Dr. Mary's Monkey

JFK Assassination
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Dr. Mary's Monkey

Post by dankbaar »

How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics

http://trineday.com/paypal_store/produc ... _Mary.html

http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid= ... 3346988488

http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid= ... 4304898355
Terry Mauro
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Re: Ed Haslam's research and testimony

Post by Terry Mauro »

Thanks, Wim.

As you must know by now, especially after the post I made over at Simkins' a few weeks back with regard to why I am so dismayed at Martin Shackleford's incessant insistence on posting over at McAdams' [whom BTW, I vehemently dislike], as well as the newsgroups [which I've never bothered to post on due to their reputations for being characteristically known as, "nut-houses, snake- pits, and jungles"], and therefore, abhor any mention of my name being indiscriminately thrown around places where I'd rather not be forced to have to venture in order to defend my views.

Henceforth, having been able to explain what Judyth and I discussed with respect to the murine [mouse] genome antibody cancer therapy used on patients I have scanned in the 1990's led me to believe what Judyth had been working with in the early 1960's may have been a definite precursor of this, due to the way in which the mouse genome was being used in the chromosomal tagging of its DNA with a form of cancer therapy known, to us in Nuclear Medicine, as Monoclonal Antibodies. Which are then, introduced
into the human cellular structure via the cell's active transport system directly into the chromosomal structure of human DNA, as a means of being able to target cancer cells more precisely and directly, with less damage to the healthy non-cancerous, or non-malignant cells. This was one of the purposes of experimenting with the murine genome's tagging with the monoclonal antibody form of therapy.

This is my reason for believing what Judyth told me when she described what she was doing, and what protocol she was formulating in her step by step account, to me. The equipment she used to separate the blood components, and why, which was similar to what I do today in what's known as autologous tagging of red blood cells with the radioactive tracer Tc99m with a kit known as Ultra-Tag. This is a less labor-intensive diagnostic tool used frequently in our imaging department that utilizes the patient's whole blood for tagging its RBC's and re-injecting the patient with their tagged red blood cells after 20 - 30 minutes incubation time for the tag to take place. This allows us to do a dynamic blood flow to the area we want to image and see if those tagged red blood cells are taken up by an area of infection, which would be targeted by the re-injected tagged rbc's.

Of course, this is an attempt to explain how both of us were used to working with certain blood components can be tagged, either with a tracer to be used for diagnostic imaging on a very simplified level, as opposed to using the genetic or chromosomal material of a mouse and tagging it with a cancer agent, or with a known form of cancer, as a way of actively trans-
porting it directly into the genetic chromosomal material of a human cell.

Because this has been done, was formulated for cancer therapy by the 1980's, and used as an IND, or investigational drug therapy for cancer by the early 1990's, and to my knowledge, has been available and advertized on the internet in the last couple years, I get alot of flack from certain factions of the research community for posting what many concede to be medical terminology that flies right over the top of their heads. Or, for even believing Judyth. But, the fact remains that IMHO, what Judyth was working on, was not as far-fetched as some of her detractors would like to believe. And, in fact, very much resembled the reverse of what later became known as monoclonal antibody therapy.

Plus the fact, that everything Ed Haslam had to say about Linear or particle Accelerators, is right on the mark. Especially, the fact that smaller versions can be found in any medical center's Oncology Department [or, what used to be known as their Radiation Therapy Department]. While some of the larger versions can be found in the research departments of UCLA, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, etc., et.al. And, everyone knows about the huge particle accelerator they have at Cerne.

That's all I have to say about it. But, thanks for keeping me abreast of what you're working on. I especially enjoyed Haslam's first book, and what he's had to say on the subject since. He knows how to do his homework

David Octopus
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Post by David Octopus »

Ed Haslam has been extensively interviewed by Dave Emory's radio show in the past (mid 90s). He is painting very graphically the picture of New Orleans as the traditional hub for the central/south american bound espionage of the US ecomic and political interests. This was very interesting part for me.

Now, I'm not supporting Emory or Haslam on all points. The Haslam's "cancer theory" about Oswald as sort of superspy working both on the JFK/cuban exiles FBI infiltration task as well some deeper cancer plot is too much for me. But that's just my opinion I could be wrong.

As we know Dave Ferrie was this kind of multifacet person afterall. Interested and proficient in all sorts of weird activities from science to religion, from aviation to assasination squads.. So, perhaps Oswald could have been also at least partly of that rare stock which makes the real superspy. Perhaps his latest hours could support this notion he was very calm during the Dallas police station episode.

More recent shows with Ed Haslam:

The oldest shows with Haslam:
Firstly check list and summaries of these show here:

Secondly, locate the desired show and play/download the audio file for these oldies here:
James Horak
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Communications Technician

Post by James Horak »

People should learn what the communications technician, which was Oswald's striker rating, did. As I've said, I have a photo showing him at the US Embassy in Moscow in the late fifties. It has been speculated that his contact with Ferrie might have been very early on and that Ferrie might even have flown a U-2.
Another individual, claiming he was the figure in the seventh floor Book
Depository window during the shooting, insists his military intelligence family had connection to Ferrie and that Ferrie was responsible for him being there.
These are conjectures but allowing these participants in this conspiracy
the lattitude the revelations forthcoming suggest, including who and what
Georges de Mohrenschildt was, the extent of ramification and extraneous
connections grow.
It comes down to how many operations were being run through these
operatives. There had to have been multiples, else Oswald would have
figured out before long before his flight to Oak Cliffe after the Assassination,he was being tailored as a "legend".
What we have, if any of this is true, is a scheme that began early on
in JFK's term of office by factions in the government/military that knew
a liklihood existed the President's death would become highly desirable
to them and had been tailoring a way and patsy before it had even been
fully anticipated.
All of the side-currents had to be constructed as well, with the obvious
participants having "tailored" connections like Ferrie to Shaw, and
Oswald to the Fair Play for Cuba ruse. What cuts through this easily
enough was Bannister, the FBI connection that Oswald officed with...even
though "authorities" could claim Bannister was retired. You see how
artificial breaks in the connections could be passed to media "plants"
that could then misdirect the public away from making the actual
connections as the news stories developed? And this is exactly what
happened...even faster than it could have legitimately.
Meanwhile, the connections of Jack Ruby to Carlos Marcello and the
witnesses that could place Tippit, Ruby and Oswald together at Ruby's
club, avoided for some other planted take on the matter. This is the
way the media treatment emerged throughout.
Therefore it is not paranoid to suspect the design and planning of this
to have carried into more official channels like even the personage of
Earl Warren himself.
And that's the GOVERNMENT now, isn't it?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Mr. James Horak:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. James Horak,

I have just reviewed this thread of posts, and wish to focus specifically on your post about Government Sponsored Mind Control, Power Lines and Grids, and things related thereto. You touched the tip of a major iceberg that certain elements in the government want covered up more than the JFK, MLK, and RFK assassinations, CIA World Drug Cartels, Aliens, Aids, 09.11.2001, and aspects of the Iraq War, the Federal Reserve, Skull and Bones, and The Bush Family Dynasty, The Mena Arkansa Drug Cartel, and the real reasons behind the Oklahoma Bombing of the Federal Building.

You are totally correct. Before you were a JFK Forum Member this website was crashed 3 - 4 times. Over 200 of my posts, book reviews, and articles were lost, and I never replaced them. Partially because of frustration and anger, and partially because of a lack of time on my part.

I have four (4) books that I have never posted, that I have always intended to, but was waiting to see if anyone would ever run across the thread that I will create with these four books. You, James Horak have now touched upon an aspect of that subject. Due to a lack of time on my part, I may not be able to complete this until next week, as I do not have these four (4) books with me now. Forgive me, but I will get this done, and also alert you directly, as I will be very anxious to communicate with you thereafter, to test your reactions.

Simply stated, two (2) of the most covered up Theories of Future Planning that the CIA and other Government agencies want totally covered up are:

1. Population Control.

2. Mind Control.

In my opinion, literally every question, conspiracy, or abuse of power by the government that we discuss on this JFK Forum is in some way related to my above referenced two (2) points.

You could count on someone from the CIA or the government telling the U.S. Citizens the real truth about JFK, Viet Nam, and The Bay of Pigs, and Area 51, and the truth about the alien autopsy, and the truth about our trip to the moon, long before they will ever tell you the truth about:

1. Population Control.

2. Mind Control.

Anyway, Thank You James Horak for some very valuable posts. I will get back to you.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
James Horak
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Looking forward to it.

Post by James Horak »

Mr. Brychek,
I will be eager to read your books. Have you ventured into the planes
frozen in the sky and psychic blocking?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Response To Mr. James Horak:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. James Horak,

I am unfamiliar with "planes frozen in the sky."

And although I have not heard the exact phrase "psychic blocking" as far as I can immediately recall, I think it will fit into the peramiters of what I wish to discuss.

The Most Advanced Form Of Mind Control ever envisioned was advanced by the Nazi's and the Russians, an aspect of this is what I am convinced was used on Sirhan Sirhan.

At your convenience, please explain to me your understanding of:

1. Planes Frozen In The Sky, and

2. Psychic Blocking.

Thank You,
Bruce Patrick Brychek.
James Horak
Posts: 7
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Planes frozen in the sky

Post by James Horak »

Yes, Mr. Brychek, for the ultimate aims of mind-control is to divorce
subjects from causal reality. In order to achieve this, set stimuli that
cannot be permitted by receptors as real, are presented. Many of these
will defy physical laws but only because the "laws" were propagated
based on notions (theories) that had at the time of formulation some
point in function but not in long term study.
Where I live throughout any given week several instances of jet planes
frozen in the sky with their contrails intact, or proceeding at such slow
speeds they could not hold any lift and would free fall faster than their
progress, occur. Manytimes in full view of thousands of motorists. Pointing
them out to people is interesting. They will almost always put their heads
down and attempt to leave without discussion.
I have timed exoposure photos, one that shows a jet transforming as it
proceeds through a series of cloud banks downward, into a classic UFO.
It takes 45 minutes for it to travel about 35 horizonal arc degrees traveling
almost straight downward.
This had been put on a web site and shown to members of varous anomaly forums who rebuffed it with some of the most stupid explanations
obviously underling an incredulity that would resort to back flips in order
to avoid any meaningful discussion. What was so bizarre was these were,
for the most part, ufologists.
Recently on a forum critical to federal encroachments, a member put a
series of photos of a jet doing about the same, but metamorphing into
to cylinders, side by side, like the pillars on a pillar dollar.
We are being entrained to be impervious to what is in our vision when
our frame of reference is in the least tested. I see this by the effects on
the "observers".
Needless to say this kind of entrainment I call psychic blocking.
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Bruce, I concure with your 2 future plans. And Im sure you know that it isnt a United States government plan,but rather a global mindset. Mind control is used to achive population control. Wars, man made drought, drugs that kill rather than cure, political agendas that pit the population against one another and the government, and black ops (UFO) to further confuse and redirect intelectual discovery. My material suggests that it isnt just population control, but the complete extermination of the human race, is the ultimate goal.

Mr, Horak, is it you contention that secret societies are created by the government in order to further some hidden agenda?
Billy Boggs
Posts: 194
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Mr. Horak, I would like to address some things you have said;

“Mr. Boggs, secret societies have always been an instrument of covert
networking of government sanctioned operations and agendas if they
persist the rampant persecution attached to being otherwiseâ€