Rear blowout spray seen in the Zapruder film

JFK Assassination
Kim Huisman
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Re: Rear blowout spray seen in the Zapruder film

Post by Kim Huisman »

sorry didnt see dan had said that already
Dealey Joe
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Re: Rear blowout spray seen in the Zapruder film

Post by Dealey Joe »

Tommy Bullgotti wrote:Look at this link, which is from Wim's site, I modified slightly.[url]C:Documents and SettingsOwnerDesktopHeadshot-large1.GIF[/url]Pay attention to those regions. First the one right behind Kennedy's head. About Frame 314-315, as the head is going back, look closely. You can see that the spray of blood is cleary gone in the front, however you can see one slightly forming in the back. Very hard to see. Just after that, pay attention to the trunk of the car. Near the backish middle. Just as the head snaps back more, you can see the rear exit blood moving across the back of the limosine. Perfectly consistant with Hargis blood plastering testimony, and Clint Hill's description of the back of the limo. ... large.gifI had not noticed this before now but I finally woke up.this begins to explain a question I have always had about the head wound.Thanks to whoever posted this, it should be used more.
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Re: Rear blowout spray seen in the Zapruder film

Post by Jsnow915 »

from watching this I see the splatter going over the trunk and a little to the top...if this was altered...I think they would have tried to get rid of the splatter at the back of the head...but they missed the trunk.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Rear blowout spray seen in the Zapruder film

Post by Dealey Joe »

if you look closely you can see streaks of spray going up.thts a shot from the front not the rear
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Rear blowout spray seen in the Zapruder film

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.10.2006 - Mr. Tommy Bullgotti Posted this Headline that led to a good discussion of this subject mattter.This should be analyzed and studied in relation to JFK's Head Wounds.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Rear blowout spray seen in the Zapruder film

Post by RobertP »

Vincent Palamara describing interviews with SA Sam Kinney, Secret Service, driver of the followup car:"During the course of researching and writing for my Secret Service manuscript entitled "The Third Alternative-Survivor's Guilt: the Secret Service and the JFK Murder", I spoke to and corresponded with some twenty-plus former agents and White House aides from the JFK era, one of whom was Sam Kinney, the driver of the follow-up car on 11/22/63 (in all, I spoke to Kinney in length three different times from 1992 to 1994); he had much of value to say. However, it was during interviews conducted on 3/5/94 and 4/15/94 that Kinney literally bowled me over with details concerning his first-hand observations of thePresident's wounds. Sam told me twice that he saw the back of JFK's head come off immediately when the fatal shot struck the President's head (Kinney was watching Kennedy's head-and the rear bumper of the limous-ine-as a normal part of his duty to maintain a five-foot distance between the follow-up car and JFK's limo, something he did hundreds of times before). Sam told me "it was the right rear-I saw that part blow out." Kinney added that his windshield and left arm were hit with blood and brain matter immediately after the head shot."
Dealey Joe
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Re: Rear blowout spray seen in the Zapruder film

Post by Dealey Joe »

Z frame 313 is the only frame that splatter can be seen, this is roughly one 18th of a second.also the cars were moving somewhere about 6 to 8 MH which if 6 then 8.8 ft per second.I would think that the spray would stay in the air for at least a second? or longer.The head shot did not come from the direct front as JFKs head was facing somewhere to the center/south end of the overpass, Also he was facing to 90 deg. from Zapruders location. it is easy to see the sack that contains the brain popping out the right front side of his head, the head shot had to come from a few degrees maybe 65, which would be in the picket fence area.As far as rear blow out spray? how can you tell in a single dimension picture, really don't matter. keep in mind a mercury charged round properly loaded would vaporize like a miniature nuclear explosion and leave no exit hole.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Rear blowout spray seen in the Zapruder film

Post by Dealey Joe »

Maybe we jump the gun sometimes, Does anyone know about what you actually see in a single dimensional picture? can you tell where something is actually at? or came from?