Forward head snap puts a whole new perspective on things

JFK Assassination
Kevin Fisher
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Forward head snap puts a whole new perspective on things

Post by Kevin Fisher »

I once believed that the forward movement by JFK's head was an illusion caused by the "shifting" of his skull (that is, the simultaneous occurances of the removal of the rear skull area and the "flap" opening up toward the front gives the appearance of a "shift" to the front).

However, now I see an enhanced version on this site of the purported head snap, and I can clearly see now that the head does indeed completely move forward, and forward by a significant distance. It's not just an inch or so.

With that newfound knowledge and understanding, I am forced to believe that JFK was hit from behind. I have to believe that for that is what I see.

This is significant to me, for now I must try to reconcile that a shot from the front is now just a theory, for his head wound is caused by a shot from the rear.

And furthermore, this facilitates the idea that the shot from the front isn't needed, for the shot from the rear is enough; JFK is killed with the shot from the rear.

And if the kill shot is from behind, how can we reconcile the "need" for the shot from the front? The head is already exploding from a shot from behind, so why do I "need" to rationally have a shot come from the front?

I had always thought that we needed to have a shot from the front to prove he had been hit, for he moves to the rear, front to back, right? The physics of the kill seem to demand that a shot come from the front so as to move JFK backward.

But now I know he is hit from the rear. So why do I "need" the frontal shot? Just so that I can reconcile the backward movement?

I'm confused.

Help me, here. Why do we need to have a shooter on the knoll if we can hit him -- like they did -- with a shot from the rear? Why expose a man in an open area -- ie, the knoll area -- when our apparent markman can hit him from the rear?

I had always thought that the rear shots were diversions for the markman's activity from the front. The rear shots were not intended to score "hits". Yet, here we have the rear shot being the kill shot. So if they were that good, if they knew that they could hit him from the rear, why am I to believe that something was occuring on the knoll?

JFK was killed from behind. That is apparent -- unless the video was doctored -- in the video seen on this site.

The Warren Report lives. I hate to admit to that. But JFK was, like they claim, killed by shot from behind.

Now I have to somehow reconcile the belief that there was a shot from the front, for a shot from the front is not needed to complete the picture here.

JFK is dead without the shot from the front.
M Klein
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Post by M Klein »

Conspiracy vs. Lone Assassin. There's an incredible difference between the two -- coup vs. crazy individual.

It certainly doesn't matter which bullet got there first.
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Post by dankbaar »


Are you a clever disinformationalist or a sincere questioner? Not that it really matters, but sometimes I wonder.

The forward headsnap was caused by the impact of a bullet from behind, the subsequent backward snap is caused by an almost simultanously fired bullet from the grassy knoll.

To therefore state that the "Warren Report lives", just because ONE of the headshots came from behind is utter baloney (excusez le mot). Remember the Warren report contends that 3 shots were fired, one missed (they could no longer deny it after 6 months), and their "single bullet" accomplished feats that no bullet in history has ever accomplished.

But you know what is actually so good about your remarks? That you admit you had never heard about the forward headsnap. That in fact it gives you a new perspective, (although the wrong perspective so far).

You are not alone in hearing about the forward snap for the first time. I heard it too for the first time a few years ago. And mind you I have been a JFK assassination student since 1988. Who made me aware of this? None other than James Files !!

So the real question is: How the hell could Files have known that the head tilted forward first, if that forward snap is not visible with the naked eye? Contrary to the very visible backward snap. In fact the forward snap is only visible from a frame by frame (slowmotion) analysis of the Zapruder film. Did he study the Zapruder film better then any other JFK researcher? Remember Files has been in jail from 1980 to 1989 and from 1991 till now. With no access to the Internet and such.

Or did Files aim for Kennedy's right eye as he said he did , but came in on the right temple because the head snapped forward first by a bullet from behind?

You be the judge. For me his knowledge about the forward headsnap is one of the key pieces of evidence, but by far not the only one, that he is the real deal.

The gaping EXIT hole in the back JFK's head, the one that the Warren report denied and concealed, was ofcourse inflicted by HIS bullet entering the temple, and not the bullet that hit JFK's head from behind.

In that regard, the Warren commisioners should be glad that Files missed the left eye, although they would probably have explained it away as an exit wound from a shot from the rear.

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Post by dankbaar »

Here's another to ponder:

Make a hole in a coconut, then let it explode from the inside for example by throwing a firecracker through the hole. Then look at where the biggest exit hole from the explosion is.

Any guesses up front?

Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

I'm not a lone nut therost but if Kennedy was shot in the back of the head first wouldnt the front of his face explode? and in the Zapruder Film ( i'm not sure about its authincity) When Files shot him in the Head wouldn't there be a spray of blood come from the back of the head?

Ricky Clow
Kevin Fisher
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Post by Kevin Fisher »

Wim, I don't doubt you.

I just have to come to terms with this.

It's like finding out that a lady never liked you, and now you have to visualize a life without her.

Give me time.
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Post by dankbaar »

Okay Kevin, fair enough. I know what your're saying, it was hard to make people believe that the world was round, cause they told ecah other it was flat for so long.

francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

[JFK was killed from behind. That is apparent -- unless the video was doctored -- in the video seen on this site. The Warren Report lives. I hate to admit to that. But JFK was, like they claim, killed by shot from behind.]

you're not the first to conclude that. But for me, it's the proof that 2 bullets strike JFK... Let's examine the point:
suppose we have one and only one shot from behind:

Z312: end of a fast forward movement of the head.
Z313: head explode in a cloud of brain, blood and matter...

That seems logical at first glance: bullet fired at Z312 explode at Z313.
But bullet travel fast,very fast. A 6.5mm Carcano bullet travels at 2100 feet per second. Much faster than any head movement.. We can conclude at Z312, bullet had exited from the head since a long time (long time for the bullet of course...) Zapruder frames are 1/18th second apart each. For the duration of Z312, the bullet had time to travel 117 feets. So ? At Z312, bullet is out but we see absolutly no cloud of blood, brain or matter, absolutly nothing... even if the bullet has exited...


Z312: bullet strike JFK from behind. Bullet did not exit.
Z313: second explosive bullet fired from right front. Head explode upon impact, in a cloud of red mist.

it's physics....
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Mr. Kevin Fisher:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Kevin Fisher,

Please watch Jimmy Files' interviews. Jimmy addressed this many times over the years. Jimmy sited in on JFK'S right eye socket. Jimmy had orders to not shoot unless absolutely necessary. He also had orders to not shoot Jackie.

As JFK moved into the perfect kill zone, Jimmy was counting misses because they were ordered to go for a head shot, also known to some snipers as a guaranteed kill shot.

As Nicoletti's shot from the Dal Tek building hit JFK in the rear, Jimmy's shot, which had been zeroed in on JFK'S right eye socket, hit JFK in the right temple area.

Kevin please note that Jimmy has not changed, or added to this since his first public interview in 1994. And in 2004 he basically reiterated this line.

Additionally, Jimmy was corrected , addressed, or scolded if you will, by Nicoletti for "jumping the gun."

Also, Kevin, there is substantial proof from witnesses and videos that a majority of JFK'S blood and brain matter flew to the rear with great force, like an explosion.

Further note that this was Jimmy's statement long before recently enhanced vidoes have surfaced.

And finally, the accoustics experts have stated with 95 % accuracy over 40 years after Jimmy left his shell casing on the Grassy Knoll fence that a shot was fired from there.

Kevin, please reconcile the foregoing.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »


The Dal-Tex Specimen: The fourth piece of firearm evidence consists of a rusted shell casing found on the rooftop of the Dal-Tex Building in 1977 by an air-conditioning repair man. The Dal-Tex Building is just east of the TSBD, across Houston Street. Assassination researchers have long speculated that a second gunman was positioned at that building. Judging by the rusted condition of the shell case, it had been there for quite some time. What was unique about this case was the crimped edges along the neck suggesting that either the shell had been handloaded or had been used in conjunction with a sabot. This shell casing meant that the rifle was shot where the shell was expended and it is unlikely that deer hunters ever had occasion to position themselves on a rooftop in downtown Dallas.