Reviews Spooks, Hoods and the Hidden Elite

JFK Assassination
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Reviews Spooks, Hoods and the Hidden Elite

Post by dankbaar »

This thread is reserved for reviews of Spooks, Hoods and The Hidden Elite.

As more and more of you are ordering the DVD, and will soon receive it, or already have, I invite you to give your feedback and opinions on this thread, but only if you have seen the whole film.

Off topic and trivial remarks that are not reviews will be removed or placed elsewhere.

Posts: 999
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Post by dankbaar » :

All of this current research is showcased on the website and is a treasure trove of information, building on the original research of Joe West. Start with the list of links on the left-hand side, which gives a wealth of information about the players in this epic story. I recommend you take your intro from the link labeled: "For Beginners."

The offer on the above link is a special offer for WAB subscribers for the video-taped testimonies of both Files and Holt. Everyone should have a copy of these crucial witnesses in your home library. You can order online or send in a check to a US address. I encourage you to get them as these interviews are crucial to your understanding of how the dark side of government has developed a seamless relationship with the Mafia in order to do its dirty work.

Not only do you get the video recorded testimony of James Files and Chauncey Holt, but these testimonies are interspersed with an investigative narration that explains and puts on screen the back-up documents and evidence that confirms what Files and Holt say. When Files and Holt name names, you get immediate background information and pictures of these government and Mafia directors. Fortunately, both of these CIA/Mafia hitmen kept copies of government documents for their own protection, backing up their connections with the CIA. Everyone who works for the dark side of government and the Mafia eventually finds out (through observing what happens to others) that their sponsors and employers can turn on them at any time and deny their relationship--sending them to prison, or worse. Thus, they keep records when they can. You get to see the key excerpts, including the signatures of their CIA handlers.

But are they credible? I believe so even though the government has spawned a flock of debunkers trying to shoot holes in their testimony. I've reviewed the two DVDs carefully and find them very credible. Holt and Files reel off facts, dates, times, people, and places without hesitation. They never show signs of carefully crafting their words. They tell only what they know and don't claim to have knowledge beyond their direct experience. They admit when they don't know something. More importantly, they name names in the government and Mafia who were directing their side of the assassination. James Files withholds only one name--a fellow hitman that he doesn't want to "out" without his permission.
Posts: 999
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Post by dankbaar »

Posts: 999
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by dankbaar »

Mr Dankbaar, I just recently found your website when a friend asked me why I thought somone other than Oswald killed JFK. I told him to google "dealey plaza vagrants" and we found your site from the search results. Your site is great - very informative.
Jeff Pascal
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review spooks, hoods & the hidden elite

Post by Jeff Pascal »

the DVD Spooks is outstanding. First of all it is professionally done & a lot more than Chauncey telling his story- which would have been interesting enough,but there are many photos of people he mentions that are integral to the events surrounding 11-22-63, I'd never seen previously. Many pictures of Holt I'D never seen either-along with clips of Los Gibson & Jean Hill-Chauncey in Dealey Plaza- intruiging archival footage/still pictures.
Jim Thompson
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Re: review spooks, hoods & the hidden elite

Post by Jim Thompson »

Jeff Pascal wrote:the DVD Spooks is outstanding. First of all it is professionally done & a lot more than Chauncey telling his story- which would have been interesting enough,but there are many photos of people he mentions that are integral to the events surrounding 11-22-63, I'd never seen previously. Many pictures of Holt I'D never seen either-along with clips of Los Gibson & Jean Hill-Chauncey in Dealey Plaza- intruiging archival footage/still pictures.

I just viewed Spooks, Hoods and the Hidden Elite . This is a major addition to JFK research. One cannot be too grateful to Wim for publishing this. Put this on the top of your list of necessary resources & benchmark references!

Homage to Chauncey Marvin Holt
1921 - 1997:

"Across the fields of yesterday
he sometimes comes to me, a little lad just home from play, the lad I used to be.

He always smiles so wistfully and once he crept within, I think perhaps he
wished to see the Man I might have been." CMH - 1978
Nerrilyn Diefenbach
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Post by Nerrilyn Diefenbach »

Review: Spooks, Hoods & the Hidden Elite

While not containing any startlingly new revelations, SH&HE serves the purpose of bringing certain areas into much better focus. The assassination is like a jig saw puzzle, but even when the pieces appear to fit they often remain blurred. The information provided by Chauncy Holt adds a significant amount of clarity to the parts of the picture in which he was involved. That he was able to support much of the information with documentation added greatly to the weight of his statements. Though not as compelling as the Files and Judith Vary Baker interviews, it was revealing and totally believable. These witness accounts are for me the most significant evidence that exists, and hopefully more people will come forward to provide even more clarity. Thanks to Wim for making this information available to the general public!