My scenario of the shooting

JFK Assassination
Kevin Fisher
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My scenario of the shooting

Post by Kevin Fisher »

Forward head snap has altered my view of the killing. Here is what may have happened.

(1) JFK hit in back by a bullet that was not fully "loaded". The charge in the casing was too low to allow for the bullet to penetrate his flesh. That is why Dr Humes finds a shallow wound there. This is the bullet that is found on the stretcher. The shallow wound causes little damage to the bullet, hence, a pristine bullet is found. The charge in this bullet may have been doctored by the shooters so that the bullet could both be found intact and be linked to the Oswald rifle. There was no "magic bullet" that hit Connally.

(2) JFK is hit in the throat from the front. The wound is described by doctors at the hospital as a wound of entry. The bullet may have exited the body or went downward in the body, the results of hitting the spine. That may be why JFK's arms and hands come up -- a reponse to the spinal column taking a hit.

(3) Connally is hit in the back and wrist with the same bullet that is later found mangled on the floor of the limo (see David Lifton's Best Evidence.

(4) JFK is hit in head from behind.

There are other shots, misses that spray Mr Tauge near the underpass and perhaps a shot that hits the molding near the windshield.

There was more than one shooter, each with a different downward angle and at least two from the rear.

Oswald was NOT one of them.

A shooter is placed in the front. Sewer drain? Knoll?
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Post by dankbaar »

Mmm, now you make at least some more sense.

Based on this "scenario", which is not mine, but that's irrelevant here, do you still maintain that "the Warren Report lives"?

Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

I just have one question to your scenario. If JFK was hit in the back first you think he would feel it. But it's hard to say if the first shot made his arms react (this is because the Zapruder film has been altered and fabricated) Also Connolly was hit in the thigh which you didn't mention in your scenario. But it makes some sence.

Ricky Clow
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Post by dankbaar »

The Zapruder film was not altered. It's likely that some frames were taken out in the beginning to conceal the first shot, because there is a splice, the film stops and then goes on, but that's it.

Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

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Post by dankbaar »

Yes, I did see that. I also read the book of James Fetzer where Jack White's so called Zapruder hoax gets attention.

Name me one example that you find convincing for alteration, and I will address it, ok?

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Kevin Fisher And Ricky Clow:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messers. Kevin Fisher and Ricky Clow,

On one of my older posts from Seymour Hirsh's book The Dark Side of Camelot I pointeed out Hirsh's research about JFK throwing out his back a few days earlier having sex with one of his girlfriends.

JFK was wearing a special "back brace" on 11.22.1963 that made it almost impossible to move quickly after the shot to his back, regardless of the sequence. This brace was beyond the types of girdles or back braces that JFK had recently been wearing at that point in time.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Jorgen Sjolen
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Post by Jorgen Sjolen »

dankbaar wrote:Yes, I did see that. I also read the book of James Fetzer where Jack White's so called Zapruder hoax gets attention. Name me one example that you find convincing for alteration, and I will address it, ok? Wim

First of all, i am not saying this is true, i only what to hear your oppinion on this site ... jfk/intro/
Kevin Fisher
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Post by Kevin Fisher »

dankbaar wrote:Mmm, now you make at least some more sense. Based on this "scenario", which is not mine, but that's irrelevant here, do you still maintain that "the Warren Report lives"? wim

Well, the Comission can at least hang their hat on a "third" bullet hitting JFK in the head from behind, thereby lending support to the Oswald lone-assasin theory. Correct? I mean, now it is us who has to prove the frontal shot -- or at least another gunman -- where before this proof of a rear head-shot came to light, THEY had the burden to supply the proof of a rear shot to the head.

Make sense? Hence, with the rear head-shot in their pocket, some can maintain that the Warren Report is at least on life support.

That's all I am saying.
Kevin Fisher
Posts: 66
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Post by Kevin Fisher »

Connally hit in thigh? Of course, but the thigh-hit may be from a splintered bullet that has already hit him.

At any rate, I was just trying to account for JFK's wounds, stressing that a Magic Bullet may not exist and demonstrating that.