Headshot clips

JFK Assassination
Mark Johansson
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Post by Mark Johansson »

The DVD’s will hopefully rub out the question marks he has. Jor are going to have many amusing hours in front of the TV.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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James Earl Sutton Is A Trained CIA Assassin:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

James Earl Sutton, now known as James Earl Files, is a trained CIA Assassin, and was best known for, and specialized in head shots. He has numerous kills with head shots in Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, and other places that I can not divulge. While not accurately reflected in movies because of the extreme gore, but this is at least partially attributes to the phrase, "One Shot, One Kill."

Wim's Analysis, and other points raised, are exactly on point. Jimmy's target was JKF'S Right Eye. Jimmy used a scope with crosshairs.

At close range for a sniper shot, which this was in case you have never focused on a person's head for a kill shot with a scope, a partial blend occurs where you see through the scope before, during, and after the shot, AND WITH BOTH EYES AT VARIOUS POINTS IN THAT EXTREMELY QUICK TIME FRAME.

On the aforementioned type of shot, it is virtually impossible to totally explain to the Non-Experienced, Untrained Assassin. Jimmy was not aiming at Bambi, as hunters do looking at large dear.

Certainly this will not answer everyone's concerns, but as usual, Mr. Wim Dankbaar's sophisticated level of analysis, with the help of a few others,
is right on point.

Additionally, as we spoke on the phone yesterday Wim, I had lunch with Jimmy this week, and he sends you his very Best Regards. Advise me when you receive that Very Highly Confidential Letter from Jimmy as we are tracking turn around time.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
M Klein
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Post by M Klein »

dankbaar wrote:Okay, let me try this way: Name me one Kennedy researcher or Kennedy book from before 1994, that mentioned the forward headsnap! Wim

Spring, 1966 -- Richard Feynman, when questioned by David Lifton

p. 48 in Best Evidence, 1980

"Then looking up, he said, 'The head goes forward.'
What was he talking about?"

"There was a double motion. Were there two separate causes? Was the President shot from both directions? On the basis of the film, Feynman declined to give an opinion about the number and direction of the shots."
Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote:Mark, Jor has the DVD I shot JFK and the book. He is going to get the rest of the DVD's as well, ...Wim

It would be good for members to see a list of all of the DVDs available from Wim. There is a growing world-wide market for these. If there is a motive to get the truth out there, then a list would be important. Also, I have a question about shipping time: for USA buyers, how long is the typical mailing time before receiving a DVD from Wim? Bob? Anyone? Thanks!
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Post by Pennyworth »

I put my check in the mail for the order on january 20 to Chicago. I live on the west coast. I received the copy a few days ago and am going to re-watch it now
Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:I put my check in the mail for the order on january 20 to Chicago. I live on the west coast. I received the copy a few days ago and am going to re-watch it now

Thanks PP.
Kevin Fisher
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Post by Kevin Fisher »

The forward snap only lends more credence to the Warren Report.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Headshot clips

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

05.05.0213Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:08.29.2006 - Mr. Wim Dankbaar Posted this exacting, powerful Headline, andsupporting information. Wim hit the nail on the head many times, including withthis Headline, Post, and information.Many like to keep kicking the can down the road of life. If Wim was correct, whatwould that have done to the 2,500 articles and books on JFK and 11.22.1963 since08.29.2006 ? One must analyze this question. There are now over 20,000 articles,books, and interviews. It has become a Financial Enterprise in and of itself.As of today, all analysis, reading, research, study, and writings that I have reviewed,along with a Private Group of Exceptional Researchers, has never discounted this ever,anywhere.As of today, Mr. James Earl Sutton - Files stands on his previous statements, andJ and B totally agree with Wim's representations above, unqualifiedly.Recently, we have done our own enactments of 11.22.1963 with our own professionals.There are no deviations to report.Nothing, no where discounts what Wim presented here on 08.29.2006. Proof positive that many "JFK Experts" wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face. You can leada horse to water, but you can't make them drink.In addition, a careful analysis of the moving photos Wim has included PROVE ABSOLUTELYAND POSITIVELY THAT AT THE MOMEMT OF IMPACT ON JFK'S RIGHT TEMPLE HIS HEAD WASALREADY ALMOST ENTIRELY COVERED BY JACKIE KENNEDY. AT THIS POINT IN TIME JFK COULDONLY HAVE BEEN HIT FROM THE GRASSY KNOLL. IRREFUTABLE PROOF POSITIVE.Finally, this material totally nullifies Ms. Sherry Fiester's absurd book, statements,and theory. It is nothing but conjecture, falsehood, fantasy, and misrepresentation.There is no analysis of the scene of the crime of 11.22.1963, i.e., JFK's body, the position and location of the limo at point of impact, the clothes, the damage, the face,head, brains (what was left), etc. This was a project coordinated and/or supported by her sister, Ms. Debra Conway of JFK Lancer. A source who can't tolerate, or survive if there is a solution to the JFK Event.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Headshot clips

Post by dankbaar »

Bruce, pity you dont want to be on Facebook. There is more life there on the group. I suggest Joe or David copy your post with my original post, there. I can not do it on my ipad as i am in NY travelling until wednesday.
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Re: Headshot clips

Post by RobertP »

dankbaar wrote:Question: How does James Files know that Kennedy's head snapped forward if you can't see that with the naked eye and if he didn't aim for Kennedy's right eye?You see, the warden of Joliet asked him once if he felt any emotion after shooting Kennedy. His repsonse was that he felt pissed that he had missed the target by 2 inches. That's why he says:As I squeezed, take off my round, his head moved forward, I missed and I come in right along the temple. Just right behind the eye. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/bullet/JHead ... ew.MOVFrom my experience hunting and range shooting, it is all but impossible to keep your scope on target as the round is being discharged. That being said, it must be remembered that the limousine came to a halt at this point. Mr. Files would have been provided the few moments necessary to re-acquire his target through his scope, on the off chance a second shot would have been needed. At this close range, even a 4x scope would have been able to tell him if he had connected with JFK's right eye or not. If he was as good a shot as we are led to believe, he would have known that the only explanation for a lack of a bullet hole where he intended one to be would have been the forward movement of JFK's head at the last nanosecond. He may not have come to this conclusion at this precise moment but, before the end of the day, I'm sure he had come to this logical end.This also explains why LHO would have had such geat difficulty tracking JFK with the scope that was mounted on the 6.5 Carcano. It also explains why re-acquiring JFK as a target for the second and third shots would have been all but impossible. The scope mounted on the 6.5 Carcano was a very cheap model designed to be mounted on youth rifles such as .22 calibres. Not only was it not intended for shooting things much beyond 25 yards, it also had an extremely narrow field of view. To understand how an extremely narrow field of view would have handicapped a shooter, take a piece of construction paper and roll it into a narrow tube about 3/4" in diameter. Take it outside, put it up to your eye (with the other eye closed) and try to acquire and track moving targets with it out to about 90 yards. Then, try walking around using only the vision available through this roll. You will soon understand what is meant by "tunnel vision", and you will be well on your way to becoming a Lone Nutter! Take the same piece of paper and roll into into a cone with the wide end about 1.5" in diameter. Place the small end of the cone to your eye and repeat the experiment with acquiring and tracking moving targets. Much better, eh?I know all of this because I burdened myself for several years with a scope on my deer rifle that had a narrow field of view, although it would have been wider than the field of view of the scope on the 6.5 Carcano. I would see a deer on a hillside, chamber a shell and then spend a few minutes trying to find the deer looking through my scope. It drove me nuts! Luckily, the scope became damaged one day (might have had something to do with me beating it on a tree) and I had an excuse to purchase a new Redfield scope with a wide field of view and it put the pleasure back into hunting.Just another one of the many impossibilities with the Warren Commission's story.