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JFK Assassination
Jim Thompson
Posts: 226
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Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote:Peculiar, not? WimVery.From which books could Chauncey have learned that Philip Twombly and George Reynolds were the spymasters working with Guy Bannister to frame Lee Harvey Oswald? From which books did he learn that Frank Belcher and Joe Ball were important CIA assets on the West Coast? From which book did he learn they owned a holiday mansion in Acapulco? Is it your belief he could not have learned it because he was put there during the Warren Commision? You say he knew little. For how long did you talk with him then? Was it just Chauncey's luck that he looks so much as the tramp with the hat? he discovered it and said to himself : Hey, let's weave a story around that, right? And then he managed to have the best facial experts in the country corroborate him, right? Wim

Excuse please on not exactly understanding here. If Chauncey's account is taken as completely true, then how does that impact on Waldron's theory & contentions? If there is no impact, then why hide the interview?

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Post by dankbaar »

Well, Hartmann and Waldron do not implicate the CIA and the US Government in the assassination. They bllame it on 3 mafia kingpins, working on their own. Marcello, Roselli, Trafficante. So you might think I would be glad? Not !

This is classic disinfo from the school of David Atlee Phillips. Mix some truth with lies, give it mainstream publicity and you win a large part of the opposition, in the end nobody can figure out what the lies were or the truths. Thus you have debate, which is what you want. Debate, not clarity. Divide and conquer.

That's also why they waited 17 years untill everyone was dead (like Helms and Shackley who just passsed away). Dead people cannot contest. The only one still alive is McNAmara. According to Waldron and Hartmann he was not informed of the Kill Castro plan. Imagine that! The Secretary of Defense. No surprise McNamara calls it bullshit.

They have reduced David Atlee Phillips and David Morales to a few loose rogue cannons in the CIA without the consent of higher powers.

Chauncey's story implicates the CIA and the US Government all the way to the top.

Do you understand it now?

Jim Thompson
Posts: 226
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote:Well, Hartmann and Waldron do not implicate the CIA and the US Government in the assassination. They bllame it on 3 mafia kingpins, working on their own. Marcello, Roselli, Trafficante. So you might think I would be glad? Not !This is classic disinfo from the school of David Atlee Phillips. Mix some truth with lies, give it mainstream publicity and you win a large part of the opposition, in the end nobody can figure out what the lies were or the truths. Thus you have debate, which is what you want. Debate, not clarity. Divide and conquer. That's also why they waited 17 years untill everyone was dead (like Helms and Shackley who just passsed away). Dead people cannot contest. The only one still alive is McNAmara. According to Waldron and Hartmann he was not informed of the Kill Castro plan. Imagine that! The Secretary of Defense. No surprise McNamara calls it bullshit. They have reduced David Atlee Phillips and David Morales to a few loose rogue cannons in the CIA without the consent of higher powers. Chauncey's story implicates the CIA and the US Government all the way to the top. Do you understand it now? Wim

Oh. I see. I seem to remember that Robert Morrow in First Hand Knowledge asserts that Tracey Barnes, with Bissell in the background, had directed Morrow to buy some Mannlichers which Ferrie picked up. Then there's Gaeton Fonzi's evidence, etc., etc., etc....

Is it possible that Waldron doesn't really know a lot about the CIA connection? Or is he deliberately spinning the story? If he's spinning, then everyone sees through him, surely. Oh, well....

Posts: 999
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Post by dankbaar »

I think the better researchers see right through him, but unfortunaltely, they are not the majority.

here is the comment from Fabian Escalante:

Estimado Wim: Esta información debe ser una medida activa de la CIA. Es una canallada. No hay nada de cierto en ella. Pensé que ese libro tendría mejores argumentos. Saludos. Fabián

Fabián Escalante Font



September 22, 2006 -- 'IF A man cannot keep a measly affair secret, what is he doing in charge of the Intelligence Service?" asks the spy novelist Frederick Forsyth.

If you were an investigative reporter, would you save your biggest book revelation for the trade paperback publication? Well, maybe a lot happened between the pub date and the paperback. That seems to be the case for the JFK-invasion-of-Cuba conspiracy book "Ultimate Sacrifice," which we've written about in this column.

Author Lamar Waldron is set to tell the following sensational details in the paperback on Oct. 9. In the hardcover edition of his book, Waldron went to great lengths to conceal the identity of the Cuban official who was working with President John F. Kennedy and for U.S. interests back in the '60s. Now the CIA has decided to reveal who the man is. Author Waldron advised them not to, but the powers that be feel the man's best protection is wide publicity after the trade book's release. Castro can't take action against him in secret as he did back in 1990.

The "him" is one of the top officials in Cuba today, a leader standing below only Raul Castro, his brother's heir. The secret conspirator is Commander Juan Almeida, head of the army, famous hero of the revolution, best friend to the late Che Guevara. Almeida was in direct contact with Bobby Kennedy's top Cuban exile aide in the summer and fall of 1963; he was to receive $500,000 for helping stage a coup and the down payment was delivered before JFK was assassinated.

Almeida's wife and sons had wisely already been sent out of Cuba because he feared reprisals against them if the coup failed. The sons are said to have been paid a lot of money by the U.S. government and are today living as capitalist businessmen in Cancun and Madrid. Their father remains the No. 3 man in Cuba.

Four days before Kennedy died in Dallas, he made a speech that the CIA now says contained messages intended directly for Commander Almeida to assure him of the president's personal support. The background for all this appeared in the hard cover version of "Ultimate Sacrifice," telling the story of how three Mafia bosses - Johnny Rosselli, Santo Trafficante and Carlos Marcello - infiltrated JFK's coup plan in their own effort to assassinate the president. Waldron says that after JFK's death, the CIA and Bobby Kennedy were forced to cover up a lot of information to Congress and the public in order to protect Almeida.

In 1965, Castro put Che Guevara under house arrest for conspiring with Almeida, but he allowed the latter to rejoin his government in 1995. Almeida is one of the highest black officials in Cuba; some believe his race is a major reason why Castro failed to exact retribution from him. It wouldn't have been popular in Cuba. Evidently, Castro considers Almeida to be "safe" since he has no family to retaliate against in Cuba and he could now never stage a coup for the CIA.

The revelation of his name at this late date should be big news all over, and now that we know Castro is still alive, it might even influence the political situation in Cuba today or in the near future.

These astounding revelations also remove the last legitimate reason for the CIA to continue holding 1 million files related to JFK's assassination. And for dear old Uncle Sam to at last let the entire truth come out.

AFTER THIS column revealed that Elizabeth Taylor wasn't dying and had written us from Hawaii about her adventures underwater in a shark cage, our pal Jess Cagle rushed to Los Angeles to interview her. He, too, found her in fine fettle. The results will appear in People magazine next week. She is celebrating the 15th year of her successful "White Diamonds" (fragrance "Passion" was her first perfume hit), as well as a booming jewelry line. Miz Liz is still having fun. "I don't regret I am stuck in this wheelchair, because - hell, if I can go in a shark cage, life isn't all that bad." Jess even found out that ET has been quietly "dating." No names, however.

All the star of stars will say about her ex Eddie Fisher is "Oy, gevalt!" Of her other six husbands she is very kind indeed. As they were about her.

SINCERE condolences to Mariska Har gitay on the death of her cherished fa ther, Mickey. Three weeks ago, the "Law & Order: SVU" star acknowledged her dad, a handsome one-time "Mr. Universe," as she accepted her Emmy. Years ago, winning a Golden Globe, the actress thanked both her father and her mother, who was the iconic bombshell blonde of the '50s, Jayne Mansfield. On that occasion, Mickey stood in the audience, weeping and blowing kisses, celebrating his daughter's moment in the sun. It was a rare instance of genuine, spontaneous sentimentality and love at an awards show.

THE DEMONIC wit Fran Lebowitz was asked by a stylish woman at a re cent "Marie Antoinette" screening, "Do you think this will start on time?"

Fran: "Nothing has started on time in 25 years - anyway, we know how it ends!"
Jim Thompson
Posts: 226
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote: Estimado Wim: Esta información debe ser una medida activa de la CIA. Es una canallada. No hay nada de cierto en ella. Pensé que ese libro tendría mejores argumentos. Saludos. FabiánEs una canallada.

A vile trick?
Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by myra »

Bob wrote:First off, welcome myra. You bring some excellent takes to the forum. I agree with both you and Wim, and I have been a big supporter of Hartmann in the past. For instance, he was one of the first to write of the election fraud in the 2004 Presedential election. The article came within a week of Bu$h's second stolen election. But this book shows his true colors. It's one of two things. He's either with the CIA, ala Operation Mockingbird or someone on the inside got to him. It's happened before. Ask Gary Mack.

Thank you Bob, I'm really happy to have this forum where people are both informed and friendly. I just started seriously researching President Kennedy's murder a few months ago, and am devouring books pretty quickly. Luckily I check them out from the Hartman didn't make an money from me.

The whole thing with Hartman is quite strange, though it makes sense that the CIA would want people embedded within the progressive community to throw them off the scent and, as Wim noted, divide and conquer. Not that I'm 100% certain about Hartman, but I don't know what else to think. A lot of people will, as I did, read that "mob dunnit" book because his name is on it.

In addition, Hartman & Waldron are so heavy handed about clearing the CIA. Not only do they spend 1000 pages describing how the CIA was duped and infiltrated by the mob who then knew about "c-day," they even have at least one footnote explicitly stating that they don't think the CIA dunnit.

And Hartman sure covers a lot of turf: radio, books, articles, interviews, possibly speeches. Well, I got my eye on him...
