Why would Oswald have ejected the last spent shell ?

JFK Assassination
Kevin Fisher
Posts: 66
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Why would Oswald have ejected the last spent shell ?

Post by Kevin Fisher »

If he knew that he hit JFK, so that he knew, therefore, that that was his last shot, and he knew that time was precious to him, for he needed to get out of the sniper's nest and back down to the lunch room, why, then, would Oswald feel the need to eject the shell casing OF THE THIRD BULLET from his rifle?

Wouldn't he be hurried to ditch the rifle and then flee the 6th floor area, so much so that he'd want to save every precious second?

Hence, I am, therefore, surprised that we find 3 shell casings left on the floor of the sniper's nest on the 6th floor of the TSBDB.

2 shell casings is what we should expect to find.

3 shell casings, on the other hand, indicate to me a "planting" of the casings, so as to implicate a certain shooter/suspect.

Maybe I'm making too much out of little. But it seemed somewhat odd to me. 3 spent casings left on the floor?

2 makes more sense to me. And this becomes another bit of information that points to Oswald's innocence.

How likely would it have been for Oswald to eject the 3rd shell casing? He wasn't going to fire off another round. So why clear the chamber of the rifle?

Any hunters or rifle buffs want to take a stab at this?
Rob Waters
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Post by Rob Waters »

i was wondering the same thing. even in the movie JFK he (gary Oldman)doesnt eject the third shell before running away from the window.

Im also curious to hear comments.
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Yes, I know what you mean and also why would the casing be side by side? they would be in different places. Why would he have ejected the case? For some unknown reason....Well for sure to frame him. I would also like to hear comments.
Ricky Clow
Jorgen Sjolen
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Post by Jorgen Sjolen »

I read somewhere that the police photograf wasn´t present when the casings where found, and that one police officer picked them up, and when the photograf arived he put them out.

anyone else heard this?
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

nope I never herd of it but its probly bull, or they just could have placed the casings and rifle there before the photographer arrived?
Ricky Clow
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Kevin Fisher:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Kevin Fisher,

Kudos to Kevin. A really good question that I asked a long time ago on this JFK Forum. However, since that point in time this website was crashed 3 - 4 times and over 100 of my earlier Research and Writings, and questions were lost along with some really great work by other members before.

Kevin, were you aware that another rifle was discovered in the Texas School Book Depository. It was either a Mauser or a Marlin. I can't remember now as I sit here.

There is live video being shot when the rifle was carried out. If I recall correctly Officer Craig did an interview about this. I believe that he is now dead.

If I run across this in my notes at home I will try to re-post it.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Kevin Fisher
Posts: 66
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Post by Kevin Fisher »

Yes, Bruce, I remember seeing the video and reading the description of the "other" rifle that was removed from the TSBDB.

Too many inconsistencies and too many strange occurances to even pin it soley on one lousy guy.
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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Maybe he wanted Jackie dead to?

Post by Ricky Clow »

I in no way belive in a lone gunman, but maybe he wanted to kill Jackie to? He could have loaded the shell and taken aim but Clint Hill was blocking his shot?

Ricky Clow
Richard Carter
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Post by Richard Carter »

Hi Kevin Fisher,

What - you don't think that Oswald wouldn't have have wanted to eject
rile shell casings before having a nice cold Coka-Cola?

How bout the the other BS that has been foisted on us that Oswald ALSO
ejected the shell casings from his revolver after he "killed" Officer Tippit!!!
Yeah, shoot a cop in broad daylight, then waste time and empty a revolver
at the crime scene!

That planted evidence couldn't have been have been any more obvious.

Our man, Oswald, never had a chance...

Best, Rich
Mark Johansson
Posts: 78
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Post by Mark Johansson »

Kevin Fisher wrote:Yes, Bruce, I remember seeing the video and reading the description of the "other" rifle that was removed from the TSBDB.Too many inconsistencies and too many strange occurances to even pin it soley on one lousy guy.

Roger Craig was indeed one of the police officers who found the rifle on the sixth-floor. Seymour Weitzman, whom was a gun expert, even wrote in his rapport that a 7.65 Mauser was found.
In additional, Craig stated that 7.65 Mauser was stamped on the gun-barrel.
