Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit's shooter recently dies:

JFK Assassination
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Re: Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit's shooter recently dies:

Post by Bob »

Dealey Joe wrote:I wonder if Jimmy ever said anything about the relationship between LHO and JD Tippit.Excellent question.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: WHOA!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jim Thompson wrote:Couple of questions for anybody (but not for Bruce who cannot violate any confidences):How did Tippit's killer find out where Jimmy's motel room was? Obviously he learned this from Phillips.Why would Phillips give this info to Tippit's killer?Phillips would have realized that if Tippit's killer & Jimmy had a rendezvous anywhere, that, then, if they were caught the tie ins & tie backs would have blown the assassination cover up sky high. So Phillips would never have given Tippit's killer Jimmy's location unless Phillips had a reason or purpose to do so. What reason? Also, Tippet's killer would have avoided Jimmy like the plague just because by going to Jimmy he would be increasing his chance of getting caught astronomically. So what was Tippit's killer doing? Did he also have a reason & a purpose to go to Jimmy's location? What? Answer. Tippit's killer tried to give Jimmy the revolver he had used to kill Tippit!What?! Why?? That would be like handing Jimmy a red hot poker at the hot end, because the gun would then have Jimmy's finger prints on it & Jimmy would have powder residue from the murder weapon on his hand. For all they knew the police could have knocked on the motel room door at any minute.So why was Tippit's killer there giving Jimmy the gun?Could it have been that Phillips, the ever careful spy master (!), was sending Tippit's killer on a mission? Mission: TO FRAME JIMMY AND SIMULTANEOUSLY TO COVER TIPPIT'S KILLER.Tippit's killer would have bought into Phillip's scheme 100% just because it would get him off the hook, big time! It would have tied up all loose ends nicely by concentrating all the blame on Jimmy, if Jimmy was killed himself. If Jimmy was caught alive, then perfect deniability is obtained! Jimmy, the patsy number 2, fall guy number 2. In support of Jim Thompson's speculation, framing Files would have been convenient because he had spend a few days WITH Oswald just before the assassinatino as well.Tippit's killer was undoubtedly, in my opinion, directed to File's hotel room to give him the gun that was used to kill Tippit. Had Tippit's killer succeeded in his mission to kill Oswald that afternoon, would he have gone to File's hotel room anyway and tried to give him the gun as well? Wasn't it basically two people who knew where Files was staying? (Well, THREE people if you count Oswald.) Anyway, either Phillips or Nicoletti told Tippit's killer where to find Files.It seems that there was a lot of scrambling done before, during, and AFTER the assassination. In operations like this, Murphy's Law ALWAYS applies. Files having shot at the president from the WRONG direction (from the front) screwed things up. Oswald, evidently, in my opinion, was smarter than "they" thought. One of the first things he did after the assassination was to go home and get his revolver. For some reason, he was able to AVOID being shot by Tippit's killer, but that's also maybe because Officer Tippit encountered his assassin before he got to Oswald.Also, wasn't there talk of two DIFFERENT types of bullet shell casings at the Tippit murder scene? Didn't at least one of the closest witnesses describe TWO men having been at the Tippit murder scene?Anyway, it appears that an attempt to frame Files along with Oswald was in the works.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit's shooter recently dies:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Pasquale here is my 2 cents wort and that is probably all it is worth.there are a few things I want to share with you about Oswald, Tippit, and Raven.I am not saying I believe this 100% but I think it has a lot of merit.Files said Raven was likely sent to kill Oswaldbut instead killed Tippit. Why?Tippit's assignment was to pick Oswald up and get him to Redbird Airport to get him out of the country. We know Tippit waited at the bridge on Zang Blv.coming off Houston, I think to pick Oswald up, maybe he was supposed to take the bus?. For some unknown reason Oswald did not go toward his apartment, instead he went down I35 to Ewing St where Jack Ruby's apartment was located.Why.In the meantime Tippit was racing around Oak cliff stopping cars, making phone calls trying to locate Oswald. Tippit may have known the Raven, probably did. Whe he spotted him on the streetthey were reportedly having a conversation almost like they were acquainted.Maybel Oswald no longer trusted Tippit? maybe something else happened that changed his plans. I think Oswald was scared knowing he had been set up.and was on the run.He thought Ruby could help him but Ruby was not at home. So Oswald decided to head toward his room. In about 3 blocks cutting thru yards he came across the Tippit situation and talked to the killer who now was a cop killer and was also on the run.Oswald told him where Files was located that maybe he could help him.get away.Raven also may have directed Oswald to the theater to meet someone or he may have been going somewhere else and the pressure from the cops running around looking for Tippits killer he just ducked into the theater to hide. I tend to think this is the case. I do think he may have been waiting for someone to show up and rescue him like Ruby?Remember there were anti-Castro Cubans in Oak Cliff. Oak Cliff was a beehive of subversive activities, with all sorts of players with connections back to the FBI, CIA, Mobsters, ect.We know what happened to Tippit,,Oswald, and Ruby but Raven and Files evidently got away.I think there is a possibility that Files and Raven fled Dallas together? just a thoughtAlso Oswald never owned a pistol but there was one planted on him at the theater.I was not uncommon back then for cops to cary a junk gun to use for a plant for obvious reasons.For what its worth?
Chad Duncan
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Re: Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit's shooter recently dies:

Post by Chad Duncan »

It does suprise me the Raven wants his identity kept anonymous when we know Jimmy, as well as many other players but no one seems to want to react to this knowledge. Now I have swapped a few letters with Mr. files over the years and find him incredibly legitimate. I believe him, Wim and pretty much the rest of everyone in this forum.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit's shooter recently dies:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Chad I keep getting this feeling that in the near future will come new revelations?nothing I know, just a gut feeling
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit's shooter recently dies:

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:Pasquale here is my 2 cents wort and that is probably all it is worth.there are a few things I want to share with you about Oswald, Tippit, and Raven.I am not saying I believe this 100% but I think it has a lot of merit.Files said Raven was likely sent to kill Oswaldbut instead killed Tippit. Why?Tippit's assignment was to pick Oswald up and get him to Redbird Airport to get him out of the country. We know Tippit waited at the bridge on Zang Blv.coming off Houston, I think to pick Oswald up, maybe he was supposed to take the bus?. For some unknown reason Oswald did not go toward his apartment, instead he went down I35 to Ewing St where Jack Ruby's apartment was located.Why.In the meantime Tippit was racing around Oak cliff stopping cars, making phone calls trying to locate Oswald. Tippit may have known the Raven, probably did. Whe he spotted him on the streetthey were reportedly having a conversation almost like they were acquainted.Maybel Oswald no longer trusted Tippit? maybe something else happened that changed his plans. I think Oswald was scared knowing he had been set up.and was on the run.He thought Ruby could help him but Ruby was not at home. So Oswald decided to head toward his room. In about 3 blocks cutting thru yards he came across the Tippit situation and talked to the killer who now was a cop killer and was also on the run.Oswald told him where Files was located that maybe he could help him.get away.Raven also may have directed Oswald to the theater to meet someone or he may have been going somewhere else and the pressure from the cops running around looking for Tippits killer he just ducked into the theater to hide. I tend to think this is the case. I do think he may have been waiting for someone to show up and rescue him like Ruby?Remember there were anti-Castro Cubans in Oak Cliff. Oak Cliff was a beehive of subversive activities, with all sorts of players with connections back to the FBI, CIA, Mobsters, ect.We know what happened to Tippit,,Oswald, and Ruby but Raven and Files evidently got away.I think there is a possibility that Files and Raven fled Dallas together? just a thoughtAlso Oswald never owned a pistol but there was one planted on him at the theater.I was not uncommon back then for cops to cary a junk gun to use for a plant for obvious reasons.For what its worth?Dealy Joe,Your comments bear a LOT of weight. If you think about it, gangsters (and, by association, CIA types) do tend to stab each other in the back. We know that when a hit is done on a mobster, it's often done by someone he knows. What you said doesn't surprise me at all because it makes sense. Tippit could very well have been in on the operation. We know that Roselli talked about the CIA supposedly wanting the hit aborted. We also know that Tosh Plumlee also said he flew a CIA "abort team" into Dallas that day. What it looks like, after having read what you wrote, is that there were two factions that were at odds with each other.I believe that one of the Dallas detectives said that Jack Ruby called the day before Oswald was shot to warn the Dallas police to change the security around Oswald or he would be hit. Jack Ruby didn't identify himself, but the policeman recognized his voice...kind of like Ruby was forced into killing Oswald.Anyway, you presented VERY good information. I have to look into the Tippit thing and catch up with you.
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Re: Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit's shooter recently dies:

Post by Jsnow915 »

at this point....is there anymore new info on Marlow from Files or anyone else?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit's shooter recently dies:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Jsnow915 wrote:at this point....is there anymore new info on Marlow from Files or anyone else?Nothing that I am aware of.Evveryone is in denial.I have some ideas but that is all it is.
Phil Dragoo
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Tippit, Raven, Lee & Jimmy

Post by Phil Dragoo »

PasqualeWhat you said, registers:If you think about it, gangsters (and, by association, CIA types) do tend to stab each other in the back. We know that when a hit is done on a mobster, it's often done by someone he knows. I immediately thought of Sam Giancana fixing eggs and sausages for the friend who put silenced .22 bullets into his head, mouth.So much is knitted together which heretofore made no sense: Tippit was not killed by Oswald. Then, by whom. Why was Oswald walking in Ruby's neighborhood, going to the Texas Theater.Who was Tippit looking for, waiting for, calling for.Gary Marlow aka Raven provides continuity.JoeYou walk those streets and talk to those ghosts. When they put their arms on your shoulder and whisper in your ear, lift the veils from our eyes.I am dead serious.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit's shooter recently dies:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Philyes I understand.I do have a high sensitivity for that. always have Oklahoma City, the shrine at Murrah bldg. is bad, oppressive place.been there twice. You can feel the evil there. I also get a feeling for the pasty.he was there but bigger things were going on.Waco is the most terrifying place I have experienced. I have been there twice but have not been to the compound yet.It just was not time yet. The children were still screaming and the smell of burned flesh is stong.I will go someday to ground Zero there at waco when I can go closer.Dealey Plaza is strange. 30 years ago it was a very heavy feeling, but nowall I get there is a very calming peaceful sensation. almost confusing butthe murder in Daley has been put to rest. We know more than we think.Oak Cliff is another thing, strange place, mixed emotions, I could not enter the boarding house on N. BeckleyI sat in front of the house for an hour. But I will eventually go in.N Marsalas is a vacant lot. grass does not grow there. Mary, Porter, Cubans spirits still linger there, weird.I was able to walk around the property and get a feel for it.10th and Patton was pure confusion The Paine's Irving residence was a lie and confusion.I am going back to Patton soon to see how it feels now.I can tell you there were more that two involved there.at least two cops and two others.?It is also surrounded by vacant lots. Empty feeling.Well you started it