Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

JFK Assassination
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Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Post by kenmurray »

Excellent and passionate post Bruce! I agree totally. The Elections are a total fraud!
Posts: 45
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Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Post by JDB4JFK »

I AGREE BRUCE GREAT POST!TRUMP 2016 IS OUR ONLY HOPE TO GET AMERICA BACK, BUT I think its rigged too. The 2000, 2004, and 2012 were definitely rigged elections!
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Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Post by Slav »

The elections are a joke, I also think the election is a joke, I hope Trump wins to straighten out the country, but something tells me they will have the rigged machines working over time to make sure Trump doesn't win, just like Bruce says it really is a one Party election the establishment against we the people and we the people have not been in the White House since 1963, this is the strongest fight against the cia and establishment since 1963 if Trump doesn't win then it's over we will never have a stronger fighter against the establishment than trump, they have tried everything to smash Trumps chances and Trump keeps on fighting.I hope he does it.
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Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Post by Bob »

Bruce, I concur.Speaking of politics, I'm sure just about everyone has heard about the Panama Papers debacle. Guess who supported this trade agreement? Dumbya Bush and his administration, as this is where the deal was first hatched. But so did Barry O and his Secretary of State at the time...Hillary. Guess who opposed this trade agreement, just like he has with NAFTA and other similar trade agreements like TPP? Bernie.http://www.salon.com/2016/04/05/sanders ... rted_it/It would be interesting to see where the Donald stood on this trade agreement. My guess, at least based on his views about NAFTA and TPP, is that Trump also opposed this deal.
Ed Teach
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Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Post by Ed Teach »

Bob wrote:It would be interesting to see where the Donald stood on this trade agreement. My guess, at least based on his views about NAFTA and TPP, is that Trump also opposed this deal.I bet he believes drugs are bad business. No one asks hims anything about that do they?NAFTA was about greasing the wheels of the cocaine tradeTPP is about improving the old infrastructure of the heroin pipeline from Afghanistan that dated from Vietnam/Indochina even back to French Connection days. And it all has to do with the US Dollar being reserve status currency and all oil traded in those dollars. Very important valuable fact to understanding the big picture!Look at what is happening in Burma right now. N. Korea is throwing a fit as usual wonder if any drugs and offshore dirty money flows through there and who took over a piece of their action? And last but not least...America welcome to Cuba on your cruise ship targeted by a mad Arab religious fanatic disguised as a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma??? 'Al Quaeda' is queer about transportation killings...you know planes, trains, convertible presidential limos and the like.