Don't mean to steal your thunder, Bob, but Zapruder blew it

JFK Assassination
Kevin Fisher
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Don't mean to steal your thunder, Bob, but Zapruder blew it

Post by Kevin Fisher »

Bob on here lamented Zapruder's inability to pan the camera to the right, covering the view of the stockade fence, instead of just stopping filming, after the limo passes into the tunnel.

Zapruder is on record as stating that he heard reports of gunfire from his right.

So why did he fail to explore this area?

Why didn't he "look" over to his right, let alone film that area?

He never mentioned that he even looked to his right.

He says gunfire is heard there, but he fails to check that area out?

Makes no sense to me.

Did he fear he would see something that may only bring trouble to himself, so he deliberately looked away from his right?

Did he suspect there was a shooter there and he feared for his safety?

What was he thinking?

I mean, he continues to film the entirety of someone being gruesomely mudered, yet he fails to film someone who may have done the shooting?

Wouldn't the natural reaction be to swing the camera to the right, and continue recording, when you know the source of the shooting may have been to your right?

Why stop recording/filming?

Something tells me he feared what he may have found.

Otherwise, it makes no sense.

Zapruder went against all human nature.

For he acted like he did not want to know what was behind that door, or what was in that box.

Something was stirring in that area. Zapruder heard the shots from his right.

But he never explored or examined that area with his eyes.

He didn't seem to have the need to know what was behind that door, that is, what was in the area of the stockade fence?


Human nature tells us we should have gotten clear and timely shots of the knoll, immediately after the shooting.

But we did not find such a view on Zapruder's film.


Zapruder was not intrigued enough nor curious enough to have the need to film the knoll.

His curiousity never rose to a level extreme enough to warrant his need to venture into that area.

That goes against human nature. And we have lost a ton of insight and a load of evidence because of this shortcoming of Abraham Zapruder.

Along with the failure of the men in the window of the 5th floor to rush to the stairwell of the 6th floor to discover suspects leaving the scene, Zapruder's failure to film the activity around the stockade fence is the biggest disappointment in the gathering of evidence from that day in Dallas.
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Post by Bob »

No question about it. I also think that there are still photos and film out there somewhere that can help put the puzzle together. We know that there were many rolls of film confiscated that day. Some or most of that may have been destroyed. I also believe that there other photos out there that can place people at the scene. Jim Thompson showed us one recently that to me, definitely places E. Howard Hunt in Dealey Plaza. I'm sure there are more that can place people like Poppy Bu$h, Jack Ruby and others also at the scene. Yes, I know Wim has a pretty good photo of what appears to be Poppy in front of the TSBD. But I'll bet there are other, BETTER photos. I would think Gary Mack has a good collection and I see he recently joined the forum.
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Just in case anyone is interested, Mr Zapruder, was a 33rd Mason. I find it fasinating that he was in the right place, at the right time and photographed the head shot, but not much of the aftermath. Interesting.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

here we go again. i think zapruder wore glasses, mac wallace wore glasses, lbj wore glasses, j edgar hoover wore glasses, giancana wore glasses...hmmm, i think i am on to something here. lets waste our time on this valuable information.
Kevin Fisher
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Post by Kevin Fisher »

Zapruder tidbits, continued:

. Yes, Bob....he films the shooting, then stops filming. Why didn't he collect more of the days aftermath/events on film? Why stop with the limo going thru the tunnel? What was he thinking?

. In Zapruder's defense, I have to think if that was me standing there and filming the limo on that day, I may have lowered the camera on impulse to gunfire. I've always been amazed that Zapruder could maintain focus of the camera on the limo. The quality of the film is almost as if he took it using a mount of some kind. It's held pretty steady. Kind of amazing, especially when you realize what he was witnessing thru the view finder.

. I'm amazed that his secretary didn't shake him so much so that his film would become shaky and blurred. Afterall, if you were there behind Zapruder, wouldn't you be shaking him while yelling in his ear "Hey, did you see that?!!!" Or, "Something's happening here!"

. I have always been baffled as to why he doesn't film the limo so that it remains in a "centered" position on the processed film. You will see that, when the limo gets more directly in front of him, the bottom of the film shows only the limo from the door handle up. This leaves a view that shows mostly background and no sides or profile of the limo. Why doesn't he film the scene with the limo in the center of the view, maintaining a background that is similar in size above the limo as there is a foreground below the limo in the scene?

. I think that Zapruder bungled his way into glory in that he seemed, at the time, to have chosen a position to record his film that was not a prime location.
(1) I would have thought that his position would have been too far from the street to get a "choice" shot of JFK.
(2) I would have thought that, by the time the limo got in front of him it would have began to speed away, the results of the parade being completed. Afterall, the crowds were sparse there in front of Zapruder, so why would he think that the limo would still be travelling at a speed that would accomodate a filming for keepsake purposes, for there was no one for the limo occupants to wave at.
(3) The "choice" spot to film JFK would have been a no-brainer, that spot being the intersection of Houston and Elm, right in front of the TSBDB. WHy? Because this is where the limo had to slow to make that difficult turn. That would have given the filmer more time and a nice close up of JFK.
(4) Instead, he "blows" his opportunity, picks a "lousy" spot to film, and "stumbles" into history with a perfect view of the "proceedings".
We should all have such good luck.
Ray Mitcham
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Post by Ray Mitcham »

As I have said before, if you look at frame 313 of the Zapruder film, you will see what I believe to be the flash of the bullet from theGrassy Knoll. Assuming this to be correct, the angle, from where it comes over Zapruder's left shoulder, is approx 20 degrees to Zapruder and the limo.

If you then look at Radamecher's sketch on shown and compare the angles, you will see that this is the same as the angle between the Grassy Knoll gunman, and Zapruder.

Must prove something, or is it just co-incidence?
M Klein
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Post by M Klein »

Ray Mitcham wrote:As I have said before, if you look at frame 313 of the Zapruder film, you will see what I believe to be the flash of the bullet from theGrassy Knoll.

Where's the bullet "flash" in that image? Why would you claim Zapruder's left shoulder?
Ray Mitcham
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Post by Ray Mitcham »

Apologies. My Bad. Should have read " Right shoulder."

If you look at the picture you will see a flash above at about 1 o'clock above J.F.K 's head.
tom jeffers
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zapruder tidbits

Post by tom jeffers »

concerning kevin's remarks,

When I am filming any action sequences, I have the trouble of watching what is going on with the eye that is not looking through the viewfinder and I have a problem with letting the camera not be centered properly. I think that may have been zapruder's problem, everything seemed centered properly until he was stunned by jimmy's shot and in an effort to kind of look around at what was going on the camera got off course. He probably quit filming because if there was shooting and he caught the shooter on film, he might have felt his life was in danger (retaliation for catching the act on film and exposing the shooters identity).