Halliburton Moving To Dubai: Why ?????

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Halliburton Moving To Dubai: Why ?????

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

"Dubai - Oil services giant Halliburton Co., will soon shift its corporate headquarters from Houston to the Mideast financial powerhouse of Dubai, chief executive Dave Lesar announced Sunday.

Lesar, speaking at an energy conference in nearby Bahrain, said he will relocate to Dubai from Texas to oversee Halliburton's intensified focus on business in the Mideast and energy-hungry Asia, home to some of the world's most important oil and gas markets.

Lesar's announcement appears to signal one of the highest-profile moves by a U.S. corporate leader to Dubai, an Arab boomtown where free market capitalism has been paired with some of the world's most liberal tax, investment, and residency laws.

In 2006, Halliburton - once headed by Vice President Dick Cheney - earned profits of $ 2.3 billion on revenues of $ 22.6 billion."


1. Enron wreaked havoc on Texas, and other parts of the U.S. economy.

2. Halliburton will be laying off 12,000 Texans, starting soon. Certainly this will also wreak further havoc on Texas, and other parts of the U.S. economy.

I welcome all responses from JFK Forum Members.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by M.C.Newton »

My favorite part is that they will remain a registered US company, thus keeping them right there at the top of the "no bid contract" list. Though I feel that this move should not really surprise anyone. If there is nothing else to rape from their "host" a parasite will surely move onto more plentiful sources.

These people have absolutely no shame whatsoever. "Opportunist" is not a shitty enough word to use for these people. They provided dispicable services for our armed forces, even to the point of contaiminating a huge amount of water that our soldiers obviously needed (www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeIxHQ-lkuM), while serving in the desert.

There is no place in Hell low enough for them.

Unfortunately this is just par for the course, with no signs of this ship being righted.
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Post by Bob »

Three reasons...more greed (as in no taxes), it also would be tougher to litigate a crooked company like Halliburton there and also because there is no corporate oversight in Dubai. Dubai, you know the same country that runs our port security. Hmmm. Oh yeah, Dubai also helps fund and arm Muslim militants that hate America. Mixed messages? Not really. Chickenshit Cheney, when he was CEO of Halliburton, did business with BOTH Iraq and Iran. Now they are the bad guys. When it's profitable.
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Post by Bob »

This from the Wayne Madsen Report...

March 13, 2007 -- The actual reason Halliburton and its chairman David Lesar are moving their corporate digs to Dubai is that the UAE's lax laws on corporate record keeping and the opaqueness of business transactions in the emirates will allow the firm to avoid responding to congressional subpoenas for its scandalous war profiteering in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other locations. A source with extensive ties in Dubai also reports that after leaving office, Dick Cheney will be spending "a lot of time in Dubai." WMR was told that Cheney will likely start looking for property in the emirate -- there are a number of highly-secured gated communities springing up in Dubai, which is fast becoming the "Hong Kong" of the Middle East.Halliburton will also be able to avoid paying U.S. corporate taxes as a UAE-headquartered corporation.

Dubai also might be compared to Argentina and Brazil. You know, places for Nazis (Bu$h, Cheney etc.) to hide.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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"Dubai building to tower over rivals:"

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Fellow JFK Forum Members,Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, July 24, 2007, section 1, page 9:By Blair KaminTribune - architecture critic:"The Burj Dubai in the United Arab Emirates is the world's tallest building, even though it's still under construction. Its architects, Skidmore Owings & Merrill of Chicago say it has already 1,680 feet, topping the old record-holder, a 1, 667 foot - tower in Taiwan.""...its height still a closely guarded secret, will soar nearly half a mile or higher into the desert sky.""George Efstathiou, Skidmore's managing partner on the project, said in an interview that the Burj Dubai would be 'approximately ' as tall as the 1,127 - foot John Hancock Center stacked atop the 1,450 - foot Sears Tower. That adds up to 2,577 feet - not far from half a mile, or 2,640 feet."Commentary:As the infrastructure of the U.S. continues to overall decline, the War Profiteers, the oil companies, Halliburton, and the Military Industrial Complex are pouring their massive profits and talents into anywhere in the world BUT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Bush and Cheney need to be tried for TREASON and nothing less. They are criminals as far as I am concerned. They told us that most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi nationals. Then-----------they said "Hey, why not let Dubai take over the security of our ports????!!! Remember that one??? The only reason they abandoned it is because the American people stood up screaming. Then Halliburton moves there???
And now arms to the Saudis. THIS IS WHY MY NEPHEW WENT AND FOUGHT IN IRAQ???!!!! This is what Patrick Tillman died for?????
I fully believe Patrick Tillman was murdered and probably by one of his superior officers. It came out that he voted for Clinton and had voted Democratic more than Republican, he was also known to be very outspoken in his opposition to certain government activities. He was shot 3 times in the forehead at close range (less than 10 meters according to the coroner). They lied about it then used him on the cover of every damned magazine in the nation to further their illegal war, all the while lying to his family.
In case you didn't know, CHENEY RUNS THIS COUNTRY NOT BUSH. He is a devious cunning conniving creepy little man. He shoots a guy in the face and there isn't even an investigation or police report, even at the local level. Who else can get away with that???
And the Attorney General has been their partner in crime. That little troll of a man, and I mean, really, he looks like a damned troll, needs to go. There ought to be a law in Washington that if you can't be a really good liar, you can't work for the government.
What I am most disappointed in is our so-called media. What has happened to investigative journalism?? Our news broadcasts are a joke. Our newspapers are all owned by corporate moguls. They feed us pablum, they regurgitate what they are told to regurgitate, and nothing more. We desperately need some heroes in the media.
What we need is what happened to bring down Nixon. People this is the same thing! An illegal war, crimes and lies running rampant in the White House. What happened to all the college students who stood up to the government and ended the war in Vietnam.
But most importantly what the hell happened to Congress, you know those Democrats who said they would end the war. That damned Nancy Pelosi! Instead of impeachment she is eating peaches in the White House at dinner with the Bush's. They promised to end the war and they did not deliver. Kucinich said it best, CUT OFF THE FUNDS! That is how the Vietnam war ended, doesn't anyone remember???!! THEY JUST CUT OFF THE DAMNED MONEY, and that was it. Bye Bye Vietnam.
I believe Bush is selling arms overseas for $$$ to continue the war. He has bankrupted our nation and now has to steal from the treasury of other nations.
Well, that is my peace for now, such as it is. I just wish people would have more historical perspective when they look at these things. This is all stuff that has happened before, but back then we had people willing to stand up for the truth. They didn't care if they would lose their corner office, company credit card, and Mercedes Benz.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Re: Halliburton Moving To Dubai: Why ?????

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.12.2007 - I Posted this Headline. Today, Halliburton, Dick Cheney, The Military Industrial Complex, and The War Profiteers continue To Hide In Plain Site.Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Israel, etc., etc., nothing has changed.But we keep "...Bringing the World Democracy.""Democracy spoke in our November, 2012, Presidential Election."Are we better, or worse off ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.