Bobby Kennedy, His Life by Evan Thomas, read by Ray Porter.

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Bobby Kennedy, His Life by Evan Thomas, read by Ray Porter.

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Bobby Kennedy, His Life, by Evan Thomas, read by Ray Porter, Unabridged. Blackstone Audio, Inc., 1.800.729.2665,

"Robet F. Kennedy has been viewed as the "Good Bobby" who saw wrong and tried to right it, or the "Bad Bobby" of countless conspiracy theories. Evan Thomas' achievement is to realize RFK as a human being, to bring to life an extraordinarily complex man who was at once kind and cruel, devious and honest, fearful and brave. The portrait that emerges is unvarnished but sympathetic, packed with new details about Kennedy's early life and his behind-the-scenes machinations. In a clear and fast paced narrative, Thomas cuts through the mythology to reveal a character who, though he died young just as he was reaching for ultimate power, remains one of the century's most fascinating men."

Bobby, saint and sinner. Pro war and anti war, pro Johnson and anti Johnson, pro Hoover and anti Hoover.

At times ethical, moral, and legal. At other times totally unethical, immoral, and illegal. Pro wire tapping and illegal surveillance, then anti wire tapping and illegal surveillance.

No interest in Civil Rights, the poor, and blacks, then all kinds of interest.

For murder and assassination, then anti murder and assassination.

For Operation Mongoose, and Operation Northwoods' type operations, then anti.

Was JFK really killed for Bobby's big mouth, unethical, immoral, and illegal activities ?

Bobby who tried to write, and re-write, and deleat history ?

Interesting insight on JFK and his assassination, Jimmy Hoffa, Sam Giancanna, Carlos Marcello, Fiedel Castro, Johnny Roselli, Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe, JFK'S womanizing, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, third world countries, etc., etc.

I would be interested in any and all opinions AFTER you have listened to all 16 CDS.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Bobby Kennedy, His Life by Evan Thomas, read by Ray Port

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.22.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:01.25.2007 - I first Posted this Educationally Informative Headline about RFK.There seems to be a resurgence of interest in RFK. In my opinion the death of Ted Kennedy hasopened the gates of interest in the Kennedy's, and the assassinations of JFK and RFK even more.That said, has anoyone yet listened to, and studied Evan Thomas' work read by Ray Porter, aboutRFK ? If you have, I would appreciate your thoughts.If you are a true fan of RFK, and have not studied this work, I highly recommend it.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, orwritings on ants aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcherswho may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
tom jeffers
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Re: Bobby Kennedy, His Life by Evan Thomas, read by Ray Porter.

Post by tom jeffers »

Bruce,bobby was a complex man. i am sure he tried to infiltrate jim garrison's investigation and put them on the wrong path but i am unsure really as to his main motive in doing so. did he tried to keep his involvement out of the public eye because of personal shame or was it because he wanted to make his move later and exact his own revenge? i am sure he knew that his cuban activities going on behind jfk's back was the very tool that was crafted for those reasons and transferred instead to lash at his brother. i am also unsure if his run at the presidency was really done to find all the facts in his brothers assassination or to bury them forever. there is a new book out on their life written by an author who knew personally their sister pat. supposedly, jfk only spent one night with marilyn and she was infatuated with bobby and believed in her mind that she was dating him when in fact they never dated. dont know if it was true but that was in the book. he came from a priviledged background and both him and john felt they were untouchable untill that sunny day in dallas. i think he was more of a family man than jfk and went everywhere with his wife ethel.namaste'
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Bobby Kennedy, His Life by Evan Thomas, read by Ray Port

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.22.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Tom Jeffers - Thank You for your analytical response. I agree with you on several points as usual.My Main Theory is that more critical analysis of RFK's actions during JFK's Presidency must be studied In Tandem In Relation To:1. The Assassination/Coup d'etat of JFK.2. The Assassination of RFK I am calling a "Preemptive Coup d'etat" to Control and Direct FutureEvents. My Opinion. Tom, what is your hypercritical analysis of this choice of terminology, and anyone else's ?Tom I will be having a few Business-Legal Lunch Meetings this weekend with Jimmy Files. If your ears are burning, I will be mentioning your name in a positive light, as always. And Thanks for all of theResearch Notes on RFK.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcherswho may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
tom jeffers
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Re: Bobby Kennedy, His Life by Evan Thomas, read by Ray Porter.

Post by tom jeffers »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Thomas Jeffers:Tom, Thank You for your analytical response. I agree with you on several points.My Main Theory is that more critical analysis of RFK'S actions during JFK'S Presidency must be studied in tandem in relation to:1. The Assassination/Coup de' tat of JFK.2. The Assassination of RFK, which in my opinion was what I am calling a "Preemptive Coup de' tat." Tom, what is your hypercritical analysis of this choice of terminology ?I will be having a few Lunch Meetings this weekend with a friend of yours. If your ears are burning, I will be mentioning your name in a positive light, as always.Best Regards Always.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Bruce,I definately agree with number 2 above. i think that some of those involved in planning number 1 actually hated rfk more than jfk after all he did disobey joe's orders to leave the mob alone. they thought bobby was a back stabbing weasel but they knew if they got him first then jfk would retaliate. actually, they would have loved it if bobby was riding where connolley was then it would have been bonus time.... a two-fer one. bobby was john's biggest influence and we know that he negotiated the arms deal for turkey and the soviet block that put an end in the cuban missle crisis....but what we do not know is how many of john's policies actually came from and pushed by bobby?tell you know who you know what . i haven't heard from him on my last letter. i will write him again.namaste'
Michael Calder
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Re: Bobby Kennedy, His Life by Evan Thomas, read by Ray Porter.

Post by Michael Calder »

Be careful with Evan Thomas. I read his book on RFK. He continually would present a know fact (Mongoose) then attribute a false inference from the fact(RFK supported the murder of Castro). He is very slick and subtle in enjoining fact and falsehood. Sheffield Edwards and Lawrence Houston of the CIA give us our most truthful impression of Bobby. During a Senate Select Committee, Mr. Houston told of being ordered to inform RFK of the Mafia-CIA plot to murder Castro."If you have ever seen Mr. Kenndy's eyes get steely and his voice get low and precise you got a definite feeling of unhappiness. There was not to be any more contact with the mafia."Houston added, "I trust that if you ever try to do business with organized crime again-with gangsters- you will let the attorney general know." (Alleged Assasination Plots involving Foreign Leaders). p.202
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Bobby Kennedy, His Life by Evan Thomas, read by Ray Port

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.30.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:10.23.2007 - I first Posted this Educationally Informative Headline.Evan Porter's works, including this one read by Ray Porter deserve much more attentionfor a variety of reasons. My Opinion. My Major Point for Analysis and Discussion was that I think that the Assassinations of both JFK and RFK deserve much more Intense Analysis In Tandem.And the analysis of RFK as a Preemptive Coup d'etat that was more easily accomplished, and buried BEFORE RFK could/would became President, becomes an Obvious Secondary Aspect for much deeper analysis. My opinion.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, orwritings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Bobby Kennedy, His Life by Evan Thomas, read by Ray Porter.

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.06.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:01.25. 2007 I first Posted this Educationally Informative Headline hoping to stimulate moreanalyses and commentary about RFK.06.05.1968 - 47 years ago yesterday RFK was shot in the head, and close to death.06.06.1968 - 47 years ago today RFK died.For those of you with a strong interest in RFK I still recommend BOBBY KENNEDY, HIS LIFE BYEVAN THOMAS, READ BY RAY PORTER. Excellent food for thoughts, and highly informative.This work touches on Good Bobby vs. Bad Bobby as he was often characterized by many in bothlights. RFK was clearly evolving in his life and career, and challenged and tested with his feetheld to the fire as few are.A Meglo-maniac Punk with a big mouth who couldn't get a real job unless his brother was the President of the U.S., as often characterized by James Riddle Hoffa. And despised by J. EdgarHoover as a spoiled brat.But to many RFK was an evolving champion of the underdogs interested in protecting the Constitutionaland Legal Rights of All Americans, you know, "We the People…"11.22.2014 - 51 years after the Assassination of JFK there was virtually nothing covered by MainStream Media in Chicago, Illinois.04.04.2015 - 47 years after the Assassination of MLK there was virtually nothing covered by MainStream Media in Chicago, Illinois.06.06.2015 - 47 years after the Assassination of RFK there was virtually nothing covered by MainStream Media in Chicago, Illinois.I long ago Termed RFK's Assassination as a Pre-Emptive Assassination, somewhat easier to accomplish,and accomplished with less attention and scrutiny had RFK become President of the U.S.Obfuscation. Fade to Black. Blackout.IF YOU ALWAYS DO WHAT YOU ALWAYS DID, YOU WILL ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ALWAYS GOT.IF THE JFK and Related Subject Matter's Research Communities ever wish to gain any worthwhile academic and realistic results, THEY MUST BEGIN ACTING, RESEARCHING, THINKING, AND WRITINGOUTSIDE OF THE BOX, WITH MORE MUTUAL RESPECT AND UNDERSTANDING, AND MORE SINCEREFOCUS ON LEARNING AND UNDERSTANDING THE TRUTH.Frankly I think that the Term JFK Research Community is more than a misnomer. There is none. Thereis no cohesiveness, and certainly no effort to row together. My Opinion.At this rate there will be New Books and New Theories coming out about JFK, MLK, and RFK in another50 - 100 years, just like some Allegedly Ground Breaking New Books and New Theories about AbrahamLincoln are now coming out. My Opinion.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcherswho may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Bobby Kennedy, His Life by Evan Thomas, read by Ray Port

Post by kenmurray »

An American Experience: Robert F. Kennedy