Who was George Bush?

JFK Assassination
Michael Calder
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Who was George Bush?

Post by Michael Calder »

There is history and then there is what actually happened. Many fine things were said about George Bush including per his request, a train ride to his final destination. Did he think he was Lincoln or Robert Kennedy? His funeral may be his final con in a life long charade. There is a note from J. Edgar Hoover to his G- men to contact George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency as he has information pertaining to President Kennedy's assassination. Is that our George? A writer tracked down this lead and in a brilliant essay concluded , yes, that was our George. Can't remember the writer's name. In 1964, Bush ran for elected office which means he was now deep cover CIA and CIA had decided to penetrate the political sphere. 1976 brings George Bush as Director of Central Intelligence but the problem is his resume would never have gotten him an interview for the job. On the other hand, if CIA brass asked President Ford to appoint him then CIA would have one of their own to ward off the several congressional investigations of CIA that were going on at this time. A logical reason to have Bush positioned as vice president is if CIA was preparing to assassinate the president elect. As an aside, a woman requested a meeting with me when my book, JFK vs. CIA, was published. She contacted me through my brother in the BAY Area, and he told me she was rich having moved from Belvedere to a condo in Burlingame after her husband died. She told me she worked for Richard Helms in CIA and when discussing his involvement in the assassination said, "Oh Dick, he wouldn't have done that." That caused me to smile. When asked what id CIA agents used state side she told me "Treasury" and I immediately remembered "treasury" agents rushing into the TSBD. Looking at a signed photo of George and his wife I inquired and she said she was friends and worked with George Bush in CIA. At some point I asked her when she retired from CIA and she said 1964. Do the math. There is history and then there is what happened. George Bush, behind his charm and supposed good nature, was a traitor and just got the last laugh. Wonder what he had to say to the Kennedy brothers?
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Re: Who was George Bush?

Post by Bob »

Always great to hear from you, Michael.The pageantry of Poppy's funeral and the adulation of him by the MSM only proves one thing."History is written by the victors."
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

12.07.2018FRIDAY8:14 P.M.Chicago, Illinois timeDear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:PEOPLE ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT:HISTORY IS WRITTEN BY THE VICTORS.DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES.MAIN STREAM MEDIA IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE FIRST ROUGH DRAFT OF HISTORY.Michael Calder and Bob Fox are both brilliant researchers, students, and writers on JFK, GHWB, and other related Subject Matters. Both gentlemen have a very longhistory of verified academic works, and are contributors here on Wim Dankbaar'sJFK Murder Solved Forum.In addition, Bob Fox is not only a member here, but an outstanding Moderator.People, you would be well served to always read the Work Product of these twodedicated men.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Who was George Bush?

Post by Slav »

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Re: Who was George Bush?

Post by Slav »

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Re: Who was George Bush?

Post by Slav »

https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.rolling ... 27/amp/I’m wondering are the Bush and Clinton’s untouchable, why aren’t any info being made public or in the msm. Who will be the new godfather ? It’s clear that the CIA is not controlled by the president, Is there 2 parts to the cia? The government and the independent contractors and back door senators.Is there a power struggle to replace the godfather ?
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Re: Who was George Bush?

Post by Slav »

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Re: Who was George Bush?

Post by Slav »

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Re: Who was George Bush?

Post by Slav »

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Re: Who was George Bush?

Post by Slav »

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JYL9O0MWuz0Robert Kennedy Train had a lot of spectators