
JFK Assassination
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Post by dankbaar »

The shadows are absolute and irrefutable proof that Chauncey's story about being the tramp in the photographs is correct, and likewise aboslute and irrefutable proof that Doyle, Gedney and Abrams, were NOT the tramps in the photographs.

Chauncey Holt: We were in the box car a long time. Actually we heard a lot of transmissions. I estimated that it was almost 2 O'clock, although my watch was still on Arizona time. I had a bad habit of not changing my watch. So I think we stayed in there till practically 2 O'clock. We were still in there during the time when we heard the transmissions involving Tippit and back and forth. We heard a lot of other communications. We heard the call that an officer had been dying. I am told and I believe it was somewhere around 1:15 when we heard about the incident at the Texas theater, although we didn't know what happened.

So, this means that Chauncey was detained around 2 PM or after.

Now, look here what Doyle said to the FBI: ... 10221.html

They asked one of the employees at the railroad yard if Kennedy had been shot, and the railroad man confirmed this. They then got an a gondola, also known as a coal car and were heading towards Ft. Worth when the train stopped. After the train stopped they were confronted by numerous police officers who informed them not to move or they would be shot. All three were arrested and brought to the Dallas Police Department where they were interrogated regarding the Kennedy assassination.....

Hence this is right after the shooting, around 12:30 or 12:35.

Look at this picture which was taken around that same time, right after the shooting:

Now look at this picture of the tramps and see how much the shadows have turned, which is exactly conistent with the time ( 2 PM) that Chauncey says he was taken from the boxcar (not an open flatbed gondola by the way)

Who was lying? Chauncey or the shadows?
M Klein
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Post by M Klein »

This is probably already discussed, but the tramp issue is often being confused by two different groups of men with a mixing of the names:

- Harrelson's arresting officer, Marvin L. Wise, claims that the three men in his custody were released after a few hours of questioning.

- The other arresting officer, David V. Harkness, testified that there were several individuals removed from the train that day other than the three individuals in the photograph.

- Dallas Police Department documents presented to the public in 1992 indicate that three transients arrested by Dallas officer W.E. Chambers with no connection to the assassination were jailed for six days for vagrancy, and that one of those men was named John Gedney.

Now the confusion originates with the Marvin L. Wise testimony to FBI in 1992. The interviewer interjects the names Doyle, Gedney and Abrams into the testimony, and then proceeds to refer to those names the rest of the interview. Wise previously testified in 1978 that he didn't know the names and couldn't remember them.

Removing the names, the facts above are clear -- two different sets of men arrested.
Posts: 999
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by dankbaar »

M. Klein,

Good points.
