Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

JFK Assassination
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Re: Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by JDThomas »

Let's put things simply for the layman:The job of the Secret Service that day was to protect the President - they failed spectacularly in their duty that day. - an unsafe motorcade route was undertaken ignoring written protocol - the National Guard was stood down leaving the President under-protected - the Sheriff's office were not employed in security duty, further weakening protection - Secret Service officers were ordered-off the back of the president's limo, allowing clearer shots - the position of the Presidents car in the motorcade was changed against protocol, further endangering the President - Security measures such as closing building windows on the route and sealing drain covers were not undertaken, again against protocol and heightening risk - when shots rang-out, Secret Service officers either forgot or ignored their basic training, ensuring that an injured President became a dead President. - Secret Service officers twice cleaned the dead President's car at Parkland Hospital, destroying important forensic evidence - Secret Service officers illegally removed the President's body from Parkland Hospital, against Texas law and against the protests of Texas law enforcement officials present - In illegally removing the body Secret Service officers assaulted Texas medical and law enforcement officials who were trying to perform the legal duties - In illegally removing the body Secret Service officers, ensured that no suspect could be charged with the murder of the President - they had broken Texas law in this regard and at the time there was no Federal law to facilitate charges against a suspect in the killing of a President - Texas officials warned them of this, but were ignored.For all of these faults, no Secret Service officer was fired or even disciplined for failing in their duty that day..... Funny that, isn't it?.... Better luck next time?.... Win some, lose some?
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Re: Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by Bob »

JDThomas wrote:Let's put things simply for the layman:The job of the Secret Service that day was to protect the President - they failed spectacularly in their duty that day. - an unsafe motorcade route was undertaken ignoring written protocol - the National Guard was stood down leaving the President under-protected - the Sheriff's office were not employed in security duty, further weakening protection - Secret Service officers were ordered-off the back of the president's limo, allowing clearer shots - the position of the Presidents car in the motorcade was changed against protocol, further endangering the President - Security measures such as closing building windows on the route and sealing drain covers were not undertaken, again against protocol and heightening risk - when shots rang-out, Secret Service officers either forgot or ignored their basic training, ensuring that an injured President became a dead President. - Secret Service officers twice cleaned the dead President's car at Parkland Hospital, destroying important forensic evidence - Secret Service officers illegally removed the President's body from Parkland Hospital, against Texas law and against the protests of Texas law enforcement officials present - In illegally removing the body Secret Service officers assaulted Texas medical and law enforcement officials who were trying to perform the legal duties - In illegally removing the body Secret Service officers, ensured that no suspect could be charged with the murder of the President - they had broken Texas law in this regard and at the time there was no Federal law to facilitate charges against a suspect in the killing of a President - Texas officials warned them of this, but were ignored.For all of these faults, no Secret Service officer was fired or even disciplined for failing in their duty that day..... Funny that, isn't it?.... Better luck next time?.... Win some, lose some?Excellent observation there, JD. Yes, just like with the events of 9/11, no one was found at fault either. What is the common denominator? In both cases, there was a "Commission" that overlooked, buried and obstructed key pieces of evidence, plus they protected those in the government who were on the inside of these heinous crimes.
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Re: Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by AlanD »

Another question is who stood down the 112 army intelligence unit at fort Sam Houston and left them sitting in their offices. Has anyone ever asked Col Colruck (is that his name) who ordered the stand down. I suspect he is the same man seen at the same time as the 3 tramps in Dealey Plaza , a certain Ed Lansdale.
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Re: Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by Slav »

I think Kellerman and Greer was in on the plan both sat there and didn’t move at all and Greer looked back several times as he was breaking how convenient, it looks to me Clint Hills actions at the time was sincere and he really tried to do something and was later either bought out or was told to go with the flow.