Anna Nicole Smith dead at 39 (in Florida)

JFK Assassination
bob franklin
Posts: 183
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Anna Nicole Smith dead at 39 (in Florida)

Post by bob franklin »

What has this to do with assassinations, you ask. Getting there.
When Anna's battle over the estate of Howard Marshall II went to the Supreme Court,& I found out that Dubya and company were jumping into the fray, I said to my boss at work (I worrk in a pizza joint& we were watching CNN on the big - screen at the time) I mentioned that I figured Anna for spam in a can. I gave her six months to a year. he just tossed me a jaded smile, because I'm such a conspiracy theorist. Then Anna's son suddenly died (nice convenient drug interaction), & he started looking closer, & maybe I'm not a complete tinfoil - hatter. Tonight I get a call at work. Anna's dead, holy crap! You called it bob! At first I thought He was playing me, but no, she died. 474 mil. Big oil. Bush Administration working into the mix. Anna and her son dead. And that's how it ties in. It's kinda like that movie "They Live" If you can just get 'em to look...
john geraghty
Posts: 119
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by john geraghty »

Can you explain the Bush link to this?