"The Warren Commission" On Iraq:

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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20,000 More U.S.A. Troops To Iraq:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Fellow JFK Forum Members,

Simply put, almost every American citizen without connections to The Military Industrial Complex does not want the War in Iraq.

This week President Bush ordered 10,000 more American troops to Iraq.
And another 10,000 American troops will follow shortly thereafter.

This is clearly not a Democracy.

"We the people..." clearly have no say if anything comes under The War Powers Act.

"We the people..." are clearly controlled by a fascist, Military Industrial Complex.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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State Of The Union Address: 01.23.2007.

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

I just reviewed my posts under this thread, in anticipation of President Bush's State of the Union Address tonight at 8:00 p.m., 01.23.2007.

I would ask that those JFK Forum Members who watch Bush's Address tonight re-review my posts under this thread dated 12.14.2006, and 01.06.2007, and then give me your honest thoughts.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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The Perfect Never Ending War:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

In light of the House and Senate's recent granting of yet more funds to the Iraq War, with No Timetable For Anything, let alone an agenda, I am really curious as to what JFK Forum Members think of this thread.

All sincere replies are encouraged, and welcome.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by Bob »

The worm is turning, even as the Democratic Congress rolled over, partly because of the veto threat. But the worm is turning because of the troops. I know a guy that is scheduled for his 3rd redeployment in June for the newest surge. He is fed up and so are most of the troops, especially the ones having their 4th time and 5th time go of it in Iraq. Bu$h has almost destroyed our military. Troops are not re-enlisting. Officers are leaving in droves. Look at what happens to troops if they get wounded, they get shamelful treatment at Walter Reed or veteran's hospitals. The U.S. military is stretched thin. Look at ALL of the Generals that have spoke out against Bu$h. But it's better for him to keep the war going, at any price. That way the war profiteers and big oil win. That is the Bu$h modus operandi. Bu$h is very reminiscent of Hitler at the end of WWII. He has a bunker mentality, plus he is delusional and evil. But the cash registers keep ringing for the Carlyle Group, Halliburton, Lockheed, General Dynamics, Ratheon and Exxon.
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Post by dankbaar »

Speaking of Jay Rockefeller, he is married to Sharon Percy, daughter of former senator Charles Percy and twin sister of Valerie Percy, who was murdered in 1966.

http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?sectio ... id=4563621

See case description and suspect's sketch here:

http://www.crimelibrary.com/notorious_m ... rcy/4.html

----- Original Message -----
From: Wim Dankbaar
To: Dmiller@kenilworthpd.org
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 7:29 PM
Subject: Valerie Percy Murder

Dear Mr. Miller,

I understood you are the contactperson in the KPD for the unsolved 1966 murder of Valerie Percy.

Could you tell me if the suspect's fingerprints found at the crimescene are still in the records?

Were they ever compared with those of Richard Cain, the mobster/Chicago cop who was murdered in 1973?

Has he been a suspect?

And is Loraine Percy still alive?

Thanks in advance,

Wim Dankbaar



PS: I recommend the new book The Tangled web by Mike Cain, we just traded our books with closed wallets.

http://www.amazon.com/Tangled-Web-Richa ... 602390444/
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

What happens when the US dollar drops in value?
What happens to the price of gold?
Who is the largest gold broker in the world?
Rockefeller is a puppet.
When the entire world goes broke and paper fiat money is useless what happens?
If money is power? He who creates the money has all the power.
What if money goes away?
Accounting for the Rothschild Wealth and InfluenceMorton (1962) noted that the Rothschild wealth was estimated at over $6 billion US in 1850. Not a significant amount in today's dollars; however, consider the potential future value compounded over 147 years!Taking $6 billion (and assuming no erosion of the wealth base) and compounding that figure at various returns on investment (a conservative range of 4% to 8%) would suggest the following net worth of the Rothschild family enterprise:$1.9 trillion US (@ 4%)$7.8 trillion US (@ 5%)$31.5 trillion US (@ 6%)$125,189.1 trillion US (@ 7%)$491,409.0 trillion US (@ 8%)To give these figures some perspective consider these benchmarks: * A little of $300 billion US buys every ounce of gold in every central bank in the world (see John Kutyn's estimate (http://www.gold-eagle.com/gold_digest/kutyn111597.html). * U.S. M3 money supply August 1997 was $5.2 trillion * U.S. debt is currently $5.4 trillion. * U.S. GDP (1997; 2nd Q.) is $8.03 trillion. * George Soros' empire is worth an estimated $20 billion.
Feed on that.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Jimmy Sutton/Files Thoughts On Iraq:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Fellow JFK Forum Members,

In December, 2006 I posted some thoughts about the War in Iraq taken from my notes over lunch and dinner with Jimmy.

At the time, I told Jimmy that he should be teaching Political Science at a leading U.S. College. He said the Military Industrial Complex would stop that no matter what. No Freedom of Speech in U.S. College courses when you discuss American War Policy.

I am curious as to what some of the members may think about Jimmy's thoughts today. Please read page Number 1 of this thread, posted December 14, 2006. Then reflect. Thank You.

Bob, Croxford, Newton, Jeffers, and others whose names I forget, what are your reflections at this point in time, looking forward to at least two (2) more years of War in Iraq ????? Especially since President Bush declared victory in Iraq over four (4) years ago.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Brian White
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Post by Brian White »

Mr. Brychek- If you're not already familiar with it, I suggest you Google search Smedley Butler's "War is a Racket". It should be required reading
for all Americans. Gen. Smedley Butler, USMC hero, 2 time Medal of Honor
recipient, could have become military dictator of this country in 1934,
but blew the whistle on the bastards plotting the takeover, Prescott Bush
among them. "War is a Racket" was written ca. 1937 and is as timely as
today's paper. Highly recommended to all forum members. My apologies
if it has been discussed elsewhere.
P.S. Everyone should also read Mark Twain's "The War Prayer", which he
wouldn't let be published til after his death.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Response To Mr. Brian White:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Brian White,

Thank You for a helpful suggetion.

I am not familiar with the work that you mention, but I will certainly add it to the list of books that I order next.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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The Never Ending War In Iraq Marches On:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Members,

The Never Ending War In Iraq Marches On.

Despite marches, protests, resignations, convictions, pardons, etc., etc., we are continuing with this War In Iraq at the tune of at least
$ 12,000,000,000.00 (twelve billion dollars) per month, and mounting death tolls.

The list of who supports this war is definitely shorter than the list of who is against this war. Of course as long as we have a Fascist Military Dictatorship running the U.S., the short list including The Pentagon, The Joint Chiefs of Staff, The CIA, and a few other alphabet groups, far outweighs the long list. The Military Industrial Complex continues to bankrupt the U.S., as our infrastructure continues to age, and fail. The fact that "We the people ..." are against the War In Iraq has little to do with the War Profiteers who openly and notoriously took control of our country on 11.22.1963.

The latest Red Herring is the September, 2007, Report On The War In Iraq is what we are now waiting for. It will allege progress, and there will be some variations on the theme, and the War In Iraq will continue.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.