The last confession of E. Howard Hunt: US government/CIA tea

JFK Assassination
Billy Boggs
Posts: 194
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

The last confession of E. Howard Hunt: US government/CIA tea

Post by Billy Boggs »

Apr 3, 2007, 01:25

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The April 5 issue of Rolling Stone features the deathbed confession of CIA operative and key Bay of Pigs/Watergate/Nixon administration figure E. Howard Hunt, The Last Confession of E. Howard Hunt by Erik Hedegaard. This piece is significant not only for its exploration of Hunt, but for breakthrough information that appears to thoroughly corroborate the work of key John F. Kennedy assassination researchers and historians.

Who killed JFK?

According to Hunt’s confession, which was taken by his son, St. John (“Saintâ€
Rob Waters
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Post by Rob Waters »

Awesome! thanks Billy!
Billy Boggs
Posts: 194
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Billy Boggs »

Your very welcome. But I,m only doing my Patriotic, non-globalist, non-secret society, duty LOL LOL

Another interesting find, Bill, big mouth, hypocrite, O Reilly, at one time was a JFK truther? Yep, he lam basted the government and CIA blaming them for Kennedy's death. Now he is all over Rosie for questioning 911. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears.

Something must have happened to ol Billy O. Did he sell his soul, or is he being blackmailed? Its day and night. ... http%3A%2F%

Someone needs to forward this link to Rosie LOL LOL LOL
Cappy Erikksen
Posts: 23
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Post by Cappy Erikksen »

Well, I'm no great fan of Bill O'Reilly. (I used to like him, but that was before I started watching his show) In his defense, however, I have to say that it's very reasonable for a man to believe in a JFK conspiracy without believing in a 9-11 conspiracy and certainly without kissing the fat ass of Rosie O'Donnell.

I know this for a fact because I happen to be such a man. I sincerely believe that Ward Churchill is a hare-brained crackpot. Furthermore, I can tell you that every post on this forum supporting the 9-11 conspiracy theory is a post that removes credibility from the sustaining members as well as the webmaster, and consequentially drives away potential members.

I know THIS for a fact because when I first visited this website, about 3 years ago, I stayed for 6 hours, reading nonstop and soaking up information like a sponge. When I signed up to this forum, last November, and susequently began reading all the 9-11 stuff, it made me start to re-think my beliefs about the JFK conspiracy. I figured, "well, these people will believe ANYTHING so why should I take them seriously?" Then, after reading a lot of lone-nutter propaganda from other sites, I actually started to lean towards that direction, but after visiting some other JFK conspiracy sites and viewing evidence, videos and interviews that I'd never seen before, my former beliefs were renewed.

It's a good thing too, 'cause during that period of doubt I very nearly deleted all my TMWKK videos from YouTube. I'm glad now that I didn't do that as they are getting quite popular and are hopefully opening up some closed minds.

John Gehraty once sent me an invitation to join his YouTube assassination discussion group, which I accepted. I quickly left the group, however, when I saw all the Malcolm X, ML King and 9-11 stuff there. Very little of it pertained to the Kennedy assassination although I realize it was intended to cover assassinations in general. What got me riled was that it seemed to be shamelessly pandering to black people and their imaginary persecution in America. Please forgive me if I get somewhat disgusted when folks from other countries take part in bashing my homeland for things that are totally distorted by the world's left-wing Zionist media. American politicians, as well as entertainment and news moguls, keep the IDEA of racism alive and flourishing here, simply to get votes and attract an audience. Sorry John, nothing personal. I just happen to see you as young and idealistic, but totally clueless about the social situation in America. I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, from the 1950's to the 1980's. I now live in Texas but still visit my old home regularly, so when I read posts by people who laud trashy scum like Cynthia McKinney and her Black Panther thug bodygaurds, I can only shake my head in disbelief.

The reason I'm posting this is just to warn you about how many other potential forum members you're probably driving off by straying from the designated topic on such a regular basis. When I spoke my mind in this forum a few months ago, I was flamed for my statements about 9-11 "crackpots" and thereby gave up posting here. I was called "stupid", in so many words, for not agreeing with the status-quo. I may be wrong about certain things, but calling me "stupid" is the reaction of a person who can't think of a rational argument to neutralize my thoughts.

Anyhow, I'm not trying to start a debate over the validity of John's discussion group or Cynthia McKinney, or Ward Churchill and his 9-11 beliefs; I'm just offering a few suggestions that may help to increase the validity and traffic of Wim Dankbaar's otherwise excellent site, as well as this forum.

I realize that many of my above comments will appear combative to most of you, and will subject me to further flaming, but I offer no apologies. I'm a peaceful man but have always been honest about my beliefs and convictions; therefore, I have no intentions of suppressing them, here or elsewhere. My disgust for media whores like Rosie and Cynthia, who are destroying my country for their own profit, will never be a secret. Just as my new-found disgust for George W. Bush, who is selling out my country and culture to illegal third-world immigrants, will not be secret either.

Cappy Erikksen
Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Cappy Erikksen »

BTW, Billy, I'm not personally attacking you or your thread. I actually visited the thread because of my great interest in any revelations about E. Howard Hunt and his deathbed confessions. Then the topic immediately transformed into another bashing session of 9-11 non-believers. Whether it was done jokingly or not, that was what ruined it for me; however, any information you have about Howard Hunt will capture my full interest and attention.
Billy Boggs
Posts: 194
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Billy Boggs »

Cappy, nothing on the net, do I take personally. No do I take your input for
any more than what you stated.

Your criticism concerns the 911 issue. If you noticed I only addressed the present battle between O Reilly and Rosie, which in itself is only a side show. And only contained the Story Bill did on JFK conspiracy. I did not debate the 911 information. Rosie and Bill can do that.
I gave no link to any 911 info, only the Kennedy material. And that was made in jest to show certain hypocrisies that are present in the modern media, and even the Kennedy assassination materials.

And I agree, there are plenty of 911 sites people can visit if they want to pursue the truth concerning it. And if, there was some minor connection between the two events, then maybe it belongs here too, but I find none. They are separate events. I would suggest that it was your reply that furthered any thought about 911.

Presently, there exist on this board a heated debate as to what constitutes
Kennedy material, and what inst. We are given the "Official" version as to the event and expected to think inside of that very small "box".

But in truth, when one researches or investigates ANYTHING, they must pursue all leads, all facts, all rumors to the fullest extent possible. Sometimes that train of thought goes right up to, and past the confines of
the "Box". And that is where the problem starts. Few people are capable, or even willing to go any deeper for fear they may be ridiculed for thinking outside of the box, and labeled by the media a "Conspiracy Nutter". But I myself would not underestimate the intelligence of the American People.

For the most part many Investigators agree that the Kennedy assassination was a conspiracy. A majority of the American people know something is wrong with the story, but cant quite grasp the fact that who ever was truly responsible has not been prosecuted for it, and are most likely still in power today, continuing the cover up, and continuing the enforcement of the para dime box called the "Official Story", and when bright people start to question the authenticity of the official story, create disinformation to thwart the honest investigation.

If one goes over all my posts on this board I'm quite confident you will not find where I have "Bashed" anyone. Well, except, maybe Ol Billy O. But even at that, I'm not bashing him for his position on 911, I,m only pointing out that on one hand he promotes the conspiracy "Nutter" JFK position and attacks the government, and on the other goes after anyone who challenges the official government line on anything. This by definition, is hypocrisy.

As far as E. Howard Hunt, if you really want some information on him, I strongly suggest you watch the documentary JFK II. It connects Hunt with Nixon, Bush, and the whole sorted crew.

Thank you Cappy, for your input. It is welcomed and needed. And for those of you who are afraid to post your thoughts, I say, its time for you to be heard. I can promise that they will not be "Bashed" by myself for any thoughts they may have, and will be treated with the utmost respect. And if they feel uncomfortable voicing their opinions in front of strangers then I would strongly suggest they provide the link to this web site to those they do trust.
Rob Waters
Posts: 126
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Rob Waters »

Billy Boggs wrote:Your very welcome. But I,m only doing my Patriotic, non-globalist, non-secret society, duty LOL LOL Another interesting find, Bill, big mouth, hypocrite, O Reilly, at one time was a JFK truther? Yep, he lam basted the government and CIA blaming them for Kennedy's death. Now he is all over Rosie for questioning 911. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears.Something must have happened to ol Billy O. Did he sell his soul, or is he being blackmailed? Its day and night. ... htmSomeone needs to forward this link to Rosie LOL LOL LOL

well, i look at it like this. Rosie has no real credibility in my opinion. Anytime she opens her mouth and pukes her liberal hollywood bullshit she looks ridiculous, so when she does say something halfway intelligent, it still sounds like liberal hollywood bullshit. So i can see, sort of, how Oreilly takes the opportunity to bash her because she kind of deserves it.

I dont know if 911 and the JFK assassination are related but you have to think of how the country has been run since 11/22/63 and how our government and its partners benefit from these sort of things, and the all mighty dollar being right in the center of it all.

My belief is that they (whoever they might be) thought that 911 would ignite the country like Pear Harbor did, the American people would support the war, and we could have a nice long drawn out “war on terrorâ€
Rob Waters
Posts: 126
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Rob Waters »

Cappy Erikksen wrote:Well, I'm no great fan of Bill O'Reilly. (I used to like him, but that was before I started watching his show) In his defense, however, I have to say that it's very reasonable for a man to believe in a JFK conspiracy without believing in a 9-11 conspiracy and certainly without kissing the fat ass of Rosie O'Donnell.I know this for a fact because I happen to be such a man. I sincerely believe that Ward Churchill is a hare-brained crackpot. Furthermore, I can tell you that every post on this forum supporting the 9-11 conspiracy theory is a post that removes credibility from the sustaining members as well as the webmaster, and consequentially drives away potential members.I know THIS for a fact because when I first visited this website, about 3 years ago, I stayed for 6 hours, reading nonstop and soaking up information like a sponge. When I signed up to this forum, last November, and susequently began reading all the 9-11 stuff, it made me start to re-think my beliefs about the JFK conspiracy. I figured, "well, these people will believe ANYTHING so why should I take them seriously?" Then, after reading a lot of lone-nutter propaganda from other sites, I actually started to lean towards that direction, but after visiting some other JFK conspiracy sites and viewing evidence, videos and interviews that I'd never seen before, my former beliefs were renewed.It's a good thing too, 'cause during that period of doubt I very nearly deleted all my TMWKK videos from YouTube. I'm glad now that I didn't do that as they are getting quite popular and are hopefully opening up some closed minds.John Gehraty once sent me an invitation to join his YouTube assassination discussion group, which I accepted. I quickly left the group, however, when I saw all the Malcolm X, ML King and 9-11 stuff there. Very little of it pertained to the Kennedy assassination although I realize it was intended to cover assassinations in general. What got me riled was that it seemed to be shamelessly pandering to black people and their imaginary persecution in America. Please forgive me if I get somewhat disgusted when folks from other countries take part in bashing my homeland for things that are totally distorted by the world's left-wing Zionist media. American politicians, as well as entertainment and news moguls, keep the IDEA of racism alive and flourishing here, simply to get votes and attract an audience. Sorry John, nothing personal. I just happen to see you as young and idealistic, but totally clueless about the social situation in America. I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, from the 1950's to the 1980's. I now live in Texas but still visit my old home regularly, so when I read posts by people who laud trashy scum like Cynthia McKinney and her Black Panther thug bodygaurds, I can only shake my head in disbelief.The reason I'm posting this is just to warn you about how many other potential forum members you're probably driving off by straying from the designated topic on such a regular basis. When I spoke my mind in this forum a few months ago, I was flamed for my statements about 9-11 "crackpots" and thereby gave up posting here. I was called "stupid", in so many words, for not agreeing with the status-quo. I may be wrong about certain things, but calling me "stupid" is the reaction of a person who can't think of a rational argument to neutralize my thoughts. Anyhow, I'm not trying to start a debate over the validity of John's discussion group or Cynthia McKinney, or Ward Churchill and his 9-11 beliefs; I'm just offering a few suggestions that may help to increase the validity and traffic of Wim Dankbaar's otherwise excellent site, as well as this forum. I realize that many of my above comments will appear combative to most of you, and will subject me to further flaming, but I offer no apologies. I'm a peaceful man but have always been honest about my beliefs and convictions; therefore, I have no intentions of suppressing them, here or elsewhere. My disgust for media whores like Rosie and Cynthia, who are destroying my country for their own profit, will never be a secret. Just as my new-found disgust for George W. Bush, who is selling out my country and culture to illegal third-world immigrants, will not be secret either.Sincerely,Cappy

by the way Cappy, im from Atlanta too. Still here, and i totally agree with you about the whole Cynthia McKenny and her thugs thing. Im American Indian myself. Maybe i should start acting like a fool too. I might get some attention. you think? ill stop threre.
Cappy Erikksen
Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Cappy Erikksen »

Billy, thanks for understanding my intentions. It's a relief to not have to enter into battle every time I speak my mind.

Rob, as I was reading your first post, I was thinking, "Wow, he and I think alike!"
Then I read your second post and thought, "No wonder...he's a Georgia Boy!"

As for acting a fool to get what you this day and age it actually works very well. Believe me, I do it all the time! It just takes a little practice to be able to pull it off without feeling ashamed!

The first time I tried it was in a hospital, just a few years ago. After a horrible motorcycle accident, I'd had leg surgery that, weeks later, went bad and got severely infected, sending me back to the emergency room. After a couple of hours or so, I asked for a stretcher to lie on while I was waiting my turn, so I could elevate my leg to ease some of the unbearable pain. They told me they'd "try to find one", then sent me back to my spot and began ignoring me. I was in torture, so finally I laid down in the middle of the floor with my leg propped up on my wheelchair. It created a big scene, so within a couple of minutes they had me laid out on a nice, comfortable stretcher with a morphine catheter being stuck into a vein. It was embarrassing to use such an extreme measure, right in front of everybody, but the relief made it well worth it! (Many hours later, when they finally found out how serious the infection was and how close I came to death, it was THEIR turn to feel ashamed)

OK, Billy, I really should stop hijacking your thread now.
Anybody got any more good stuff about Howard Hunt?
Billy Boggs
Posts: 194
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Billy Boggs »


In August, 1978, Victor Marchetti published an article about the assassination of John F. Kennedy in the liberty Lobby newspaper, Spotlight. In the article Marchetti argued that the House Special Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) had obtained a 1966 CIA memo that revealed Hunt, Frank Sturgis and Gerry Patrick Hemming had been involved in the plot to kill Kennedy. Marchetti's article also included a story that Marita Lorenz had provided information on this plot. Later that month Joseph Trento and Jacquie Powers wrote a similar story for the Sunday News Journal.
