Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

JFK Assassination
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Post by M.C.Newton »

Support for Ron Paul is seemingly growing by the day. His track record as far as straw polls, and debates is top notch.

I believe this shows the utter contempt that the Citizens have for the Republican 'leadership' in this country. The media continue to downplay, marginalize, demonize, and ridicule him yet his support grows and grows. I'm definitely not convinced that he will win the nomination, as we all know the chicanery that these dirtbags pull. It would appear that Dr. Paul could be the last salvation for a country on the brink of collapse. When Dr. Paul speaks in a debate he is speaking truth to power, that power being the people. When you hear him speak you can no longer keep your head buried in the sand, or your ass. As is the case with some.

Support Congressman Paul, left or right he's the best option for righting this very lost ship.

But that's just the opinion of myself, and according to some who don't even know me I'm a Soro's propagandized, Marx espousing, America hating liberal.


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Post by Bob »

As I am now an Independent, I definitely think that Ron Paul is DEFINITELY the best candidate for the Republicans. The Democrats still don't have one I'm happy with. However, there is a man who has an Oscar and a Nobel peace prize that would get my vote. Al Gore was right about the war in Iraq being a mistake and he has ALWAYS been right about Global Warming. I am not on the Hillary bandwagon as she refuses to accept responsiblity about her vote on the war in Iraq among other things. Other things includes taking lobbyists money, including money from insurance and pharmeceutical companies. I also believe that Bill Clinton and Poppy Bu$h were deeply involved regarding the drug running out of Mena, Arkansas in the 1980's. Maybe that is why the are so cozy nowadays. I certainly hope that Jeb Bu$h never gets close to the Presidency. He is just as dirty as anyone in the family, but unlike Dumbya, he is intelligent and well spoken. I only hope that the Bu$h family legacy falls apart because of this Presidency. The absolute WORST Presidency in the history of the United States.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

i too like ron paul but with elections now done mostly on electronic voting machines, the power will never allow paul to even get close enough for the average american to think that he is considered a threat. what i explicitly mean is that even though his popularity continues, it will not appear as though he has a chance due to the controlled media. that is why he is doing well in the straw votes because the corruption hasn't yet seeped through. election corruption has been around as long as elections. the media tries to make paul look like a kook by misquoting him, asking him a question and then interuting him with another question before he can clearly answer the previous question as well as the rest of the usual media tricks.

if i were a democrat i would vote for al gore. in fact if it were between him and any other republican but ron paul, i would probably vote for him being the lessor of 2 evils. in my conversation with mr. brychek recently, we discussed a very possible scenerio. at the last minute in the republican convention, look for a jeb bush nomination for vice president as payback for his part in the florida vote tampering for his brother. you will either see a puppet republican president like ronald reagan with bush running the show behind scenes, or you will see the president suddenly getting sick in his first or 2nd year in office and dieing so jeb can wear the ten gallon hat. better yet, the president will be killed by an iranian terrorist.
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Post by Bob »

I agree that Ron Paul will never get a chance to run for the Republicans. Maybe he could be a 3rd party candidate. Either way, the guys that make the MOST sense like Paul for the Repubs and Dennis Kucinich for the Dems have basically no shot at all. A lot of this is due to the MSM that is hyping up the election of 2008 with Hillary vs. Giuliani. I think Giuliani will have his campaign exposed for the fraud that it is, and I hope Gore finally does announce he's running because Hillary has too many flaws. Flaws like voting for the war in Iraq and then recently voting to name the Republican Guard of Iran as a terrorist group and once again aligning herself with Bu$h. She also has a ton of money, mostly because of donors like the insurance and pharmaceutical companies. She was also on the board of Wal Mart and also has a ton of stock in the company. She will be a Bu$h-lite type of candidate that will never admit her mistakes. Plus, I still say that Poppy Bu$h and Slick Willie have a relationship that goes back to the drug running days in Mena, Arkansas. Politics is like professional wrestling, in front of the cameras people always talk shit about their opponents. But behind the scenes they are having cocktails and laughing at the public that believes the shit they are portraying.
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Post by Pennyworth »

[quote="Bob"]I agree that Ron Paul will never get a chance to run for the Republicans. Maybe he could be a 3rd party candidate. Either way, the guys that make the MOST sense like Paul for the Repubs and Dennis Kucinich for the Dems have basically no shot at all. A lot of this is due to the MSM that is hyping up the election of 2008 with Hillary vs. Giuliani. I think Giuliani will have his campaign exposed for the fraud that it is, and I hope Gore finally does announce he's running because Hillary has too many flaws. Flaws like voting for the war in Iraq and then recently voting to name the Republican Guard of Iran as a terrorist group and once again aligning herself with Bu$h. She also has a ton of money, mostly because of donors like the insurance and pharmaceutical companies. She was also on the board of Wal Mart and also has a ton of stock in the company. She will be a Bu$h-lite type of candidate that will never admit her mistakes. Plus, I still say that Poppy Bu$h and Slick Willie have a relationship that goes back to the drug running days in Mena, Arkansas. Politics is like professional wrestling, in front of the cameras people always talk shit about their opponents. But behind the scenes they are having cocktails and laughing at the public that believes the shit they are portraying.[/quotHello Bob,

Hope you are felling better

Check out the aluminum business in Arkansas...aluminum products that come in contact with humans (underarm deodorant, baking powder , aluminum cans etc) CAN cause aluminum poisoning and cancer..... I also read that she was involved with selling metals/weapons??? to Iran...this was a while back...go google if you are interested in more.....
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

How about RFK jr. for Pres.? We need a Kennedy!
Brian White
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Post by Brian White »

Who needs another Bush on the '08
ticket when Hillary Clinton is running?
The Bush's and Clinton's are thick as
thieves since Mena, Ark!
My scenario-Barack Obama will join
the Hildebeast on the ticket as the
V.P. nominee and there will be no
stopping 'em! The fix is in,folks!
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Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Bob wrote:I agree that Ron Paul will never get a chance to run for the Republicans. Maybe he could be a 3rd party candidate. Either way, the guys that make the MOST sense like Paul for the Repubs and Dennis Kucinich for the Dems have basically no shot at all. A lot of this is due to the MSM that is hyping up the election of 2008 with Hillary vs. Giuliani. I think Giuliani will have his campaign exposed for the fraud that it is, and I hope Gore finally does announce he's running because Hillary has too many flaws. Flaws like voting for the war in Iraq and then recently voting to name the Republican Guard of Iran as a terrorist group and once again aligning herself with Bu$h. She also has a ton of money, mostly because of donors like the insurance and pharmaceutical companies. She was also on the board of Wal Mart and also has a ton of stock in the company. She will be a Bu$h-lite type of candidate that will never admit her mistakes. Plus, I still say that Poppy Bu$h and Slick Willie have a relationship that goes back to the drug running days in Mena, Arkansas. Politics is like professional wrestling, in front of the cameras people always talk shit about their opponents. But behind the scenes they are having cocktails and laughing at the public that believes the shit they are portraying.[/quotHello Bob,Hope you are felling better Check out the aluminum business in Arkansas...aluminum products that come in contact with humans (underarm deodorant, baking powder , aluminum cans etc) CAN cause aluminum poisoning and cancer..... I also read that she was involved with selling metals/weapons??? to Iran...this was a while back...go google if you are interested in more.....

I have an incredible story to can believe it or not....
around April of this year I contracted a large red welt under my opened up into a gaping wound...the other told me, 'You'd better go to a doctor...'it looks like cancer.' I went .. to one of the better doctors that I have encountered...(I thought he was Italian judging by his accent and appearance but he said he was from Iran).... he told me to stop using under-arm deodorant ..that I had aluminum poisoning resulting from the usage ...
I went to the health food store and bought Queen Helene no aluminum deodorant...and threw the dollar store stuff out...

That night as I was ready to fall asleep I heard a voice above me (an angel) say matter of factly "You have cancer.''

Strangely, I did not panic and remained calm ...The next day I looked up cancer images on the net and sure enough the skin cancer presented looked like what I had...
I had in my possession one of the the flyers that are handed downtown LA on Broadway St. with info about the herbal cures...I bought some Red Clover (cancer cure) tablets and took them..3 days later the 2 inch gaping wound healed up......

.......oh the doctor and I did discuss politics he said his native country was terrible....

I went back to him ( I get seasonal allergy shots and have even had to take steroids pills and receive shots for attacks)....He told me in all honesty that these prescription meds are poison and that they will become just that after continued use ..I referred back to the herbal info flyer and saw "Eyebright' for allergies,a most effective herb for allergy hayfever sinus etc.with NO side effects..ditto Red Clover..NO SIDE EFFECTS or warnings..I also started taking milk thistle...(for liver health since I drink. ) All 3 of these herbs are has been written in Genesis that there ARE every herb given to mankind ...

Genesis :;

11: And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
12: And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

29: And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
30: And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
31: And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.
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Post by Pennyworth »

[quote="dankbaar"]Please RSVP if you can make it to the screening of "JFK II - THE BUSH
CONNECTION" on Thursday, September 28th at 10:30 AM at Laemmles Sunset V.

This is a screening of a landmark documentary. Though a
work-in-progress, John Hankey's "J.F.K. II - THE BUSH CONNECTION", is an
investigative journey into the shadow history of 20th Century America
that exposes the modus operandi and murderers behind the Crime of the
Century. If you ever wondered who killed JFK, this film answers everything.


“Provocative to say the least.â€
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.27.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:09.12.2006 - I first Posted this Predictive Headline. There are several interesting discussions herein about several subjects, including Jimmy Files predictions about what happened, and what would be found at the 09.11.2001 Ground Zero Sites. Most interesting is that Jimmy made his analyses while in prison, less than 5 days after 09.11.2001 in my presence. This was fully documented.Moving on, obviously I was totally wrong about the 2008 Presidential Election. Are the Republicans, the Military Industrial Complex, the War Profiteers, and the Bushes and their supporters, including Big Oil, currently sabotaging Obama and setting the groundwork for a Bush and Company comeback in 2012or 2016 ?As cynical as it sounds some newscasters are now saying that we didn't have these types of crises while a Bush was in office. And Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan are being called Obama's wars due to recent developments, including the McChrystal Incident. The American Populace has a short memory, aidedby The Government Controlled Main Stream Media.Would a Jeb Bush and Mit Romney ticket seal the deal for 2012 or 2016 ? Just an observation at this point in time.Did anybody see or read the lambasting that Jeb Bush gave to Obama last week ? Predictions that Obama was a one time wonder began in the Controlled Media last year. Could a Planned and Slowly Developed Character Assassination of Obama be in the process of development by the Ruling Powers that want another Bush and Company in the White House ? If so, when ? 2012 ? 2016 ?Several of us have asked and wondered why there is no sense of urgency to repair the Gulf's bp Oil Tsunami. Could the mentality that planned Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, Operation Northwoods, the Assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, the Oklahoma Bombing, and 09.11.2001 be controlling thebp Oil Tsunami ? As of now, in my opinion the bp Oil Tsunami will define help Obama's lack of leadership, and total ineffectiveness going into the 2012 Presidential Election, unless overcome by New Terrorism andWar Headlines.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself abouta Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on anyaspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who maynot be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.