
JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

Kilgallen's reporting brought her into contact with Mark Lane who had himself received an amazing story from the journalist Thayer Waldo. He had discovered that Jack Ruby, J. D. Tippet and Bernard Weismann had a meeting at the Carousel Club eight days before the assassination. Waldo, who worked for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, was too scared to publish the story. He had other information about the assassination. However, he believed that if he told Lane or Kilgallen he would be killed. Kilgallen's article on the Tippit, Ruby and Weissman meeting appeared on the front page of the Journal American. Later she was to reveal that the Warren Commission were also tipped off about this gathering. However, their informant added that there was a fourth man at the meeting, an important figure in the Texas oil industry.

Who was the 4th man? Was it Clint Muchinson? Was it H.L. Hunt? Was it Poppy Bu$h? I don't believe that prominent guys like Murchinson or Hunt would want to be seen at a strip club. Poppy was sort of an unknown at that time. There have been other stories that Lee Harvey Oswald was seen with Ruby at the Carousel Club by witnesses before the assassination. I have also heard that Tippit was in Dealey Plaza at the time of the assassination. Some have also connected him to the "Badgeman" theory of the shooting. Tippit had also spent some time in Chicago. Other people with Chicago connections connected to the assassination include Ruby, Sam Giancana, Chuck Nicoletti, James Files, Richard Cain and Roscoe White. One of the witnesses that saw Tippit's murder, described two men at the shooting, including a man that had a similar build to Jack Ruby.
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Who is Bernard Weismann, and why did he testify at the warren commission if he said he didn't attend the meeting. How does he fit in? Did he only pay for the "Kennedy is a Traitor" handouts, or was he involved in another, more significant way.........
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Post by Bob »

Bernard Weissman was born on 1st November, 1937. After graduating from Edison Technical High School in Mount Vernon in June, 1956, he went to work for the Nuclear Development Corporation as an experimental machinist. He the moved to New Jersey where he was employed as a sales manager. In August, 1961, Weissman joined the U.S. Army and served in Germany where he met Larrie Schmidt. The two men shared an interest in right-wing politics and were both supporters of the John Birch Society. While in Germany the two men discussed the possibility of establishing a right-wing political group when they returned to the United States. Weissman was discharged in August 1963 but was unable to find work. Short of money, Weissman contacted Larrie Schmidt who at that time was living in Dallas. Schmidt told Weissman about his involvement in the attack on the liberal politician, Adlai Stevenson. According to Schmidt, this had been organized by General Edwin Walker. Schmidt added that his brother was working as General Walker's chauffeur and general aide. Schmidt invited Weissman to Dallas. Weissman later told the Warren Commission that Schmidt argued: "If we are going to take advantage of the situation, or if you are," meaning me, "you better hurry down here and take advantage of the publicity, and at least become known among these various right-wingers, because this is the chance we have been looking for to infiltrate some of these organizations and become known," in other words, go along with the philosophy we had developed in Munich." Weissman arrived in Dallas on 4th November, 1963. Soon afterwards Weissman joined an organization called the Young Americans for Freedom. Schmidt also invited Weissman to join the John Birch Society but according to his testimony before the Warren Commission he changed his mind when he discovered too many of them were anti-Semitic (Weissman was Jewish). While in Dallas he found work as a carpet salesman. Larrie Schmidt introduced Weissman to Joseph P. Grinnan of the John Birch Society. Grinnan was involved in organizing protests against the visit of John F. Kennedy. Grinnan seemed to know about the visit before it was officially announced to the public. Grinnan suggested that they should place a black-bordered advert in the Dallas Morning News on 22nd November, 1963. The advert cost $1,465. Grinnan supplied the money. He claimed that some of this came from Harvey Bright, Edgar R. Crissey and Nelson Bunker Hunt, the son of Haroldson L. Hunt. Weissman was given the task of signing the advert and taking it to the newspaper office.The advert attacked Kennedy's foreign policy as being anti-American and communistic. This included the claim that Gus Hall, "head of the U.S. Communist Party praised almost every one of your policies and announced that the party will endorse and support your re-election in 1964". It also attacked Kennedy's domestic policies. Another passage asked why Robert Kennedy had been allowed "to go soft on Communists, fellow-travelers, and ultra-leftists in America."Weissman was shocked by the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and told Larrie Schmidt he feared he would be accused of being involved in the killing. Weissman suspected that Kennedy had been killed by supporters of General Edwin Walker and that as a result he would be implicated in the plot. However, he told the Warren Commission he felt relieved when he discovered that Lee Harvey Oswald had been arrested for the murder. The Warren Commission did not ask how he knew that Oswald was not a right-winger. Despite this news, Weissman and Schmidt decided to leave Dallas Mark Lane testified before that Warren Commission that Thayer Waldo, a journalist on the staff of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, had told him that Weissman was involved in a two-hour meeting with Jack Ruby and J. D. Tippit at the Carousel Club on 14th November, 1963. According to Joachim Joesten (How Kennedy Was Killed), "a rich oil man" was also at this meeting. Weissman denied he had ever been to the Carousel Club and had never met Ruby or Tippit. George Senator told reporters that Jack Ruby had tried to contact Weissman after the assassination. According to Seth Kantor (Who Was Jack Ruby): "He (Ruby) couldn't get to Bernard Weissman. There was no such person in the Dallas phone book."

Lee Harvey Oswald was also accused of trying to assassinate the General Walker mentioned above. This is where the right wing is trying to portray Oswald as a left wing communist sympathiser or a lone nut. Plus, Weissman knew or suspected that Oswald was not a right wing advocate. How would he know that? Especially if Oswald is hanging around guys like David Ferrie and Guy Bannister like he was in the summer of 1963 in New Orleans and was GOOD friends with George DeMohrenschildt. I wonder if Weissman is connected somehow to Zapruder?
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Schmidt invited Weissman to Dallas. Weissman later told the Warren Commission that Schmidt argued: "If we are going to take advantage of the situation, or if you are," meaning me, "you better hurry down here and take advantage of the publicity, and at least become known among these various right-wingers, because this is the chance we have been looking for to infiltrate some of these organizations and become known," in other words, go along with the philosophy we had developed in Munich."

Infiltrate? JBS? Young Americans for Freedom? For what propose were they infiltrating? Weissman already said he didn't want to join the JBS because they were anti-Semite, and he was a Jew. That reminds me, Zapruder, Ruby, and Weissman are all Jews. Interesting connection, considering the current Jewish population of the US is only 2.2 % I wonder what it was in 1963. 1.7%? If that be the case there should only be 1.7 Jews per thousands of people involved in the assassination. 3 in this small prime group of players might represent 20 - 30 %. Something doesn't add up.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.....
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Post by Bob »

Paul, that story includes the work of Dave Perry. Not a good researcher. In my mind, a disinformation guy. Here is how Wim descibes him...

Quote: From Dave Perry (another great researcher): Dave Perry another great researcher? He's a great disinformation asset. And a liar. That's what he is.- Wim

I DEFINITELY agree with Wim there. And I definitely DISAGREE with the quote proceeding Wim's. I wonder who gave us that quote?
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Post by Pennyworth »

Bob wrote:Paul, that story was includes the work of Dave Perry. Not a good researcher. In my mind, a disinformation guy. Here is how Wim descibes him...Quote: From Dave Perry (another great researcher): Dave Perry another great researcher? He's a great disinformation asset. And a liar. That's what he is.- Wim I DEFINITELY agree with Wim there. And I definitely DISAGREE with the quote proceeding Wim's. I wonder who gave us that quote?

Whoo is David Perry? Can you elaborate? Where is his name attached to the above links??????
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Re: Mysterious deaths and the JFK assassination.....

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote:

When the House Select Committee on Assassinations wished to study the "mysterious deaths" associated with the assassination, they asked the Congressional Research Service — a division of the Library of Congress — to investigate a list of such deaths from published sources. The resulting CRS report is merely preliminary, but it shows the appalling number of factual errors in the conspiracy books pushing the notion, and the utterly non-mysterious nature of most of the deaths. Click on the name below to see the relevant section of the CRS report. [SEE ABOVE LINK FOR CLICK-ON]
Introduction to Report
Edward/Eddie Benavides
Albert Guy Bogard
Hale Boggs
Lee Bowers, Jr.
Bill Chesher
Nicholas J. Chetta, M.D.
David Goldstein
Thomas Hale (Tom) Howard
William (Bill) Hunter
Clyde Johnson
Dorothy Kilgallen
Thomas Henry (Hank) Killam
Jim Koethe
Levens (first name unknown)
Nancy Jane Mooney (also known as Betty McDonald)
Teresa Norton
Earlene Roberts
Harold Russell
Marilyn April Walle, a.k.a. Marilyn Moon, Marilyn Magyar, Delilah
William W. Whaley
James R. Worrell
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Post by Bob »


Read this...

You posted it. (and MOST of the stuff you post is outstanding by the way)

But that story basically tries to tear apart Jim Marrs and what he has researched. Read through and you will see Dave Perry's name a few times. If you believe any of what Wim's site talks about, then you have to know that Dave Perry is full of shit.