November 22

JFK Assassination
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Re: November 22

Post by Pennyworth »

El Paso Times article...EL PASO - District court Judge Bill Moody keeps two John F. Kennedy 50-cent pieces in his pocket at all times. He never spends them. The coins for Moody serve as reminders of the 35th president of the United States who was assassinated in Dallas 45 years ago Saturday, on Nov. 22, 1963 Small world..I keep also two Kennedy 50 cent pieces in my possession at all times.I have a small collection...I have found the 50 cent pieces are worth face value or a little more. I handed a few out to some young clerks, and the response I got was amazing. "Whaaat's this ?" asked one clerk. She was so delighted to receive one, and she said had never even seen a Kennedy 50 cent piece
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Re: November 22

Post by Pennyworth »

Chad Duncan
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Re: November 22

Post by Chad Duncan »

I carry around one myself at all times - a 1964 Kennedy half dollar my grandfather gave to me at birth. Its my good luck item on this planet.
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Re: November 22

Post by Pennyworth »

Nation still hurt by loss of JFK.... ... 82824.html
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Re: November 22

Post by Pennyworth »

Jimmy Chagra was reportedly in the Federal Witness Protection Program. The entire story surrounding the assassination of Judge Wood was profiled in an episode of City Confidential.Jimmy Chagra married his third wife, Lynda Ray, while living under the name James Madrid on November 22, 2005. They were married in Las Vegas with marriage license #D875871 (see marriage license records in Las Vegas). posted this link under HARRELSON fits here also with the ominous date selection included
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Re: November 22

Post by saracarter766 »

Pennyworth wrote:How could someone NOT remember where they were this day or the circumstances surrounding them?I remember I was 10 years old .We heard the bad news at school. I remember getting off the school bus and crying on the way home. I had a runny nose and I was wearing a navy blue cable stitch knit cardigan sweater. I ran crying into my father's arms. He hugged me. He wasn't crying yet seemed stunned by the news. He had the tv set on and we watched the news...He said something like 'Kennedy wanted to stop that war'.... mr pennyworth no offense but did it ever occur to you that maybe people wanna move on with life instead of dwelling on the past sure it was a very tragic time in american history but hey life goes on and did it ever really occur to you that maybe some people don't have a good memory like you do mr pennyworth? i don't mean to offend you mr pennyworth but life goes on we can't all dwell in the past forever sir. we should remember the wonderful things JFK did for this great country he was a great american/patriot and one of the finest and greatest speakers of the 20th century. yeah this great country was knocked on it's ass but the great thing about this country is that the usa always gets back up dust's it's self off and over comes these types of tragedies which makes this country so wonderful and great and it makes me proud to be an american.
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Re: November 22

Post by Pennyworth »

Hello Sara 766...Then maybe you should ask Wim to wipe this whole board out for your consideration Americans can face the future with more confidence if they know what happened in the past and then can set forth armed with knowledge to remedy the bad situations and powers that are that shouldn't be. We learn from history, and history can repeat over and over again if we are not on guard and watchers of the gate.
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Re: November 22

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pennyworth wrote: Americans can face the future with more confidence if they know what happened in the past and then can set forth armed with knowledge to remedy the bad situations and powers that are that shouldn't be. We learn from history, and history can repeat over and over again if we are not on guard and watchers of the gate. Well spoken, Paul! Very well! saracarter766 wrote: yeah this great country was knocked on it's ass but the great thing about this country is that the usa always gets back up dust's it's self off and over comes these types of tragedies which makes this country so wonderful and great and it makes me proud to be an american. Sara, you are right, the American are really a wonderful and strong people and they can be proud of their humanly virtues they show while enduring many hardships without complain and keeping openhearted and friendly and busy instead. But regarding the JFK-murder I think you should realize that the usa did not get back up from the dust at all so far, rather it struggles deeply in muddy water, head under now. Chris
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Re: November 22

Post by Jsnow915 »

the US is a great country,but I must say,its a far cry from what was thought about when our Constitution was written...some years ago,I saw this child "prophet" on TV and he said the US will fall like the Roman empire...that always seem to stick in the back of my head...and I wish we could drop all the arrogance and be more modest and not be the police of the world....I read an article yesterday about how climate change will bring about immigration and change the way we'll have to be more tolerate of other peoples religions and ways of life and how it will effect the world financially....I'm just saying,we better hold on and be ready for a change for the future....whether its religious,financial,racial tolerance...everything changes...and as a race,we need to be more open minded....geez after reading this over I need to go get my Dead albums and get my ti-dye shirts on,,,,peace.
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Re: November 22

Post by Jsnow915 »

this is the story I wrote about above,2933,498133,00.html