My scenario of the shooting

JFK Assassination
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Yes, I know, I thought thats what you ment but I wasn't sure. And in the Zapruder film, Some of the things I find wrong are...the sign and lampost are in the wrong location. The 7 foot tall woman in the background. The cars change. Barly anyone moves while Kennedy rides past them (if they went out to see the President you think that you would at least wave to him or something.) and the ameba man.... It's really hard what to belive these days in the assassination...theres 2 things for sure: it wasnt Oswald and that James Files was on the grassy knoll.
Ricky Clow
Jim Thompson
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Not Rogers

Post by Jim Thompson »

Ricky Clow wrote:did you ever see this? ... +film+hoax Ricky Clow

Hey, Bob, in this video Reymond says Frenchie was Max, a French sniper; but Holt says he saw Montoya with an anti-Castro kingpin (his bodyguard?) in Florida. So how can Frenchie be Charles Rogers (who was CIA)?
francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

and this is my scenario:

most people hear 3 or 4 shots
first shot sounded like a firecracker
shots from behind or/and front of the limousine


a team of 2 is there for planting evidence:
- be seen at the window with a riffle
- build the sniper's nest
- hide the Carcano
- put shell casing on the floor

no shot from TSBD

First shot:

from the roof of Daltex building. Bullet fired with a sabot. Because of the sabot, this shot sounded like a firecracker. This shot penetrated Kennedy's back, and exited through his throat. This was the meat shot for planting evidence. Part of the disaggregated sabot hit the road and did sparks.

Second shot:

The first shot was the signal for the others to begin shooting. Shot
by Nicoletti from a window of Daltex building. The shot barely missed JFK and wound Tagues.

Third shot:

shot by Nicolleti. Shot hit JFK in the back of the head. As he fired, the head of JFK move back and to the left by another shot so Mr Nicolletti think he missed again.

Fourth shot:

shot by Mr Files from the grassy Knoll. Because of the Nicoletti'shot, the head has slightly moved and Mr Files missed the eye. Head explode upon impact.

Back into the car, an angry Mr Nicolleti said to Mr Files he had fired too early.

i know, nobody will buy that.....
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

It sounds fine to me.
Maarten Coumans
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Post by Maarten Coumans »

dankbaar wrote:Yes, I did see that. I also read the book of James Fetzer where Jack White's so called Zapruder hoax gets attention. Name me one example that you find convincing for alteration, and I will address it, ok? Wim

How can you explain the Groden DVD, where the 155 and roadsign sequence is available?
Another one: The missing frames inbetween 340 and 341, and between348 and 349. From same DVD.

Best of luck in addressing. I cannot wait.

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Post by Giovanni »

What a bunch of bull! The Zapruder Film is not fake.
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Post by dankbaar »

I agree wit Giovanni
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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Post by Ricky Clow »

you cannot be serious, There is so mucg evidence that its fake. Jimmy said that the car stopped if I'm correct, If not please tell me in the Zapruder Film the limo doesnt stop, thats another good reason to alter the fiulm. Take a look at the videos i supmitted in my topic Is the Zapruder film Authentic?
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Post by dankbaar »

The car did not stop, it only slowed down.

Jimmy never said it stopped.

Maarten Coumans
Posts: 46
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Post by Maarten Coumans »

Giovanni wrote:What a bunch of bull! The Zapruder Film is not fake.

Wim agreed to that...

What kind of adress is that...... how can those frames be missing on the "original", without a trace that they were removed.

And Wim: How can Z have stopped filming at roadsign. And Groden has those frames???? As well as the 155 gap......

So you cannot address it....
