Charles Harrelson

JFK Assassination
john geraghty
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Charles Harrelson

Post by john geraghty »

Charles Harrelson died in the early hours of the morning due to a heart attack. Harrelson is the father of actor Woody Harrelson and is suspected of being one of the three tramps arrested near Dealey Plaza following the Kennedy assassination.

I have been working on a presentation on Harrelson for this weekends Caterbury Seminars for Dealey Plaza UK. In my presentation I was going to share a small piece of information that, if fully researched, could prove Harrelson's innocence in the murder of Judge John Wood. I have, in the past, corresponded with Harrelson a few years ago with regard to the assassination. I had intended to contact Harrelson again, but now I will not have the chance.

My research into Harrelson will cntinue much as it has, as Harrelson was not particularly open in his letters. One wonders what secrets Harrelson took to the grave with him. One also wonders whether Harrelson left any secrets with his attorneys as so many of his ilk have done.

I can not help but be saddened at his death, though he was a murderer and a con-man. I will post up a type up of my Canterbury presentation for others to read. My presentation on Harrelson from a few yeas ago is available in the online seminars section of the education forum ... topic=2371 . Bear in mind that I was 17 when I wrote this earlier account and am now 21.

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Post by Pennyworth »

You beat me by a minute my friend!!!!!
M Klein
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Post by M Klein »

Hey John, after reading your article on Harrelson, I'm curious about your thoughts about the evidence on this site about Harrelson being positively identified as one of the three tramps. It's interesting to see around the internet that the identifications of Harrelson and Chauncy Holt and that other guy have not been disproven.

To me, this is the smoking gun. Experts can argue about the pristine bullet until the sun sets, but three operatives hiding in a boxcar in Dealy Plaza after the assassination is unassailable proof of conspiracy. The lack of much discussion against the identifications really seals it.

A court case would further prove it. It would be great if one of the "other" tramps could sue for wrongful imprisonment for their six days in jail, thereby setting the evidence and experts in motion and getting a jury to rule on the facts.
john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

Hi M Klein,
I really don't want to be standing on either side of the fence on this one. Th evidence before me would tend to say that Harrelson may indeed have been there. The history student in me tells me to sit this one out for a while.

At the moment, I am looking into Harrelson's 'business' relationships and am trying to find the people that he ran with. I have had some success in tracking down both RD Matthews (friend of both Harrelson and Jack Ruby) and Jimm Chagra (the man who supposedly gave Harrelson the contract for the Judge Woods murder). I have not contacted either yet.

The more I look into Harrelson, the more I think that he knows people involved in the assassination. The only problem is that it is very difficult to get information on him pre-63. All we know is that he was a small time hood, who was also a door to door salesman, and then by 65 he was driving a Corvette and had a serious reputation as a hitman.

If I had a lot more time and some money I would wager that within a year I could tell you with a reasonable degree of certainty whether Harrelson was the tramp or not.

With regard to the info presented on Harrelson on this site, it consists largely of the work of Lois Gibson, whose credentials I have no reason to doubt. I would like to see facial recognition technology used in the case of the tramps.

Personally, I sometimes do see the resemblance with Gedney, Doyle and Abrahms. Other times I see it with Rogers, Harrelson and Holt. I'm not a photographic expert, so speculation on my part would be folly.

Within a few days I will have a new piece written on Harrelson that indirectly links him to Ruby, Matthews, Lewis McWillie, LBJ, John Connally, Edwin Walker and a whole host of others. Some of these connections are more tenuous than others it should be known. The article on my website (oh my website, what a piece of ****) was written when I was 17, I am now 21 and have had four years of College behind me. I will be applying for a phd for next year, so my skills as a writer and investgator have improved significantly since then. One good thing that I must say about mysite is that it has enabled people that know something about Harrelson to contact me.

Is it Harrelson? Yes with a big no.

R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Good answer John.
I agree.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Charles Harrelson

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.17.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.21.2007 - Mr. John Geraghty Posted this Headline about The Three Tramps and Charles Harrelson.John Geraghty was a Great JFK Murder Solved Forum Member. Anybody hear from John lately ?This is a good brief Pro vs. Con Discussion by John.Newer JFK Forum Members can use this as a valid takeoff point if you are not familiar with this subject matter.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, study, thoughts, orwritings about this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Phil Dragoo
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John Geraghty

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Re: Charles Harrelson

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.17.2010Dear Mr. Phil Dragoo:Phil - Thank You, My Friend.You are an excellent researcher, and writer.Respectfully,BB.