What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishing?

JFK Assassination
Kevin Fisher
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What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishing?

Post by Kevin Fisher »

We continue to discuss, but we are accomplishing little.

Why haven't we brought arrests against individuals who have committed crimes?

We haven't gotten Lee Harvey Oswald removed from historic records and documentation as the killer of JFK. History books still mention him as the "killer on record", with only a slight mention that it is believed that "conspiratorial forces MAY PERHAPS have been involved".

So we still stand where we stood on November 23, 1963. We've basically accomplished little, if anything. Oswald is "credited" with the shooting.

It baffles me as to why we haven't brought/initiated charges against individuals for purported crimes and the like.

Why didn't someone bring charges against the limo driver, who obviously broke procedure as the limo coasted down Elm Street. He was to protect the President that day -- OUR president!!! -- and his actions hindered that task. As a US citizen, I would have wanted to bring legal action against him for his negligence on that day.

Charges against the limo driver could have uncovered evidence that he was ORDERED to break procedure, which, in turn, could have opened a whole can of worms.

But no, he was allowed to go free, unscathed from the law. Now he is dead. Never can he reveal anything sinister and meaningful.

And what about Jack Ruby? Why didn't anyone -- Mark Lane, for example -- rush to his jail cell, and get the damn confession from him that would have revealed the masterminds of a conspriacy against JFK?

Ruby had the dope on these guys. He wanted to talk. He made that public.

So where were the proponents of a conspiracy? They never were seen near Ruby's jail cell. Ruby took visitors. All prisoners do. So why weren't invesigators lined up dozens deep in front of Ruby's cell?

Now he, too, is dead.

And what about all the Warren Commission members? They all were a party to circulating false information, much of which has been proven to be false, or, at least, could not stand its ground in a fair debate with an opposing view point.

So why weren't we bringing charges against those members? Ford, for example, was caught red-handed with his admission of altering evidence by moving the bullet hole in JFK's back up a few inches so as to advance the single bullet theory.

Why wasn't there litigation brought against Ford? This would have accomplihed much, the most of which would have been to show the public that there is now real evidence that the government was involved in acts that could be construde as conspiratorial, thereby lending support for all that we are trying to accomplish -- the removal from historical accounts of LHO as the lone shooter, that there were other shooters, and that conspiratorial forces were at work inside our government.

Instead, there remains a false historical account of the shooting and only a passing mention of a conspiracy at work, and, perhaps most disappointingly, there remains within the general public's minds a misunderstanding as to how the mechanics of such a conspiracy was to have worked against JFK.

The public, and mostly those considered conservative in the political arena, cannot comprehend the idea that elected US officials could be involved in anything so sinister as the execution of other US officials.

Why didn't Mark Lane, for example, begin litigation against Gerald Ford?

We sit around and talk about information we find, show video and film, and put 2 and 2 together.

Then we pat ourselves on the back, pleased that we discovered something new, and then we continue to another topic.

And then another topic. And still another topic.....

When do we ever put this information we have gathered to work for us?

When do we allowed it to accomplish something for us?

Why don't we ever put it to work?

We are letting opportunities pass us by.

The cast of characters are getting older by the day.

Our time is limited.

I am a meek and humble individual. I cannot start the mechanics of litigation and interrogation into motion. I don't have the pull nor the influence.

But some of you do.....You know who you are.

And if I were you, I'd start with George Bush senior. But you better get started. His time on earth is limited. He is rapidly aging.

What are you waiting for?

Oh, I see.....You've got topics to explore and to discuss. Then, you say, you'll then have a few more after that. I see.....

In the meantime, the cast of characters grow old and face death......

Opportunitites become lost.

What are you waiting on?

When are you going to put this knowledge that we have gathered to work?


Why - Why is this not being organized at this precise moment?

WHY ????!!!!!!!

Oh.... I forgot.....you have topics to explore and to discuss.....then you'll get back to me at a later date.....

I see........
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Post by bobwc »

My feelings and thoughts exactly. However, we must consider the fact that most citizens of the world, especially those in the states, have taken a "let Joe do it" attitude. Others: and who can blame them have families that they would fear for if they were to start the task of bringing charges and the like. Remember, a huge answer to this mystery would be provided by exhuming JFK's grave. But only one man since the assassination has tried this and he paid for it with his life.
What would my first thought be to begin the task you have laid out? By getting behind the man that is in charge of this Forum. There is no one on the face of the earth today that is more knowledgeable about the Assassination than Dank. And he has a big set of balls. No fear. However, one man cannot accomplish such a gigantic undertaking.
We really need more folks to join us who are just old fashioned pissed off at the whole mess and will strive for a change.
This is why you do not see my name in any posts on any forums for quite awhile. We have talked the talk, now it is time to walk the walk.
I will never believe that there is not some attorney out there somewhere that would be qualified and courageous enough to take on this task.
I swear I really believe that.

Kevin Fisher
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Post by Kevin Fisher »

What is the name of the guy who pressed to have JFK's body exhumed but died trying?

Under what circumstances did he die?

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Post by Bob »

Kevin, here is your answer...


Here are the specifics...

The lead on James Files came from the FBI. Agent Zack Shelton (now retired) served 28 years with the FBI. He has an impeccable record and spent much of his career on organized crime task forces of Chicago and Kansas City. He is the man who gave the information on James Files to private investigator Joe West, because Zack Shelton had reason to believe that James Files knew more about the Kennedy assassination. This was based on a remark that James Files had made to an FBI informant. Joe West subsequently located James Files in Stateville penitentiary, which ultimately led to his confession of being the gunman on the grassy knoll.

It is important to note that James Files had never volunteered to give information on his role in the assassination. The tip from Zack was given to Joe West, who was working on a lawsuit to exhume JFK’s body. He wanted to prove that Kennedy was hit from the front and by multiple gunmen and a new and independent autopsy would prove sure as hell that the first was a total fraud.

But Joe West never heard a full confession from James Files. Files didn’t want to talk. Only if Joe could arrange immunity for him, would Files consider it. During that time Joe had to go into a hospital for heart surgery. The operation itself was a success, but then out of nowhere he went into a coma and never came out of it. With his death, his exhumation suit also died. Files, and others, thinks Joe was murdered by an overdose of wrong medication in order to silence him. He was informed as such by one of his sources. Indeed there are some strange details; the attending doctor is still to be found for example. And just before he went into coma and could not talk anymore, he scribbled a note for his family "Get me out of here, they are trying to kill me!" The official cause of death was Acute Deficiency Respiratory Syndrome. Bob Vernon was later told by a surgeon that this is more or less a standard method to cover-up medical errors, such as an overdose of drugs. Joe's death is one of the main reasons why James Files decided to tell his story to Bob Vernon, who took over from Joe.
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Post by Pennyworth »

We are bringing light to and exposing the truth...Corrupt systems are everywhere.

It has been said that 'No one is above the law." Apparently this statement doesn't ring true..There are people who run the show and are above the government making themselves the government ...unfortunately they who have the money have the power...
Hopefully change will come in the near future...

Witnessing events globally together we can see the terrible times we are living in...
We are accomplishing by unearthing and piecing together documented facts and information concerning this (these) cases
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Post by Pennyworth »

Jesus counsels, "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves "(Matt. 10:16).
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Post by Pennyworth »

We are the watchman at the gate..
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.28.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:01.04.2007 - Mr. Kevin Fisher Posted this abrasive, analytical, direct Headline.Kevin states his feelings, opinions, and thoughts in a very convincing manner onseveral aspects of these inter-related subject matters ?What do you sincerely think about Kevin's analysis today ?What do you think that the majority of Americans think about thes subjectmatters today ?Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of Kevin's synopsis ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

B.B. you have brought up a great question here... I will say that for myself and my wife when we researched the Willem Oltmans archived files in De Haag The Netherlands we absolutely found a solid paper trail that led right to the heart of the Kennedy assassination.We seriously considered contacting the World Court while in Den Haag with all that we had found from those files.To be perfectly honest we held of because of fear that what we had found would have unleashed a fire storm in the world media.So we have chosen to bring our finding out in our manuscript that we are still working on and should be ready for release in the near future.I would also like to thank you B.B. for your great contributions to this wonderful Forum.
Douglas 606
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Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Post by Douglas 606 »

Tommy Wilkens wrote:To be perfectly honest we held off because of fear that what we had found would have unleashed a fire storm in the world media.As we all know Tommy, the media is, for the most part, totally controlled. The days of a ''free press'' in the good 'ol land of the free the US [and even most of Europe], is over....dead. The idea that your research would have made it into the ''media'' is sketchy imo.The story that James Files was the Grassy Knoll shooter...anyone ever read that in any magazine or newspaper...or on the nightly TV news? I know that many will disagree but currently the most corrupt nation on earth is......the USA. Of this, I have not the slightest doubt.