" in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban and Cape Town.

Nthla said the alliance was working on a statement intended for release in the next few days in order to warn people against the miracle-healing gathering on New Year's Eve.

He added that the seeming ease with which the church operated in South Africa should serve as a wake-up call to the religious community which also needed to take responsibility for the mushrooming of such "suspicious institutions".
r christen
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Post by r christen »

And its connection to the JFK assassination is........???????????????????
Posts: 2931
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Post by Pennyworth »

r christen wrote:And its connection to the JFK assassination is........???????????????????

I am thinking more in the lines of Mexican crimes and South American crimes.....these articles are posted under the 'New World Order'...threads..there are connections with South Americans to JFK assassination ...Posada Carilles for one....
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Fourth paragraph didn't paste ...

Post by Pennyworth »

Public warned against miracle-healing claims

December 10 2005 at 04:45AM

Religious groups are up in arms at the plans of a controversial Brazilian church to hold a mass miracle healing event in South Africa on New Year's Eve.

The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) was banned for the second time in Zambia last week and is being investigated by concerned religious groups in South Africa who say bizarre allegations have been made about the church, ranging from satanic worship to child sacrifice .

The UCKG intends holding a mass miracle-healing event at Johannesburg's FNB Stadium on New Year's Eve and has been advertising the rally on television adverts as a cure-all for improved finances and health.

The UCKG was founded in 1977 by self-professed Brazilian street preacher Emir Macedo and has long been tainted by claims of satanic worship.

'They would not deal with the spiritual concerns'
This is the Zambian government's second attempt to outlaw the organisation - on the previous occasion the government claimed the church had solicited blood from its members.

Crowds rioted in the capital Lusaka last month amid rumours of a planned ritual sacrifice of two people who were said to have been taken hostage by the church. Madagascar banned the church in February this year and jailed four senior church officials for burning bibles.

The UCKG claims a presence in about 85 countries around the world and at least 22 in Africa.

The church has been the centre of media speculation from Los Angeles and Paris to Madagascar and Mozambique; numerous articles have alleged the church is involved in money laundering and even drug smuggling.

All allegations have been denied by the UCKG and investigations launched by various governments have come up with nothing.

The church is allegedly involved in drug smuggling
Besides the sprawling international network of churches, Macedo also heads a wealthy business empire in Brazil which includes a television network, radio stations and a bank.

Reverend Moss Nthla, co-ordinator of the Evangelical Alliance of South Africa (TEASA), said on Friday that his organisation had been investigating the activities of the UCKG for a long time. He said the Human Rights Commission had advised them to take the complaints to the police.

"We must pursue this with the police... although they are likely to have a limited agenda and would probably concentrate on the drugs and the money laundering.

"They would not deal with the spiritual concerns," he said.

Nthla said "several people" had complained to TEASA about various aspects of the UCKG's operation in SA. Complaints ranged from "satanic influences" to human sacrifice.

Dr Molefe Tsele, general secretary of the South African Council of Churches (SACC), confirmed that the organisation was working on "ongoing research" into emerging churches such as the UCKG.

Nthla said TEASA had co-sponsored a meeting with the SACC in 2000 in which testimonies of former UCKG employees and allegations against the UCKG were discussed.

One man, claiming to be a former UCKG pastor, submitted a videotaped testimony in which he listed a host of allegations including that children were sacrificed and their bones ground into a salt to be given out to worshippers during church services.

He also claimed that the church was involved in drug smuggling.

Nthla said the man had also said that human blood was mixed with a type of oil to form a concoction, which was then used during blessing ceremonies in the churches.

"The challenge for us is that it's very difficult to pin down all these claims... But we really want to blow the whistle on the these guys.

"The institution presents itself as a Christian church or an ordinary Pentecostal or Evangelical church at a superficial rhetoric level but when you look deeper down you'll hear about all these Satanic influences.

"The problem is proving them in a court of law," he said.

The church's South African chapter has been growing in leaps and bounds since opening its first branch in Johannesburg in 1992. Its South African website says the church is active in eight provinces with main "cathedrals" in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban and Cape Town.

Nthla said the alliance was working on a statement intended for release in the next few days in order to warn people against the miracle-healing gathering on New Year's Eve.

He added that the seeming ease with which the church operated in South Africa should serve as a wake-up call to the religious community which also needed to take responsibility for the mushrooming of such "suspicious institutions".

This article was originally published on page 2 of Saturday Argus on December 10, 2005
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Post by Pennyworth »

This is what the paragraph won't copy and paste...

"This is the Zambia government's second attempt to outlaw the organization- on the previous occasion the government claimed the church had solicited blood for the members."
