Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words By Walt Brown

JFK Assassination
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Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words By Walt Brown

Post by kenmurray »

Walt has a new book in Kindle Form coming in June exposing the claims of JVB.Direct quote from researcher Chuck Ochelli: “If you think Judy has anything of value to offer, you should really get this book and learn how bad of an assumption that is” – “This book shows the reader why Me and Lee needs to be in the fan-fiction section”– Chuck Ochelli –https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RH9FXBG?fb ... jSG4t7l1kQ
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words By Walt Brown

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

05.05.2019Sunday8:03 p.m.,Chicago, Illinois time:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Ken Murray, Long Time Outstanding Moderator and Member of Mr. Willem Dankbaar's JFKMS Forum,as always sincere Thanks for your cutting edge contribution.LHO may have been a Patsy relative to actually firing shots at JFK. THAT IS IRRELEVANT.But:LHO WAS EITHER DUMB AS DIRT, or GUILTY AS HELL of:1. CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT THE MURDER OF JFK BEFORE THE FACT, and/or2. CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT THE MURDER OF JFK DURING THE FACT, and/or3. CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT THE MURDER OF JFK AFTER THE FACT.LHO may have been a Patsy for firing a shot at JFK. BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER AT ALL.BUT the real Patsy is Judith Vary Baker who LHO "picked up" accidentally at the Post Office, andused as a cover for his homosexual relationship with David Ferrie, as he used Maria from Russiato the U.S., who later claimed that LHO had Zero Interest in sex with women after his coverswere established.Since 1963 James Earl Sutton - Files (JESF) has maintained that David Atlee Phillips, (DAP) the CIA Controller of both JESF and LHO, had LHO show up at immediately after JESF advised CIA ControllerDAP what motel and room JESF was actually staying at. LHO immediately showed up to JESF's motel room to assist. LHO had previously been introduced to JESF as part of the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol with David Ferrie, and Barry Seals. LHO and Seals were both "proteges" of Ferrie, a widely known De-Frocked Roman Catholic Priest for raping little Roman Catholic Church Altar Boys. Ferrie was also know to practice hypnosis on LHO, Seals, and young Roman Catholic Church Altar Boys.Only DAP could have SENT LHO to assist JESF at the Mesquite Motel in Texas leading up to The JFK Removal - THE BIG EVENT.LHO WAS DUMB AS DIRT, OR HAD A FULL WEEK TO REALLY DE-RAIL THE CIA - OUTFIT PLANS TO REMOVEJFK.ANY OTHER BELIEF, CONJECTURE, RUMOR, OR SPECULATION IS PURELY ATTENTION, FAME, MONEY, NOTORIETY, etc., DRIVEN, and/or ORIENTED.JESF SPENT THE WEEK BEFORE THE JFK REMOVAL BEING DRIVEN AROUND BY LHO, WHO WAS ANEXCELLENT DRIVER WHO SHOWED JESF ALL ALLEYS, PARKING LOTS, STREETS, EXITS, and POSSIBLEESCAPE ROUTES IN AND AROUND DEALEY PLAZA, DALLAS, TEXAS UP TO AND INCLUDING THE WEEK JFK WAS EASILY, AND SUCCESSFULLY REMOVED ON 11.22.1963.LHO PERSONALLY TOOK JESF TO A PRIVATE RANGE A FEW DAYS BEFORE THE JFK REMOVAL TO SIGHT IN A VARIETY OF WEAPONS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO SCOPED RIFLES.LHO PERSOANLLY "BRASSED" FOR JESF - THAT IS LHO PICKED UP ALL SPENT BRASS/CASSINGS andPLACED THEM IN A PAPER BAG THAT JEFS TOOK CONTROL AND POSSESSION OF BEFORE LEAVING.LHO NEVER, EVER MADE A SERIOUS ATTEMPT TO DELAY, DERAIL, HINDER, or STOP THE REMOVAL OFJFK ON OR BEFORE 11.22.1963 IN DALLAS, TEXAS, ALTHOUGH HE HAD MORE THAN AMPLE OPPORTUNITY.The foregoing has all been known since 1963 by the CIA, THE FBI, and others.The week of JFK's Removal, 11.22.1963 Cell Phones were not available.The week of JFK's Removal in Rural Texas there were very few pay phones.LHO was monitored and never, ever given any chance to communicate with anybody substantially.Comments,Respectfully,BB. As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Phil Dragoo
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Re: Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words By Walt Brown

Post by Phil Dragoo »

In John Newman, Into the Storm, his third volume on the JFK assassination he relates the view of top CIA Cold War Spy Bagley in a conversation with UK researcher Blunt re Oswald and the 1959 defection.Both agree it was an Angleton counterintelligence operation to uncover the Popov mole.Blunt posited Oswald was unwitting.Bagley insisted--stipulated--Oswald was witting.I am certain Oswald did not expect the president to be assassinated.That Oswald's denial of the ownership of the alleged weapon was genuine."I didn't shoot anybody." "I'm just a patsy."He was an intelligence operative used by ONI, CIA, FBI.His Saturday night call to John Hurt in Raleigh was his "death warrant" per Victor Marchetti, aide to DCI Helms.An attempt at a clean contact with his handler--a fatal violation of cover.The Baker scenario is a Gone With the Wind depiction of a snapshot in time.The larger, more fascinating view includes the propinquity--the nearness in time--of the deaths of Roselli and Harvey.The Army machinations by Lansdale and Lemnitzer.The CIA-Mafia plots against Castro as cover for the operation to remove Kennedy.The military autopsy described by Hornberger.The hub of military-intelligence-organized crime at which we find the Grassy Knoll shooter.Mantik posits three head shots: 1) occipital; 2) right forehead; 3) right temple.The last "may have been mercury" and "blew out the Harper Fragment".A redundancy indicating the vital importance of removing the president.Comes Bundy with NSAM 273 and LBJ to serve the bidding of the Deep State."To live outside the law you must be honest"and we know the code of military-intelligence-organized crime is strongest in survivors.Giancana and Colby and Ferrie serve to illustrate the importance of discretion.Who has survived by refusing to compromise his principles?We know the answer.
Michael Calder
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Re: Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words By Walt Brown

Post by Michael Calder »

Michael Calder
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Re: Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words By Walt Brown

Post by Michael Calder »

Bruce,If Files is being driven around by LHO it may be the LHO look a like. FBI interviewed Lee's uncle, Dutch, I believe his name, and the uncle told of trying to teach LHO how to drive a car but was unsuccessful. He made a comment derogatory about Lee's ability. Marina says Lee couldn't drive. Ruth Payne took him out in a parking lot to teach him but to no avail. As far as shooting, Nelson Delgado told the Warren Commission lawyer that on the day Lee earned his shooting score, Lee missed the entire target several times. That Lee was a poor shot. Delgado was at the range shooting with Lee that day. Two Lees. Also, at the furniture store, two women who saw Lee drive up in a car with a woman and a child asking bout furniture, were adamant that the man was LHO though Marina disclaims this never happened. So the lookalike is a ringer for Lee.
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Re: Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words By Walt Brown

Post by kenmurray »

Michael Calder wrote:Bruce,If Files is being driven around by LHO it may be the LHO look a like. FBI interviewed Lee's uncle, Dutch, I believe his name, and the uncle told of trying to teach LHO how to drive a car but was unsuccessful. He made a comment derogatory about Lee's ability. Marina says Lee couldn't drive. Ruth Payne took him out in a parking lot to teach him but to no avail. As far as shooting, Nelson Delgado told the Warren Commission lawyer that on the day Lee earned his shooting score, Lee missed the entire target several times. That Lee was a poor shot. Delgado was at the range shooting with Lee that day. Two Lees. Also, at the furniture store, two women who saw Lee drive up in a car with a woman and a child asking bout furniture, were adamant that the man was LHO though Marina disclaims this never happened. So the lookalike is a ringer for Lee.The man that could and could not drive: http://harveyandlee.net/Driving/Drive.htm
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Re: Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words By Walt Brown

Post by JDB4JFK »

Bruce, I agree with you that the LHO that worked at the TSBD was dumb as dirt. As soon as, he knew the president's motorcade was coming by his building he didn't know he was the "PATSY"??? Also, I have a couple of questions for you. Which LHO was driving Jimmy around the week before? Lee, who I believe was Robert's brother was 5' 10" to 5' 11" and weighed 165, 170 pounds. The Harvey guy who worked at the TSBD, and was shot by Ruby was 5' 8" 138 pounds. Which one drove Jimmy around? How tall was Jimmy?Thanks,JB
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words By Walt Brown

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

05.10.201911:35 p.m.,Chicago, Illinois time:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:JDB4JFK you are an excellent member and contributor of Wim's JFKMS Forum, whom I like and respect.With no disrespect to you, I will give you our toned down response after we quit laughing our asses off.PLEASE EXPLAIN:1. Who cares 56 years later ?2. Why anyone even thinks this even matters 56 years later ?3. Why are JFK Researcher's chasing their tails and tales 56 years later ?4. What does this have to do with Who had the Authority and Power to Safely Plan The Removal of JFK in 1963 ?5. What does this have to do with who had the Power to Easily Remove JFK, and immediately coverit up from 1963 - 2019 ?6. What does this have to do with Why The Removal of JFK is STILL TOTALLY BURIED AND COVERED-UP56 YEARS LATER ?7. WHO BENEFITTED BEFORE, DURING, AFTER, TO AND THROUGH TODAY, WITH THE REMOVAL OF JFK ?As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words By Walt Brown

Post by JDB4JFK »

OK BRUCE LET ME ANSWER YOUR SEVEN STUPID QUESTIONS:1. I care they killed my President!!!2. I think and believe it matters!3. I'm not chasing my tail, I know who killed JFK, JUST TRYING TO GET THE PARTICULARS!4. We know who had the authority were just trying to get the incidentals!5. It has a lot to do with who had the power to kill JFK, SO ANSWER THE QUESTION PAL!6. The removal was obvious the Military Industrial Complex is for war and JFK WASNT!7. This was a Coup de ta from start to finish and who benefited from it was, the Military, LBJ, CIA, FBI, BIG BANKING, BIG OIL, ETC!NOW ANSWER THE QUESTIONS I ASK OR I WILL LAUGH ABOUT YOU AND JIMMY'S SO CALLED PARTICIPATION TO THIS CRIME!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words By Walt Brown

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

05.13.2019Monday1:19 a.m.,Chicago, Illinois time:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:JDB4JFK - Not quite The Intelligence Level Of A Response that I expected. Therefore, I willrespond in kind.Simply put, you are WRONG on All of your Answers. Go back to the drawing board. START OVER !1. Virtually 99% of Americans don't care about THE REMOVAL OF JFK. Write your own book, or wellthought out article, and rise above your dribs and drabs that amount to nothing.2. It matters to nobody, other than a few JFK Groupies. Write a book, or even a well thought out article, and get it published, and throw it in our faces Please.3. 56 years of particulars exist about THE REMOVAL OF JFK. NOBODY, NOWHERE, NO HOW HAS EVERPUT IT ALL TOGETHER. I now think that you are clueless. If you think that we are wrong, then go write your own book, OR PUBLISH YOUR OWN ARTICLES SOON ! PLEASE !4. I don't think 99% of Americans know who structured and ordered THE REMOVAL OF JFK, nor wouldthey comprehend the machinations of THE REMOVAL OF JFK IF THEY WERE TOLD SO COMPLETELY !5. I don't respond to intimidation. You need us. We don't need you. Write a book or article of somesubstance and tell us off with Authoritative Sources, Please.6. It was Not a Military Coup d'etat, and Vietnam was less that 5% of the reason. Certainly not originalthoughts, merely Cut, Pasted and Copied from the Paste and Copy "Writers." Certainly no original thought pattenrs.7. Yes those you listed benefitted, but they only rode along. Does that therefore mean that everybodywho benefitted from THE REMOVAL OF JFK BEFORE, DURING, OR AFTER WAS INVOLVED ? HOW ABOUTTHOSE LIVING TODAY THAT BENEFIT STILL FROM THE REMOVAL OF JFK ?Some of them may have been spokes in the wheel., but "they" were not "Initiators" or "Planners." Show me any authoritative sources that prove that any person related to what you wrote, can be definitively linked to THE REMOVAL OF JFK. There have been Coup's since Cain killed Abel, Jesus, Caesar, and leaders throughout history, including4 U.S.A. President's. JFK IS STILL DUST IN THE WIND ! If you are so sure, list the exact names, dates, and reasons, and how Orders were communicated. ANDplease delineate them specifically, and avoid temper tantrums, Thank you.Now Please Laugh. As we don't care, and your opinion no longer counts. Go read another JFK book written by a clueless author WHO WASN'T INVOLVED IN THE REMOVAL OF JFK, who wrote his/her book after reading other clueless authors WHO ALSO WEREN'T INVOLVED IN THE REMOVAL OF JFK. ALL CUT AND PASTE JOBS.90% OF ALL JFK REMOVAL ARTICLES AND BOOKS ARE GLORIFIED CUT AND PASTE JOBS. PROVE ME WRONG.Writing JFK books, etc., HAS BECOME THE JOKE - A BUSINESS FOR SUCKERS, "FULL TIME CUT AND PASTEEXPERTS."As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.