Robert Gaylon Ross

JFK Assassination
tom jeffers
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Robert Gaylon Ross

Post by tom jeffers »

I recently saw a video on Alex Jones with an interview of Mr. Ross. He has a booh out titled something like "The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK". I have ordered the book to get more info. In his interview he states there were several sets of killers at dealey plaza that day. He claims that in the texas school book depository there were two assissins on the 6th floor named Mac Wallace (LBJ's hired gun), and a guy named Lloyd Factor (don't know if it is spelled right) and also a radio operator named Ruth Ann. He claims that on the 2nd floor of the TSBD there was Cliff Carter, Jack Ruby, George Reece, and Sam Giancana. He also said there was 2 shooters on the 2nd floor of the Daltex buiding that he doesn't name in the interview. He also claims two shooters were on the top of the Dallas County Records building. (unnamed) He says there were atleast 3 people behind the fence on the GK. He names Jack Graham as the radio operator, and the shooters as being John Ernst and Clyde Foutz (not sure on spelling)

These are his claims not mine. I have not heard of any of these guys but Mac Wallace. Does anyone know anymore info on any of these guys? He claims that each team had a radio operator and at the signal (he doesn't say who gave it) each shooter shot just one shot and they walked away. Any info about this is appreciated.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

I can't believe nobody found any of the information on this post worth commenting about one way or another. I am seeking info on any of these players or even the source of his information. Surely as many buffs as there are perusing this board somebody should know something. Any info is appreciated.
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

The only thing I heard about is a spent cartige was recovered on the roof of the Daltex buiding. It was discovered when the old roof was being removed. I guess it was embeded in the old tar.
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Post by Paul »

Billy Boggs wrote:The only thing I heard about is a spent cartige was recovered on the roof of the Daltex buiding. It was discovered when the old roof was being removed. I guess it was embeded in the old tar.

IMO that wasn't on the roof of the Daltex, but on the roof of the Records building....

Gr. Paul.
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Post by dankbaar »

Paul is correct.

Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Thank you for the correction, I admit it was awile ago that I read the report. Thanks for the correction.

By the way, anyone have that story about the cartrige on the "Records" building roof?
francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Tom Jeffers:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Tom Jeffers,

I have just now read your original post. I have never heard this before.
I would be interested in reading the original article.

One thing is for sure as far as I am concerned, Sam Giancanna was not
there, and would never be near the "scene of a hit."

To me, based upon what I know from Jimmy Files, that is about as inaccurate as Lamar Waldron with Thom Hartman, authors of The Ultimate Sacrifice, wherein they call Johnny Roselli a Don. Johnnny Roselli was a liason for The Mob with the CIA. Roselli was a trouble shooter, a hit man, a ladies man, and also used the name Colonel Ralston. Hence, Johnny Roselli was many things. But Never a Don.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by dankbaar »

It's BS, Bruce. That's a little problem with Gaylon. He even said he had the picture of Giancana in front of the Schoolbook depository. But when I pressed for it, he could not produce it. If my memory serves me right, he said he could not find it anymore, or something like that. He claimed that the source for the story was a mafia guy that he had promised confidentiality.

Madeleine does talk about Ruby and the route map on "The Clint Murchison Meeting" video.

By the way, he first said that Marcello was on the second floor heading the "command post". When I pointed out that Marcello was in a New Orleans courtroom recieving his acquittal, he persisted but finally admitted that he was wrong and it was actually Giancana.

Oh well, Gaylon is a nice guy. I have him on film, but won't use the footage. I'm sure you have some understanding


PS: Just found the email passage Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002:

"By the way, yesterday I met with my "deep throat", and he said that after checking with a couple of his sources, that he now says that the Mafia boss who was on the second floor of the TSBDB was Sam Giancana, not Carlos Marcellos. However, Marcellos was definitely at the Murchison meeting on Nov. 21st. This has been confirmed by three eyewitness sources."

Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003

(Wim:) Carlos was in a courtroom in New Orleans, the whole day of 22 november 1963. This is part of the historical record. Just before his aquittal the judge informed the court room that Kennedy had been killed in Dallas.

I had revised this statement over a year ago, but cannot change the books already printed. My source says that Sam Giancana was on the second floor, not Carlos. I have since verified this when I was shown a photograph of both Sam Giancana and Sheriff Bill Decker leaving the TSBDB from the front door right after the shooting.-- Gaylon Ross

Such a picture would be extremely important, also for Zack and me. Do you have a copy? If not who showed it to you and why could you not get a copy?


I was on Dealey Polaza selling books when a man walked up to me, opened a photo album, and pointed to the pictures of Giancana and Decker. I was in the middle of a sale, so could not talk to him at the time. When I did have time, I turned around and he was gone. I have no idea who he was. I'll go back to Dealey Plaza again in November to look for him. I hope that he shows up again. This time I will get copies of his photos.Gaylon
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Post by Paul »

dankbaar wrote:I was on Dealey Polaza selling books when a man walked up to me, opened a photo album, and pointed to the pictures of Giancana and Decker. I was in the middle of a sale, so could not talk to him at the time. When I did have time, I turned around and he was gone. I have no idea who he was. I'll go back to Dealey Plaza again in November to look for him. I hope that he shows up again. This time I will get copies of his photos.Gaylon

Yeah right....

Gr. Paul.