This is so Cooool!

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
Posts: 398
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

M Klein

Post by R Croxford »

Start debunking our theories one by one, or please remain quiet from here on in. Deal?
Lets go 1 by 1 and I will wait for your response. If you do not respond to this open question to you then I recommend your removal.
Lets start question 1:On December 23, 1913, Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act. The result? The greatest theft in the history of the world! A U.S. Federal debt of over $5,000,000,000,000, the loss of America's gold and silver reserves. and the devastation of our economy! Is this true? You answer with statistical facts and I will respond to your facts, with the truth. Your so quick to attack us on this forum, then lets match brain power shall we. You and your nonsense Vs. the believers of the truth. Cannot wait bro. Let the game begin?
R Croxford
Posts: 398
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Before you get too stupid...

Post by R Croxford » ... 21&start=0
Please look at WHO posted this message and created that thread.
And as far as the truth....10162 nuber of times that thread has been read. I think it is the highest hitter on this forum.
Posts: 2931
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Re: Before you get too stupid...

Post by Pennyworth »

R Croxford wrote: ... rt=0Please look at WHO posted this message and created that thread.And as far as the truth....10162 nuber of times that thread has been read. I think it is the highest hitter on this forum.

True Mr. Croxford....but we supplied Mr. Dankbaar with the initial info on the post. (Executive Order 11110) It was e-mailed to him by cow , because cow got the boot from this board for fighting with Mr. Brychek. She has since apologised. (Executive Order 11110) was received info from another board. And I believe Mr. Klein has something to do with the 'other board' and he is privvy to some inside info
I feel the same thing about Billy Boggs and the other board because of the post he posted yesterday on Ron Paul was posted on the same exact other board.. Maybe Boggs and Klein are of the same mind?
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Post by Pennyworth »

Now Mr. Croxford,

Can you re-surface the post on a Rothschild committing suicide? I am digging for it...
Posts: 2931
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Pennyworth »

[quote="M Klein"]Wow, the boxcar hobos are at it again.

Unfortunately this forum is clogged with posts that have nothing to do with the issue at hand, "Who shot JFK". And unfortunately this forum only has one member online at any given time, possibly due to this issue.

Any poll finds that a vast majority of people believe there was a conspiracy to take out President Kennedy.

But no poll supports many of the other exotic theories espoused in these topics, such as the Fed issue, the Banking elite, and other preposterous and racist notions in here that again, are supported a a few individuals similar to the flat earth society.

For example, take a poll. 99% of Americans who have an opinion about it support the Fed system. It was created by an Act of Congress, each member elected by their people in every region of the country. Its budget is funded by Congress, and its Chairman is appointed by the President. The goal was to achieve a more "modern economy" to avoid the boom, panic, and bust cycles of the 19th century. And except for the Great Depression, in which the Fed was in fatal error, it has done well.[/quotShow me your polls..what you are saying is baloney...I am busy will get back to this later
R Croxford
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by R Croxford »

Rupert Murdoch Ordered Editors World Wide To "Spike" The Story

Exclusive To *The Spotlight*
August 5, 1996
By Sasha Rakoczy

French police have determined that Amschel Rothschild, heir to
the fabulous Rothschild banking fortune, was murdered, according
to well-placed European sources.

But, French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac has ordered police to
close their investigation. Media outlets worldwide have ignored
these mysterious developments. Some have reported the death was
a suicide, other outlets disregarded the death altogether.

As if obeying an invisible choir-master, the world's competing
news organizations silenced their strident sensationalism this
month to cover up the mysterious death.

In the United States, newspapers controlled by Rupert Murdoch,
the foreign-born owner of the world's largest media empire,
either studiously ignored reports that Rothschild had met a
violent end, or relegated it to the back pages as a mere "heart

A *Spotlight* inquiry has established that Rothschild, 41, a
billionaire investment banker and a noted sportsman in excellent
health, was discovered lifeless on the floor of the bathroom of
his suite at the luxurious Bristol Hotel in Paris on July 8 at
7:32 pm.

Police found that he had been strangled with the heavy cord of
his own bathrobe. One end of the cord was attached to a towel
rack, as if to suggest that Rothschild's violent death was

"The [French] crime scene investigators never called it
'suicide,'" reporter Theirry de Segonzac told *The Spotlight* in
a telephone interview from Paris. "After photographing the body,
one of the detectives gave the towel rack tied to the body a
strong tug. It came right out of the wall."

Had Rothschild really attempted to hang himself from that rack,
he would have ended up with nothing worse than a couple of holes
in the wall, de Segonzac said.

There was no suicide note, no discernible cause or reason for a
finding of suicide, knowledgeable sources say. Rothschild, an
athletic and imperious figure in early middle age, was a renowned
race car driver and the husband of Anita Guinness, herself one of
the world's wealthiest heiresses. The couple had three children
who spent most of their time on the family's baronial estate in
Suffolk, England.

Rothschild had arrived in Paris to take over one of the many
family consortium's French assets -- management operations which
were to be merged with N.M. Rothschild's London-based investment
banking center.

"Far from being 'troubled,' Amschel Rothschild's star was on the
rise and he relished his success," says an executive at Keefe,
Bruyetter and Co., a respected Wall Street monitor of the
financial services industry. "I don't believe for a moment he
suddenly went and killed himself. There's much more to this

But with frantic speed -- within an hour after the body's
discovery -- authorities and news executives in both France and
Britain launched an unusual joint offensive to preempt a public
inquiry or a press investigation into the circumstances of
Rothschild's death.

"Murdoch sent a hotline fax to his 600-odd editors and news
managers around the world, ordering them to report Amschel's
death as a heart attack, if at all," said British broadcast
reporter Ian Gooding. "No one around here has ever seen such
pressure to kill a front-page story. But in the end, the
cover-up was complete."
R Croxford
Posts: 398
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: This is so Cooool!

Post by R Croxford »

Just a push to the top.