Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

what about the county in ohio where bush got 1600 votes and there were only 800 registered voters?
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Post by Dan »

M.C.Newton -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oh boy... R Croxford -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sad
Neil Commenator
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Never Been A Democracy

Post by Neil Commenator »

I’ll say this with the understanding that this isn’t the arena for it - The United States Of America has never by definition been a democracy. This county has always been, and was set up to run as a Democratic Republic. Semantics ?? Maybe. The key distinction is that a democratic republic needs the participation and guidance of its people. This country still suffers from the over looked predictability of having a very SILENT MAJORITY. As long as more people choose to sit and bitch, rather than think, seek, and VOTE (!), we will ride on the whims of unknown, for their gain not ours. Apathy is the deathnail to any effort of governance in the democratic style. When we can engage those choosing to ‘not participate’ and change their ways, we will have a chance at seeing change in this machine. Those that rule without representing those that vote can be found, exposed and replaced, but not without a greater contribution from the masses. The silent majority is the brass ring thru this bulls’ nose that has us all thinking our efforts are in vain.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

Nice post Neal. Bruce Brychek posted a few weeks ago with similar remarks. We keep pushing democracy down the rest of the worlds throats as the best form of government while only 30 percent of the registered voters take the time or trouble to vote. How do you think Marion Barry got re-elected after serving time for sniffing coke with a prostitute. The same thing is happening in some of the nations large cities. the black's do a good job of bussing the voters to the polls to get their candidates elected for good or bad. I am not picking on the blacks but that is one example how the slient majority is missing out.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

sorry neil not neal
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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President George W. Bush's Speech:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

Assuming that many of you watched President Bush's speech last night about "his war," does anybody today think that we have anything close to a Democracy ?????

"We the people ..." have no power to stop the Military Industrial Complex.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Neil Commenator
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Post by Neil Commenator »

Mr. Brychek - As in my earlier post, the only power ANY democratic society can bring to effect change in their political situation is the function of the ballot. To that end, this medium we are now using, the internet, introduces an avenue for change that has never in mankind’s existence been available before. Will it take far too long for many of us ? – Of course it will ! That in and of itself shouldn’t deter us from the task.

This medium can hopefully bring information, both pro and con on any number of issues to the non-participants in such an easy way that possibly they will see the need for their participation in this democratic process. The most important information may be with regard to the individuals we see running for office. The burden will be on those of us that take on the task of scrutiny, to assist all participants with our sifting thru the unstated as well as the promised in an effort to expose the crap, lies, and inconsistencies of the candidates. Until we get people into office that are there to better the masses rather than fulfill their debt to those in the shadows, it will always be an uphill quest. But it will still be a quest worthy of our efforts eh ? I for one at least have to hope so.
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Re: President George W. Bush's Speech:

Post by Pennyworth »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,Assuming that many of you watched President Bush's speech last night about "his war," does anybody today think that we have anything close to a Democracy ?????"We the people ..." have no power to stop the Military Industrial Complex.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

NWO is here it is the precursor to armegeddon....the only way we can stop the order of things that are and hope for change to a 'braver new world' is to cut off the head of the serpent so to speak ; 'his power supply 'by way and means of boycotting certain banks, (Bof A is one), boycotting purchasing and driving gas cars. boycotting products sold to the public from the NWO manufacturers, stop eating chemically engineered and processed 'NWO' foods, stop buying on credit; we empower or dis-empower everytime we consume by our choices of purchases......
tom jeffers
Posts: 442
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Post by tom jeffers »


you make an interesting point that change can only occur through the democratic process by "hopefully" well informed voters. I think we may be too far gone for that to occur. If the american people want change and vote for it, the MIC just fixes the election to give them the hand picked winner that they want. The corruption runs so deep that even if a good intentioned candidate makes it past the election, the system is too corrupt to change. Oh every candidate has their little platform that they stand on to face te american voters but if you look close enough, its the same old crap repackaged in a different personality.