Case Closed

JFK Assassination
francois bertrand
Posts: 93
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Case Closed

Post by francois bertrand »

after several months of reading and research, there are no more doubts for me: Files-Nicolleti-Rosselli form the first team of killers. Case closed.
With them, the last 2 shots find their origin. But there was at least another team in the TSBD.They found there the prints of Mac Wallace. Mr Dankbaar think the shooters in the TSBD were David Morales and Richard Cain.

from: :

According to Sam Giancana, the man who fired the shots from the sixth floor of the Book Depository was not Oswald, but Richard Cain, a Chicago-based ex-police officer and close associate of the mob boss.
There were two other gunmen on the scene, according to Giancana. One was Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit, who has been identified by some researchers as the “Badgemanâ€
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Post by dankbaar »

Francois, have you read "Files on JFK"?

There is more on Morales and Cain there, chapter Internet discussions.

Also this article is of interest:
francois bertrand
Posts: 93
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by francois bertrand »

thanks... i'll read the book again !
francois bertrand
Posts: 93
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Post by francois bertrand »


There is evidence that Jack Ruby, Oswald's assassin, had been
stalking Oswald from the time immediately following the assassination,
to the moment he shot him. Phillip Willis took a series of 12 photos of
Dealey Plaza, where Kennedy was shot, in the minutes before and after
the assassination. Mr. Willis' photos and testimony before the Warren
Commission appear in the Warren Commission's report. He was not questioned about the eighth photo, a shot of the Book Depository entrance shortly after the assassination. As Willis later pointed out, one of the men in the photo "looks so much like Jack Ruby, Oswald's soon to be assassin, it's pitiful". F.B.I. agents questioning Willis agreed with him that the man bore a powerful resemblance to Ruby. When Willis mentioned this to the Commission, no interest was shown. When the photo was published in the Warren Report, a considerable part of the Ruby lookalike's face had been cropped away.

Is there evidence that Lyndon Johnson was directly involved?
Consider that Johnson was seen ducking down in his car a good 30 to 40 seconds before the first shots were fired, even before the car turned onto Houston street. Lyndon Johnson was acting as if he knew bullets would soon be flying, ducking down repeatedly before the shots went off.

do there exist testimonys concerning Johnson ducking ?
francois bertrand
Posts: 93
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by francois bertrand »

i'm trying to do a time line with Zapruder. LHO can't shot (because of the tree) from which frame to which frame ?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Case Closed

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.13.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:09.27.2006 - Mr. Francois Bertrand Posted this attention getting Headline.He followed it with powerful facts, information, and theories.I remember when he Posted this. I thought that many more powerful discussionswould follow than did. Surprising. Francois demonstrated a great intellect here,and in other works of his.Worth the read if you haven't seen this yet. My opinion.Has anybody done any recent analysis, investigation, reading, research, studying,or writing on any of these points ?There are some strong believers of many of the points of information raised here.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.