My Theory

JFK Assassination
Tommy Bullgotti
Posts: 32
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My Theory

Post by Tommy Bullgotti »

Shot 1(Fr.155)---Missed. Hit Elm Street as seen by nearby bystanders. Source: TSBD Oswald Window

Shot 2(Fr.223)---Hit JFK in the back, exits his throat, smashes into Connally's wrist causing his hat and hand to flip up. Fragments land on the floor and seat. Source: TSBD Oswald Window

Shot 3(Fr.234-8)---Hit Connally in the back, causing his shoulder to collapse, exits his chest, enters his left thigh. Source: TSBD West Window

Shot 4(Fr.285)----Missed. Hit Main St. Wounded James Tague. Source: Dal-Tex

Shot 5(Fr.313)---Hit JFK in the back of the head. Fragments damage the windshield and chrome frame. Source: TSBD Oswald Window

Shot 6(Fr.314-16)---Hit JFK in the right temporal area. Explosion from the Mercury round casuses a furrow to pop out the back of the head. Source: Grassy Knoll/Picket Fence


Richard Cain--TSBD Oswald Window. Fits the description given by Howard Brennan.

Mac Wallace---TSBD West Window---Hand print possibly identified. He possibly rearranged the sniper's nest moments following the shooting. Leaving a handprint behind.

Chuck Nicoletti---Dal-Tex--- A in case of emergency assassin. If the Depository snipers miss. He must hit JFK in the head. At least it would appear to come from behind. He missed just to the left of JFK's head.

James Files---Grassy Knoll--- Files was caught on photo in the Moorman picture. His head is visible in the 'hatman' position. He was a last resort shooter as well. If JFK was not fatally struck, then he must fire and "they" would worry about the forensics later.

Possible field Conspirators:

Umbrella man
Johnny Roselli
'Man in raincoat'
Fake S.S. Agents
The Tramps
Luis Posada
'Seizure' victim
Joseph Mitleer
Unknown Cubans


All fragments found may indeed match the Carcano rounds. And police officer may of sworn by it, that they were Carcano rounds. However, a fragment is a fragment. The Dallas Police officer's could definitely not be sure as to whether it was a Carcano fragment.

Anyone can put a line of trajectory to fit a bullets path if positioned correctly.

All fragments and artifacts were given to the FBI on Nov. 22nd. How can one be so sure they were not simply replaced?

Most witnesses may of only heard 3 shots. This is true. However, nobody was sitting there counting every pop they heard. It is simply ridiculous to cite any ear witness. Besides, in reading the Warren Commission testimonies. It is easy to see that many people were very uncertain. They may of said "I heard a series of 3 shots". But theoretically that means, "It COULD of been a series of 3 shots." Also, they found 3 bullet casings. The story goes out. Many witnesses probably felt, "Well, yes, I suppose it could of been three shots since they found 3 bullets." No one could really be so sure. It's tremendously unreasonable to think that. Take a string of 50 firecrackers. Light them and go ahead and try to count the individual bangs among the reverberations. It seems like much less than 50. But since the package says 50 on it. One can be pretty sure, "Yeah, I suppose it could of been 50."

"Back and to the left"

The bakc and to the left head snap could not of been the Jet effect nor a muscle spasm.

We see a huge spray of blood then a pause, then a back and to the left. If the jet effect was true, we would see an immediate back and to the left reaction consistant with the bloodspray. Despite Lattimer's tests, the Jet effect in my book is ruled out.

Logic would say a muscle spasm. Simply because the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa. However, the right hemisphere was completely demolished by the bullets impact. The head goes forward, then seems to just be haulted, and slams back and to the left. It would seem like a muscle spasm could cause this. Wrong.... In the Zap. film we see the head, and entire upper body be pushed backward at a CONSTANT SPEED. If a muscle reaction had occured, then it would be a series of twitches, after a fast impact. Here we see a head forward slightly, then stopped completely, then a back and to the left. There is no twitches, no seizures. Just a constant speed of 'back and to the left'. Indicating a projectile entering the temple, and exploding on impact.

As for the LNer's claim of a bullet from the Grassy Knoll cannot exit the right rear part of the skull.

They are right. It cannot trajectory wise. However, if a Mercury load round was used, it would be an instant explosion on impact. No definite "exit" pursay. Just an explosion, causing part of the right rear/middle rear portion of the head. Not an exit. Just the skull being fractured extremely, and the brain matter and scalp going with it.

So no. The rear debris was not exiting too fast to be caught on film. It was simply not exiting. Just exploding like we see in the film.

Tell me your thoughts.
Tommy Bullgotti
Posts: 32
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Tommy Bullgotti »

Ignore the smiley in there. It was a typo. I do not know how to edit, or else I would have.
Tommy Bullgotti
Posts: 32
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Tommy Bullgotti »

No feedback? Am I far off?
Posts: 2652
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Post by Bob »

Not a bad theory. However, I believe one of the shooters was Marshall Caifano. James Files and Charles Nicoletti were two other shooters. Johnny Roselli was there, but there has been speculation that he was not one of the shooters. The 4th shooter could be Cain or Wallace. Cain is part of the Chicago/Dallas connection that included Sam Giancana, Roselli, Nicoletti, Files and J.D. Tippit. Wallace was obviously implicated in the TMWKK episode pointing the finger at LBJ. Then you had the other "teams" that were in Dallas that day. One of the obvious teams was the three tramps which included Charles Harrelson, a known hit man. Files also said he saw Frank Sturgis at the scene. Luis Posada was there as well. So the possibilities are endless. JFK had no chance that day. There was no way he would survive that ride through Dealey Plaza. I think the teams were on a need to know basis. Files only knew what Nicoletti told him. Bottom line, if one team didn't do the job, others were there to finish it.
John Bruno
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Post by John Bruno »

The "Badge Man" could've been J.D. Tippit.
John Bruno
Posts: 33
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Post by John Bruno »

Here's a list of cubans that could've been the shooters:

Eladio del Valle(TSBD)
Loran E. Hall(TSBD)
Herminio Diaz Garcia(TSBD)
Gerry P. Hemming(Records Building)
William Seymour(TSBD)
Emilio Santana(Dal-Tex Building)
Virgilio Gonzalez(Dal-Tex Building)
Jack Lawrence(Grassy Knoll)
Frenchy(Grassy Knoll)
Frank Sturgis(?)

Others(not cubans, but who claimed to be shooters:
Roscoe White(Grassy Knoll)
J.D. Tippit(Grassy Knoll)
Mac Wallace(TSBD)
Loy Factor(TSBD)
Lee Harvey Oswald(TSBD)
Saul(Records Building)
Jean Souetre(TSBD)

TOO MANY LIARS CONFESS!(Read about them and their tall tales!)

Read about the cubans/others who claimed to be the shooters:

I still believe in Files' story.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: My Theory

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:03.05.2006 - Tom Bullgotti Posted this Headline about his version of The Number Of Shots, and Possible Shooters. Bob Fox also made an interesting contribution.As Tom Jeffers recently indicated, Retired F.B.I. Agent Don Adams is soon to release a video with his version of why he feels that there were 11 shots.The video JFK II alleges that there were 13 shots.I think that it will be interesting to compare and contrast all of the previous theories on this Subject Matter previously Posted on the JFK Forum with the newest piece of work.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.