JFK Assassination
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Narcosphere Report....

Post by Pennyworth »

Juarez murders shine light on an emerging 'Military Cartel'Posted by Bill Conroy - December 6, 2008 at 8:30 pm America’s drug war has made murder a growth industry in Juarez, a sprawling Mexican border town of some 1.2 million people located a stone’s throw from the Texas city of El Paso.The growth of this industry is measured in corpses and coffins. Some say the number of murders in Juarez so far this year exceeds 1,400, but no one really knows for sure, because not all the corpses have been found, so they can’t all be counted.In recent weeks, the U.S. media has added a new subplot to its time-tested narrative explaining the bloodshed sparked by the narco-trafficking business — an enterprise valued at as much $500 billion globally, according to the United Nations, with up to a quarter of that business flowing through Mexico to feed the U.S. drug habit.Again, no one really knows the true size of this enterprise, because it is hidden in the shadows, but few could argue against the reality that the flow of money from illegal drug sales is helping to prop up the economy of Mexico — and the bank accounts of both legitimate and illegitimate businesses on both sides of the border, since that money spends like Brenda Norrell - December 8, 2008 at 6:35 pm By Brenda NorrellTUCSON -- Border towers and automatic killzones are already a reality in Israel and could be the next step for the US/Mexico border. Meanwhile, an unmanned and malfunctioning Predator drone is headed for the US/Canadian border from the US/Mexico border to endanger lives there.The drones, unmanned spy planes, were discontinued for a while after one crashed near Nogales, Ariz., in 2006. Congress, however, brought back the drones, equipped with lasers, to endanger lives on the ground again. The Predators are also used by the US to kill people in Iraq and Afghanistan, controlled by US soldiers in Arizona and Nevada.Now, Noah Shachtman writes in WIRED that the US government has been trying with limited success to install a string of sensor-laden sentry towers at the US/Mexico border. In Israel, these towers have automatic weapons to spray death. ... l%E2%80%99
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Post by Pennyworth »

R Croxford wrote:40 Americans have been killed in Juarez so far this year. It is a war zone there. The funny part is Fort Bliss were I lived for 2 years is in El Paso. Hmm.More info...kidnapped and missing Americans...
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Post by Pennyworth »

Mexican border doctors march against crime schools close as children are threatened ... 9520SU01IN MEXICO, ASSASSINS OF INCREASING SKILLWell-Coordinated Cartel Hits Show Greater Sophistication...According to Mexican officials, rifles stolen from Fort Bliss, a U.S. Army post in El Paso, end up on the streets of Juarez. At the forensic laboratory, the ballistics team pulled out a dozen weapons, including AK-47s, AR-15s, M-16s and other military-grade arms. ... 03540.html
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Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Mexican border doctors march against crime schools close as children are threatened ... 9520SU01IN MEXICO, ASSASSINS OF INCREASING SKILLWell-Coordinated Cartel Hits Show Greater Sophistication...According to Mexican officials, rifles stolen from Fort Bliss, a U.S. Army post in El Paso, end up on the streets of Juarez. At the forensic laboratory, the ballistics team pulled out a dozen weapons, including AK-47s, AR-15s, M-16s and other military-grade arms. ... 03540.html Watch the video please... ... 2172.shtml
bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

Weapons stolen from a secure post-911 US military installation - a police radio frequency, also (ostensibly) secure is jammed with propaganda broadcasts - this has CIA fingerprints all over it. Walking over police channels requires rather sophisticated equipment & training, and you don't pull weapons/ordinance out of an Army base, like a fast food drivethrough... PERIOD. Look at the terror provoking mutilations and their styling. I've heard similar techniques were used in Vietnam (green faced frogmen). My humble .02
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Post by ChristophMessner »

On youtube the video TK1.4 U.S. Nuclear False Flag Coming! - 2nd 9/11 - PART 1 to 7is telling that US military has placed (mini?)nukes on strategic places all over the earth (listen to Part 5 especially) to create a zero-delay-blackmail-threat to possible opponents to the NWO, but on American soil, too, so that they can blow up the Congress for example to create the situation of emergancy and dictatorship instantly. Obviously the Vatican and the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta for example believe in the autoritarian world order, the city of man, the centralized leadership much more than in democracy, freedom and individuality. I think, we must not stare like the mouse in front of the nuclear snake, but we must concentrate on the time afterwards. Blackmail-nukes-etc will still be on place ... Which kind of Kennedy inside of all of us do we need then?
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Post by Pennyworth »

KIDNEY HARVESTING.... Kidney Thieves in Las Vegas & New Orleans - 1997 Email Text ...Here's what's happened so far in Las Vegas and in New Orleans. Las Vegas: ... Organ harvesting myths debunked; Kidney Thieves in Austin - 21k - Cached - Similar pagesFalun Dafa (Falun Gong) Clearwisdom.netOrgan Harvesting from Living Falun Gong Practitioners by the Chinese Government ... Conducts Many Kidney Transplants and Covers Up Its Sources for Organs [6/30/ 2008] ...... Macau: Practitioners Call for an End to the Genocide Conducted by the Chinese ... Thousands of Las Vegas Citizens Urge President Bush to Demand ... - 150k - Cached - Similar pagesAsia Sentinel - Eyeing the Neighbors With Distrust in Asiaorgan-harvest. Kidney transplant in four easy steps. ... Briefly told, a trusting rube checks into a Las Vegas hotel for the first time, .... Two interesting revelations resulted from a side-trip to Macau on this vacation: one is the ... ... Itemid=206 - The Kidney Harvesting Crime RingThe word from my sister-in-law is that the hospital in Las Vegas (yes, ... before the Superbowl New Orleans experienced a wave of Kidney Harvesting stories . ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pagesThe Kidney Thieves (Austin) - Netlore Archive(which, by the way have been highly noted in the Las Vegas area). ... Kidney Thieves in Las Vegas & New Orleans - 1997 Email Text - Netlore Archi. - 24k - Cached - Similar pagesKidney Thieves in Las Vegas & New Orleans - 1997 Email Text ...Here's what's happened so far in Las Vegas and in New Orleans. Las Vegas: ... Organ harvesting myths debunked; Kidney Thieves in Austin - 21k - Cached - Similar pagesMore results from »Kidney Theft & HarvestingThe Kidney Theft and organ harvesting legends and variations. ... As the story evolved, these kidney thefts were soon taking place in Las Vegas, Houston, ... - 10k - Cached - Similar - Kidney HarvestLas Vegas (yes, Vegas) prior to transferring him back to Houston stated ... that other than the fact that the victim looses a kidney there has not been any ... - 19k - Cached - Similar pagesKidney HarvestOct 2, 2003 ... Kidney Harvest. Note that this letter claims that everything is true ... The word from my sister-in-law is that the hospital in Las Vegas ... - 6k - Cached - Similar Kidney TheftFeb 6, 2006 ... The word from my sister-in-law is that the hospital in Las Vegas ..... This legend also shows up as the plot of the 1993 movie The Harvest. ... - Similar - Volume 12, Number 2Kevorkian Adds Kidney Harvesting to Assisted Suicide Agenda ... wouldn't even try to compare it to anything professional," Dragovic told a Las Vegas paper. ... - 69k - Cached - Similar pagesapril: [DEHAI] kidney harvest[DEHAI] kidney harvest. Japerazzo@AOL.COM ... I just telephoned the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to confirm the story of these kidney harvesters ... ... /0728.html - 4k - Cached - Similar pages
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Post by Pennyworth »

Mexico's National Human Rights Commission issued a report in July about four particularly grave cases of recent military abuse in different Mexican states, Weinberg said. "All of those cases involved torture of civilians, some of it very brutal, [including] electric shock and rape... In Michoacán, soldiers at a roadblock shot up a car and killed some kids."The human rights commission called on the Mexican defense secretary to punish those who violate human rights. "Up until now, those recommendations have been ignored," Weinberg said, "and so the abuses keep occurring."Human rights groups fear that another set of new players in the drug war won't help that situation— companies like Blackwater and DynCorp that carry their own bloody baggage.Blackwater USA, the private security firm already accused of atrocities in Iraq, is negotiating with Calderón's government to train specialized soldiers in the Mexican army and to also act as a private security force."But you know they're going to be all over everything, doing a little busting of people, doing a little dirty work for people ... It's what they do," Castillo said.Made up primarily of former members of the US Special Forces, Blackwater, like DynCorp and several other private companies, has been used extensively by the US Department of Defense in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere to provide security and other services. Blackwater came under intense media scrutiny in September 2007 when several of its contractors opened fire on unarmed civilians in Iraq, killing 17 people. Nonetheless, with former CIA higher-ups in its ranks, the company continues to get lucrative federal contracts.Blackwater will soon have a large presence on the US-Mexican border: An 824-acre training complex in California, just 45 miles from Mexico, should be open soon. The company already has a contract with the US government to train Border Patrol agents, and there is speculation that once their presence is established there, they will vie for contracts to work border security alongside US government agents."Plan Mexico"—formally the Merida Initiative—recently signed by President Bush, may ratchet up the use of mercenaries. It promises an immediate $400 million to Calderón to help fight drugs in Mexico, with an additional $1.1 billion in the next two years.The plan includes an unspecified amount of money for contracts to US private security companies. A year ago, the Army Times reported that the Defense Department had just given Blackwater a sizable chunk of a grant that, over time, could total $15 billion, "to deploy surveillance techniques, train foreign security forces, and provide logistical and operational support" for drug war initiatives.That could mean the US government is already funding a mercenary force of former US Special Forces soldiers operating on both sides of the border but not accountable to anyone in Mexico. Blackwater already employs 1,200 Chileans, former members of ex-dictator Augusto Pinochet's military, some of whom are thought to be working in Mexico."You have to be very wary of mercenary soldiers in a democracy, which is more fragile than people think," Rep. Bob Filner told last year. "You don't want armies around who will sell out to the highest bidder."At least one other US-based security firm is already operating in Mexico. In July, the day after Bush signed Plan Mexico, two different videos of a torture training session for police in the city of León, Guanajuato, were released by the local paper El Heraldo de León. The tapes showed graphic images of torture techniques (as practiced on police volunteers)—including images of one volunteer having his head forced into a pit of rats and feces, and another being dragged through his own vomit after he was beaten.Kristin Bricker, an investigative reporter with, subsequently uncovered evidence that the trainers in the video were from Risks Incorporated, a Miami-based private security outfit that specializes in, among other things, teaching psychological torture techniques."There is no question that the US is involved in every aspect of the drug war in Mexico," Castillo said. And if you don't believe the author and former DEA undercover agent, how about the departing US ambassador to Mexico? Tony Garza is now saying that they United States must accept responsibility for the gun trade and for providing the market for Mexican drugs. The Dallas Morning News reported last week that Garza said in a recent speech that Mexico "would not be the center of cartel activity or be experiencing this level of violence, were the United States not the largest consumer of illegal drugs and the main supplier of weapons to the cartels."But Castillo has an even darker vision of what sustains the drug war. In essence, he said, the economy of Mexico is addicted to drug money, and no one, not even Calderón, would completely shut off that spigot, even if it were possible. Castillo's judgment of the United States is similar: The war on drugs provides a huge boost to the economy, via private prisons, the gun industry, and the federal forces arrayed against it.Calderón "absolutely would not" stop the drug trade if he could, Castillo said. "Mexico's economy depends too heavily on drug money."On a beautiful fall afternoon in Nuevo Laredo, sun sparkles off the pastel-colored walls. The streets are quiet. At an open-air taqueria not far from a border crossing, the staff is smoking meats and vegetables on flat grills, getting ready for a busy night.The proprietor, Maria (she asked that her last name not be used), said she was lucky: The taqueria came through the violence of a year or two ago unscathed. But she worried when members of one cartel or the other would occasionally come in to eat, for fear that her staff and other customers could get caught in the crossfire."It was not good. Gunfights. Dead people. Crying mothers. It was having a war in your own house," she said. "Wars are cleaner when they happen somewhere else."A customer at a nearby grocery store was equally glad the shooting war had quieted down on his stretch of the border for the moment."It's much better that they stopped the gun battles," he said. "Now everybody can get back to making money with the drugs instead of dying over them."----This story first appeared Dec. 3 in the Fort Worth Weekly.RESOURCES"Blackwater's run for the border," by Eilene ZimmermanSalon, Oct. 23, 2007 See also:THE U.S. THREAT TO MEXICAN NATIONAL SECURITYNarco Gangs Armed by Gringos—Despite Border Militarizationby Bill Weinberg, NACLA Report on the AmericasWorld War 4 Report, April 2008From our Daily Report:Mexico: Zetas planning attacks on US Border Patrol?World War 4 Report, Nov. 6, 2008Mexico: gunmen kill reporter, kidnap farmworkersWorld War 4 Report, Nov. 15, 2008Mexico: narco-Satanism in Ciudad Juárez?World War 4 Report, Nov. 10, 2008National Human Rights Commission blasts Mexican armyWorld War 4 Report, July 14, 2008US Senate approves "Plan Mexico"; narcos keep up pressureWorld War 4 Report, June 28, 2008"Wild West bloodbath" in Ciudad JuárezWorld War 4 Report, April 17, 2008Mexico: presidential guard, beauty queen busted in narco warsWorld War 4 Report, Dec. 29, 2008Mexico: US-UK firm teaches torture?World War 4 Report, July 14, 2008-------------------Reprinted by World War 4 Report, Jan. 1, 2009Reprinting permissible with attribution
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Post by Pennyworth »

EXCERPT TAken from above link...Thousands of Mexicans have paid dearly to have tracking chips embedded under their skin, so that they can be located if they are kidnapped. More Mexican citizens than ever are showing up in hospitals on the US side to be treated for gunshot wounds—because there's less chance in the United States of their attackers following them to a hospital ward to finish the job. And record numbers of Mexicans are fleeing to Canada to seek political asylum.The firepower of the cartels is as frightening as their ruthlessness. Where do they get their weapons? From Texas and other border states, where the gun lobbies have kept the gun laws weak. Texas is considered to be the number-one supplier of weapons to the cartels.But their artillery goes beyond anything found at your local gun shop. The cartels have M-16s, hand grenades, grenade launchers—that is, US military weapons, by the truckload.Many of the most murderous units of the drug armies know very well how to use those weapons because they were taught by the US military—on the assumption that they were going to fight against the cartels. Now they fight for the cartels—or control them. What's more, US corporations are getting into the act, working under contract with the Mexican and US governments to train specialized soldiers, including in torture techniques, and to act as private security agents on both sides of the border.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Here is some more information regarding John Lennon from ABC News...By JONATHAN KARLSept. 5, 2006 — John Lennon's perceived "threat" to the U.S. government is the highlight of a new film that documents his transformation from pop idol to political activist and offers a fresh look at this former Beatle's career. "The U.S. vs. John Lennon" will be released later this month. Yoko Ono cooperated with the filmmakers, opening her archives of rarely seen footage of the couple's fight for peace. "One thing that brought us together was the fact that both of us were rebels in so many ways," she said.And that's something he didn't always share with his bandmates, who were reluctant to join Lennon as he spoke out against the Vietnam War, said Ono. "He is the only one who really wanted to do something about it when he was a Beatle," Ono explained.Star Watched by the FBILennon's rebelliousness may have come at a price. In the 1970s, Lennon was convinced that government agents were watching him. As it turns out, he was right.Almost 20 years after his death, the government released the FBI file on Lennon, which included nearly 300 pages of text. One document that went from the FBI to the CIA reports that Lennon planned to take part in a protest at the 1972 Republican National Convention.South Carolina Sen. Strom Thurmond seized on that, suggesting to President Nixon's attorney general that Lennon's visa be terminated.A few weeks later, Lennon was given 30 days to leave the country and was notified that his visa had been terminated because of an old drug arrest in England."I think that the world really loved the Beatles for being charming and sweet," Ono said. "But some people did resent the fact that they were no more the sweet, nice, charming boys."Ono and Lennon did not want to leave the United States, and a legal battle ensued. In 1976, after the end of the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal, Lennon won. The judge in the case wrote that the British singer's battle to stay in the United States was a "testimony to his faith in the American dream."There is NO doubt in my mind that Lennon was silenced just like others in his profession that were anti-establishment. He was silenced like the politicians and leaders that also viewed things differently like JFK, RFK and MLK. The CIA is behind all of this. By the way, did you read that Anderson Cooper of CNN once trained to be in the CIA. Just remember Operation Mockingbird.I agree with you completely about John Lennon being hit and most likely by the CIA or FBI. I've noticed a pattern regarding these hits. There's often surveillance right before. Giancanna comes to mind as well as Martin Luther King. They were under surveillance too...then suddently shot. Now I'm going to look into this Anderson Cooper thing. I did see something interesting on cable a few weeks ago. Anderson Cooper interviewed Dan Rather...I think it might have been for the recent elections. Anyway, he was all but kissing Dan Rather's butt, saying how honored he was to be talking to him and such. Rather responded with something along the lines of "Tip of the Stetson to you." Wasn't Dan Rather the one who went on national television right after he saw the Zapruder film (way before the public saw it) and said that as JFK was shot in the head he was thrown violently FORWARD! Come to think of it, when slides from the Zapruder film were published in, I believe, Time Magazine, weren't the two frames showing the head snap reversed and then blamed on a "printing error?" LOL These guys are killing me.