compairing two world leaders

JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

As Confucious (I think) said..."He (She) who asks a question may feel silly for a moment. He (She) who never asks a question will be silly forever."
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Post by jessine »

that is a beautifull quotation. I really like that one!
and it is true. it may be a silly comparision, but it is just the same in math (at school). if you do not ask the things that you do not get, you will fail, but if you ask them, you will feel a bit stupid, but at least you will pass the exam!

may i ask, have you always been interessed in JFK?
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Post by Bob »

jessine, I have been interested in JFK pretty much my entire life. I was in 1st grade when my teacher announced that he was shot. I watched his funeral along with my sobbing mother and sobbing grandmother. I saw Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed live on TV. I was watching TV live when Bobby Kennedy was shot in Los Angeles. I really got interested in the JFK conspriracy theories when Jim Garrison (1969) illuminated some of what we know to be true today regarding who really killed JFK. Ever since then, I have tried to read and gain as much information as I could get to help better understand what really happened in Dallas. This site is probably the best source of information out there regarding the assassination by the way. The JFK assassination is part of a big puzzle. So is the RFK assassination and others like it. It all led to 9/11 and now the war in Iraq. Please take a look at this regarding Operation Northwoods...

That plan was hatched in 1962 by extreme right wing neo-cons that included one George H.W. Bu$h. The plan is eerily very similar to what happened on 9/11 under a different Bu$h. As Joe Pesci as David Ferrie said in JFK..."It's a mystery! It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma!" Some like Wim and Jim Marrs have helped solve a lot of that mystery. But there is still much more to solve. That's why I will never stop trying to learn, so one day the real perpetrators will be brought to justice.
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Post by jessine »

i cannot believe that there are people out there who would do something like that...
I do hope, that you will achieve your goal. That is why it is so important to keep on learning. I really love Maya Angelou for writing in one of her books: 'I had gone from being ingnorant of being ignorant to being aware of being aware.'
I believe someday we all will be aware of something that we already knew.
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Post by Davyjones »

Like you I think it is vital that young people dont give in on this subject just because it happened a long time ago.The world we have today resulis directly from that vile murder and sometime the truth will out and justice will be done
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Post by jessine »

I really hope so, Davyjones. And who knows? Perhaps, some day...
Nerrilyn Diefenbach
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Post by Nerrilyn Diefenbach »

Re: JFK/Caesar military background connection

It is true that JFK had a short military career. He joined the navy in 1941 and signed up in 1942 for PT boat duty and was made skipper of PT 109. Jack managed to crash his boat into a dock at one point in time mainly due to irresponsible behaviour. That his boat got hit by a Japanese destroyer was actually a matter of great embarrassment to the Navy. The Blackett Strait is rather large. Certainly large enough to see an enemy destroyer approaching!!!!! There was talk at the time of a court martial but saving his mates was heroic and he certainly earned their loyalty for what he did. Probably because of his father's influence he was rewarded for his bravery rather than held accountable for his incompetence. I think it would be very wrong to consider JFKs short and questionable military career with Caesar's long, illustrious and high successful military campaigns.

In so many ways JFK reaped what he sowed. He cheated to get elected and joked about it publicly afterwards saying it was good he'd won by such a small majority as Joe wouldn't have wanted to pay for a landslide. He used mob influence to get elected and dared to think he could avoid payback. Then he allowed Bobby to go after them. Foolish, foolish man!!!!! Would Caesar have done that? I can't say because my knowledge of Caesar is very limited but if you are studying him maybe you can draw your own conclusions.

People on this forum will tell you that we are here specifically to talk about the assassination and that discussing Kennedy the man is irrelevant. To say anything negative about him is almost sacrilege. My opinion is that you can't even begin to understand the assassination without at least trying to understand the man. He was a fascinating man - but in Caesar's league - I think not!!!!!
frits arends
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Post by frits arends »

To be honest before i die, really want to know who fired the headschot
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Post by jessine »

wouldn't we all, Frits? perhaps it is just a matter of believing. James Files has confessed and why shouldn't we believe him? After all, he knows an awfull lot of details and he had a motief, and certainly wasn't afraid of doing something like that.

and Nerrilyn, I can see your point. Caesar was a far more greater soldier than JFK ever was, although, I've got to say it was kind of heroïc to save his man.
Still, JFK wasn't the only one who used is family background to gain popularity. Caesar, for example, said, whenever he got the chance, that he was a great great great grandson from the gods. Also, his family, which was very influance, prevented him from getting killed.
So perhaps, the question should be; has there ever been anyone who didn't cheat, or misled people to gain power?
But, i agree with you on your point that we should know the man's live before we can know his death.

Thanks so much for your posts!
Nerrilyn Diefenbach
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Post by Nerrilyn Diefenbach »

So perhaps, the question should be; has there ever been anyone who didn't cheat, or misled people to gain power?

You're absolutely right. I don't know the answer to that question.
Another question: Should we expect and demand more from our leaders? That, I know the answer to.

I think Files fired the headshot. Why? It fits with the 'facts' as I know and understand them from everything I have read over the years and he is very credible. Will I ever be 100% certain - probably not, but I'd love to see an official investigation into it.