OT: April 6th Bombs To Fall On Iran?

JFK Assassination
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OT: April 6th Bombs To Fall On Iran?

Post by M.C.Newton »

So says Webster Tarpley in this article:


I'm sure some of you know Mr. Tarpley from his book "George Bush The Unauthorized Biography" about GHWB, and the family in general. If you don't know the book I would recommend reading it.

What do you think about the article?
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Post by M.C.Newton »

Reports of US military buildup on the Iranian Border coming out of Russia.


US largest military buildup in the Persian Gulf since the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

http://breakingnews.iol.ie/news/story.a ... =zy456yy66

David Octopus
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Post by David Octopus »

I like Tarpley, but some of his points are quite of the mark. He disputes peakoil which is in my view sign of his deficient curiosity and judgment, he also tends to be too much in bed with the russian spooks, like gen. Ivashov etc.

In terms of the attack on Iran, there is a very big IF and in case it happens so what? Do you expect the moronic US public to go to the streets in sufficiently big numbers or some patriotic part of the defense establishment to go against the tyrant in times of war? Don't be naive..

The only sick hope is that the iranians will be able to limit their civilian causulities and in response mount a counter attack by which eliminating some substantial part of the US ground troops in Iraq. The next response would be un/limited nuclear strike against Iran and from the other side shutin of most of the oil/gas production from the gulf. So, the overall result would be either a total global economic cockup or nuclear WWIII or both.

I doubt that this development is being evaluated by the "rational part" of the elite, think of Bzrezinski/Soros and alike as feasible so they will step on the brakes. Therefore, it's more likely you will see tabloids on the cover page with leaked pictures of Bush and teen male prostitutes in action than attack on Iran.
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Post by Pennyworth »

Glad to see you back on board Mr. Octopus!!!!

I wonder where you be!

What if they staged a war and no one came to coin an old phrase!

Yes the revolution will never be publicised or televised! But it is being internetized!

Nancy Pelosi came out of Bush's office with her head down stating that the impeachment is off the table. I wonder what went on in that office?

But she did utter a littler later that "Maybe something will come up.'
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Post by M.C.Newton »

Clearly there's an IF Mr. octopus, hence the question mark in the topic's title. The part that I don't understand is where you come in with a vitriolic response. My intent in posting this was to garner opinions as to whether or not people think that this could happen that soon. Don't be condescending...

I wasn't aware that the "rational part" (Brzezinski/Soros) had a direct line to the White House. I actually didn't realize that there was anything rational coming out of either side of the isle. But I seriously doubt that Bush & company are going to listen to anything Soros says anyway. One thing I do know is that Pelosi took a section out of the Military Spending Bill, that was signed about a week ago, which would have forced Bush to seek Congressional approval before any military strike on Iran. So is this a case of the "rational part" just trusting the un-rational part? Shouldn't Bush have to seek congressional approval anyway, in starting another war? Isn't that Congress' job? Would this be considered Congressional Approval?

It would also seem that Russians would have a better viewing angle than we would, seeing as though it's Russian scientists running the Iranians nuclear program, among numerous other dealings in defense and otherwise.

My apologies if I misinterpreted your post to be vitriolic and condescending.
R Croxford
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Now your talking my language

Post by R Croxford »

In 1959 Brzezinski was not granted tenure at Harvard, and instead moved to New York City to teach at Columbia. Here he wrote Soviet Bloc: Unity and Conflict, focusing on Eastern Europe since the beginning of the Cold War. He also became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York and attended meetings of the Bilderberg Group.

With all do respect bro. Do you really think they care what the CFR is thinking right now? They may act like they do but they do not for they are attacking everything the council stands for.
No we will not attack Iran. Niether will anyone else for that matter. Unless you want to see ww3. If we did that the morons you speak of might get a little pissed off. Promise you that.
P.S Please do not refer to my peeps as morons. Because they are programmed to be subversive as are the occupants of whatever you are. I do not support anything this government does but I will always support my Peeps. Your point was made and could have been made by saying people instead of morons. We understand. Sheeple is a good word. Mindless zombies, lost!, confused? Any of these sound better then moron bro. I fight for these peeps everyday even if I do not know why. For they are my countrymen and women. And they know not what they do.
Peace again.
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Post by M.C.Newton »

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Re: Now your talking my language

Post by Pennyworth »

R Croxford wrote:In 1959 Brzezinski was not granted tenure at Harvard, and instead moved to New York City to teach at Columbia. Here he wrote Soviet Bloc: Unity and Conflict, focusing on Eastern Europe since the beginning of the Cold War. He also became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York and attended meetings of the Bilderberg Group.With all do respect bro. Do you really think they care what the CFR is thinking right now? They may act like they do but they do not for they are attacking everything the council stands for.No we will not attack Iran. Niether will anyone else for that matter. Unless you want to see ww3. If we did that the morons you speak of might get a little pissed off. Promise you that.PeaceP.S Please do not refer to my peeps as morons. Because they are programmed to be subversive as are the occupants of whatever you are. I do not support anything this government does but I will always support my Peeps. Your point was made and could have been made by saying people instead of morons. We understand. Sheeple is a good word. Mindless zombies, lost!, confused? Any of these sound better then moron bro. I fight for these peeps everyday even if I do not know why. For they are my countrymen and women. And they know not what they do.Peace again.

I will have an article coming up on the cfr shortly my internet friend .. it will be under 'New World Order'...where is your article on the rothschilds posted ? I went fishing but gave up...
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Post by M.C.Newton »

I think the release of the British prisoners puts a kink in the bombing.