JFK and SAM: The Connexction ...

JFK Assassination
tom jeffers
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Re: JFK and SAM: The Connexction ...

Post by tom jeffers »

i am always interested in looking at those related characters that died of the following:suicide (especially if you shoot yourself 5 times in the stomach with a bolt action rifle. haha this is just too good to even think anyone even bought that one)heart attackcar wreckplane crashcancerthe u-2 pilot francis gary powers died in a helicopter crash. he was working for a tv station and ran out of gas. he was one of america's top pilot and dies in the crash before he could give any testimony. can you imagine him of not knowing how much fuel he had? why is he related you ask? the whole u-2 incident was staged. oswald gave the soviets the info to spot him so he could be taken out. this happened right before the peace talks between russia and the us and helped us and the russians to buy even more weapons from the military industrial complex and perpetuate the cold war. many oswald buffs believe this was the actual reason he went to russia.
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Re: JFK and SAM: The Connexction ...

Post by ThomZajac »

Yep. And Powers U-2 mission was done against Eisenhower's orders. And no one was punished. What does that tell you?Asked later who made the decision to fly, Allen Dulles said something along the line of "Well, there was a group of us..." and declined to give any more details.The same group, I would think, that decided JFK had to go.
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Re: JFK and SAM: The Connexction ...

Post by kenmurray »

Fletcher Prouty on the U-2 incident:http://www.prouty.org/sabotage.html
tom jeffers
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Re: JFK and SAM: The Connexction ...

Post by tom jeffers »

after his release he was brought before a senate commitee to find out why he did not take the cyanide capsule that was required by him in case of capture. he was released and found not guilty of any charges and given a hero's welcome along with commendations. who was on that committee? none other than prescott bush. it's funny how that last name keeps popping up!namaste'
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Re: JFK and SAM: The Connexction ...

Post by Bob »

tom jeffers wrote:after his release he was brought before a senate commitee to find out why he did not take the cyanide capsule that was required by him in case of capture. he was released and found not guilty of any charges and given a hero's welcome along with commendations. who was on that committee? none other than prescott bush. it's funny how that last name keeps popping up!namaste'who was on that committee? none other than prescott bush. it's funny how that last name keeps popping up!I was having a nice night until I heard that. Thanks Tom!!!
tom jeffers
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Re: JFK and SAM: The Connexction ...

Post by tom jeffers »

no problem bob, i know you love that family. i sure hope you don't find out later when you research your geneology that your great great grandma was samuel bush's housekeeper and had to run off and get married to cover up some illicit affair and you got that old green reptillian blood running in your veins. that would definately be a best seller....hell i'd buy that book. LOLTom
Harley Ryder
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Re: JFK and SAM: The Connexction ...

Post by Harley Ryder »

Mr. Brychek:I read your review of this book and ordered it 4 weeks ago. I received it last week, and have been reading it cover to cover since. Why is none of this public knowledge ? This stuff isn't on the normal internet, or wikipedia. This jfk forum here has a very powerful collection of very serious and smart people. Mr. Hall also is very smart.The books that you pick and review I have never even heard of, but appear to be mind blowing, and very intense. I have read several of your reviews. You have some very interesting reviews. How do you know so much ? How long have you been reading this stuff ?My friends who are interested in this subject matter never even heard of this book, and many books that you wrote about. We are making a list of questions that I would like to send to your private email on the forum.What do you personally recommend as the top ten list of books to read for a newcomer to this forum. I gather you are no beginner. You are a good writer.Mr. Hall you are very great too. We are all very impressed with how smart you have arranged the titles. Thank You.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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JFK and SAM: The Connexction ...

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.16.2012Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Readers and Researchers:05.21.2007 - I originally Posted this Headline about an important book.While not a gleaming academic work, it is powerful and precise with important documentation, and Major Documentation Relative to James Earl Sutton/Files.It should have been written by a Dutch Boy because it plugs holes in the alleged leaks in the dike of truth.As always, I strongly recommend that you read, research, and study the maerial first, then formulateyour own Opinons and Thoughts.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on anyaspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who maynot be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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JFK and SAM: The Connection ...

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

01.08.2016Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:05.21.2007 - I orignally Posted this Headline about what I think has become a powerful, significant, andcritically documented book, JFK and SAM: The Connection Between The Giancana and Kennedy Assassinations. One of the Primary Sources is Antionette Giancana, daughter of Sam Giancana. Antoinette grew up knowingand seeing Charles Niciletti, Jimmy Sutton, Johnny Rosselli, and countless other Chicago Outfit Membersof the Highest Levels, and the Most Confidential of Circles.As always, I strongly recommend that you read, research, and study the material first yourself, thenformulate your own Opinions and Thougts.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on anyaspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who maynot be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.