Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

JFK Assassination
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Bob »

Bruce, as I said in my first post on this thread, JFK was as dead as a doornail the second he was hit by the simultaneous shots from Chuck Nicoletti and Jimmy Files. My opinion hasn't changed. At least JFK didn't have to linger like RFK, who hung on for over 24 hours after his head wound in his assassination.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Dealey Joe »

I don't think you could live anytime after you brain is blown away.medical experts say the same. It is called Brain Dead if your in a medical facility at the time a ventilator will keep you breathing., but only for a short time with no brainI'n my opinion JFK had no brain left in what remained of his skull.People who say they know where JFK's brain is, so do I, I is splattered all over Elm street.case closed
Thomas Ruth
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Thomas Ruth »

As a firefighter/paramedic, i have personally taken gunshot wounds to parkland and some with wounds like JFK that seem incompatible with life and most of them are "worked" for a period of time before a death is called. I have seen some very gruesome injuries that surpass JFK's wounds and the patient still be breathing(agonal) with a feint pulse for a brief period of time before succumbing to their injury. I believe that JFK was killed instantly by the head shot or shots. The autopsy report by his personal physician basically states this. I think the Parkland Doctors did their jobs to the best of their ability knowing that their best efforts were hopeless.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Dealey Joe »

My opinion, Oswald was somewhat involved he was not a shooter.Do you think Oswald had something to do with the assassination?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Dealey Joe »

OH! Welcome Tony, jump in anywhere that interests you.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.17.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:09.22.2006 - I originally Posted this Declarative Headline.Many of the Greatest Minds of the JFKMS Forum contributed to this discussion.At times we agreed. At times we disagreed. At times opinions developed, evolved, and were heightened. Fast Forward to today nearly 9 years later.Based upon everything that I know, have read, and studied, I am absolutelyconvinced that JFK died instantly with the Head Shot from the Grassy Knollfrom James Earl Sutton, administered with a Remington XP - 100 Fireball,shooting a Mercury Filled Hollow Point.Exiting Schrapnel came out of JFK's face and throat. This is well documentedand is Posted in several locations on the JFKMS Forum.Wim Dankbaar, Bob Fox, and others have cited and referenced here SubstantialEvidence that makes this Argument Bullet Proof to me. Pardon the pun.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educated a Whole New Generationof JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.