The Shell Casing Mystery

JFK Assassination
Steffi Chase
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The Shell Casing Mystery

Post by Steffi Chase »

Mr. Dankbaar? I was reading the Education Forum where several experts on shell casings have agreed with the findings of Allan Eaglesham and his Tell-Tale Dash research article. I will admit up front I have always had difficulty with the credibility of Mr. Files and this for me appears to prove
he has one more time lied. Why do you continue promoting a story that
has now been disproven on many levels?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Ms. Steffi Chase:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Ms. Steffi Chase,

Bob Vernon and Alan Eaglesham have been involved in numerous attacks, and misrepresentations. Not surprised that you bit on the hook, given your obvious pre-dispositions.

For the record, nothing conclusive has ever been established by Bob Vernon, or Alan Eaglesham. Their attacks are inconclusive, and hell bent on attacking both Wim Dankbaar, and Jimmy Files.

Wim is dealing with bullets found in the 1980'S. First and foremost, these bullets have never been proven to be the shell casings used by Jimmy. Second, the bullets used by Jimmy were custom loaded by Wolfman, who did not use off of the shelf, store bought ammunition. These were custom loaded, and custom drilled for mercury tipped hollow points. And third, Jimmy had 3 - 4 Remmington Fireballs along with hundreds of other weapons. There is no proof even that the exact Fireball taken was the one used by Jimmy to kill JFK in Dallas, Texas on 11.22.1963. Fourth, Jimmy never wanted to go public with his story. Joe West literally talked Jimmy into doing this, over Jimmy's constant objections.

Also, recall that Jimmy's Fireballs were straight from David Atlee Phillips and the CIA, who had a batch of over 500 Fireballs expressly made for the CIA, that were all untraceable. Also, much of the CIA ammunition was custom made. Finally, it has been admitted that Remington told several stories, as their involvement with the CIA began to unravel. Remmington is between a rock and a hard place. They have never ending agreements with the CIA and the US Military to never divulge certain information. What if anything, will make Remington cooperate with a character like Bob Vernon, or Alan Eaglesahm ? Nothing.

And for the record, I was always against Jimmy going forth with Joe West, and then Bob Vernon.

More importantly, Jimmy Files has never been proven wrong on one single point of what he told, as he remembered it over 30 years later. Most people today can't remember 30 days later.

It is far easier to attack, and tear down something, then anoint yourself a self-proclaimed expert. It is far harder to prove something.

How many of you reading this ever was given proof that your father was your father, other than your mother's word ? Look at how many have failed on that matter now with the advent of DNA.

Finally, kudos to my great friend Wim Dankbaar who is always the very first to publish negative things about himself, or his projects, immediately on his own website. Certainly not the actions of a person accused by others, who is worried about attacks from worthless sources.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by dankbaar »

The Fireball that was confiscated by the Chicago Police, and then mysteriously dissapeared from the evidence locker WAS the Fireball that was used in Dallas. This is what Jimmy told Joe West when Joe was still alive, although Jimmy didn't say that he was the one firing it.

Bob Vernon is a piece of pondscum and everyone who ever made the mistake of trusting him, knows this. This includes Jimmy Files, Zack Shelton and the heirs of Joe West. And of course myself.

I will add more to this story later. but I will first demolish his following bullshit remarks.

As relates to the weapon that Files said he used, it was confiscated by an Illinois Police Department and has since disappeared. However, the police report did not disappear and I had a copy of it at one time. Not only was the weapon identified as a Remington Fireball XP-100 that fired .221 casings, the report stated that a case loading device was found in the trunk of the vehicle with the weapon that re-loaded .221 cartridges. Files, however, had specifically stated that his weapon had been “re-chamberedâ€
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Post by dankbaar »

Here's a quote from someone who knows what Vernon is about, I wish ofcourse I had known this person before Vernon


Well, I have always felt that he was but a mere cockroach, the lowest form of life on the planet, the kind of creature that scampers around in the dark but is blinded and runs and hides when the lights come on. An insect whose brain is spread throughout its belly, the head only holds a bit of the nervous system. If you were to cut off its head, it would die of starvation or thirst because its head holds no brain matter. It can even continue to live if its heart stops. Doesn’t that sound like Bob? No brain, no heart, nothing. Roaches are pesky but not indestructible.

People like Bob always get what’s coming to them. It may be today, tomorrow or next week but it will happen. Once you lose your integrity, you have lost everything and while Bob may have a way of succeeding in the beginning, his true colors eventually and always come through. I hated him from the moment I met him and always knew he was in it for only what would benefit himself. He’s the kind of man who would turn on his own family if he thought he could make a penny off the deal. Nothing he would EVER do would surprise me.

Keep me posted and I will check in on the web-site.
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Post by dankbaar »

Mr. Chase, I deleted your post, because I am sick and tired of the vicious underhanded suggestions that I am protecting any investment and therefore would lie about anything concerning the assassination of JFK. I have seen this attack many many times before, especially from people like Eaglesham, for whom you don't see a motive to attack James Files'credibility? It's obvious you don't know much about Mr. Eaglesham's quest against various crucial witnesses.

There were already responses on this issue in the thread "Concept article by Alan Eaglesham".

Had you look for any "rebuttals" you would not have needed to start a new thread.

Steffi Chase
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Post by Steffi Chase »

Mr. Dankbaar, my comment was rhetorical and not an accusation. I apologize if you construed it that way. I do not know you, Brychek, Eaglesham or Files. I am reading the same material as so many other people have. If you could, please enlighten me as to where Mr. Eaglesham's research is in error. I have determined over the years that many reputable men have had their reputations torn apart by the conspiracy community in their embellishment of various conspiracy theories. If you have proof Mr. Eaglesham is "out to get you" and has published false findings, please provide this documentation.
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Post by dankbaar »

Mr. Eaglesham alledges that .222 shell casings with a headstamp with dot (or short dash) between the R and P could not have been manufactured in 1963. This allegation is not proven and in fact I have been shown Remington headstamps with a dot/short dash from that time. Like these:

and these:

This ammunition was bought with two fireballs from 1963:

and the ammo was wrapped in this paper dated 1963:

I have conceded to Eaglesham that the headstamp itself does not determine that the casing is from before 1963, but this was an assertion from Bob Vernon, now Eaglesham's friend and partner in a revengeful campaign against me and James Files, whom Vernon has promoted as the absolute truth for over decade.

However, Vernon was just sooo pissed he wasn't able to squeeze that last bit of money out of me. If this piece of shit is suddenly so convinced that Jemas Files is a hoax, why did he still want 100.000 USD more for it, after he had already sollicited much more money from his partners?

Therefore I have emailed Eaglesham:

Mr. Eaglesham,

You have only discovered another flaw in the research of Bob Vernon, your
newly found buddy and B-actor:

I guess I should thank you for that.

As was already shown with various pictures and other evidence from
cartridge collectors, some of which research is still ongoing, the dashes
and dots have both been used on Remington headstamps from the early sixties
onwards. As a matter of fact, even the long dash was still made in recent
years. In addition several OEM manufacturers have been producing ammunition
for Remington.

As to your suggestions:


Mr. Dankbaar:

I have two suggestions for your consideration:

-- Place a link to in a prominent
place on, invite your visitors to appraise themselves
of this relevant new information and remove your statement: "The .222 casing
was manufactured before 1971, as could be determined by the headstamp."

-- Offer money back to those who have bought the book and the DVD, if they
wish to return them to you.

Allan Eaglesham


I shall remove Vernon's heritage statement "The .222 casing was manufactured
before 1971, as could be determined by the headstamp." from the website.

As to your second suggestion, it would really be in vain, for I have never
encountered a customer who regretted his purchase. Quite the contrary. Maybe
YOU are the only exception? Sales are rising steadily. I'd be happy to
reimburse you on return of your disk. Or maybe you want it replaced by a
copy of Spooks, Hoods & The Hidden Elite, which unfortunalely corroborates
the presence of James Files' boss, Charles Nicoletti, in Dallas.

Wim Dankbaar


I have meanwhile looked back in my email archives and found some email exchanges about the dot / dash issue with both Vernon and Remington, back in 2003. An email exchange that I started, not Vernon.

Will post these soon, here's one to start:

From: "Bob Vernon" <>
To: "wim dankbaar" <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 06:14:34 -0700
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158

At 13:31 29-5-03 -0700, you wrote:
OK Sherlock Holmes.....
Explain to me how one expert says the dot is before 1971 and the other
expert says it is after.....
Also one expert says:

so there is no way to identify when the item
was manufactured unless you know the ammunition lot number.
Steffi Chase
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Post by Steffi Chase »

Wim--Nobody has said the long dash was not used after 1970. It was on certain calibers. But, the short dash was not used before 1970.

I am on Eaglesham's side in this. I happen to beleive he has the facts correct and you do not.

So, with that statment, I will bow out of this argument.

The above statement by Mr. Ron Merchant, a cartridge collector since 1958 is very persuasive. I also understand that prior to 1963, the Fireball was but a prototype. Is it conceiveable that the CIA purchased the only 500 made in 1963? According to what I've read, Mr. Files has been consistent in stating that he owned one Fireball. You however have said he owned 3-4 amongst his hundreds of weapons. Why this discrepency? Is there corroboration for Remington to have sold ALL of its Fireballs to ONLY the CIA? Mr. Dankbaar? If the truth is truly what you desire, these questions require answers.
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Post by dankbaar »

You can be on Eaglesham's side as much as you want.

The short dash was also used before 1970. If you don't want to accept it, then fine. There are also people denying the holocaust.

Nowhere and never did I ever say that Files owned 3 to 4 Fireballs.

I say he owned only one, and that was lost by the Chicago police.

Why do you have to lie? Thanks for bowing out. I don't believe you are "Steffi Chase" anyway. In fact I am sure you won't be able to prove that identity.


Steffi Chase
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Post by Steffi Chase »

The comment about being on Eagleshams side was made by Mr. Merchant, not me. You misread it. As for my identity, again you are incorrect. My name is Stephi Chase; Steffi is a nicname. You appear to be more concerned with issues not relating to my questions and your avoidance of said questions only reinforces ones beliefs that you are concealing information not favorable to Mr. Files.