RFK Assassination?

JFK Assassination
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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RFK Assassination?

Post by Ricky Clow »

Ok Bobby was shot 3 times and a fourth went through his jacket and five people were wounded? thats 9 bullets. Most revolvers have only 8 bullets I know of no guns that have an uneven number of bullets, also there were to bullet holes in the door and a few in the ceiling that right there proves it to be a conspericy. also the bodygueard put his thumb in the hammer to stop it from firing i thought sirhan sirhan emptyed the gun?
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Post by Bob »

Hey Ricky, here is my theory regarding this from a post I put up earlier...

The "Second Gun" by Ted Charach is an incredible movie that points the blame to the real RFK assassin...Eugene Thane Cesar. Cesar was the security guard that was directly behind RFK at the time of the shooting. A witness saw Cesar draw his gun and fire. The witness was a reporter who immediately reported this to the television station he worked for. Cesar also worked at Lockheed and had right wing leanings and voted for George Wallace in 1968. He was on record about hating the Kennedys. Yet this man was assigned as a security guard to "protect" RFK. Thomas Naguchi, the L.A. coroner said that all 3 wounds to RFK, including the fatal head shot came from behind and to the right of the Senator. That was precisely where Cesar was. The fatal head wound was fired from a distance of 1-3 inches away from Kennedy's head. Sirhan never got closer than 3-6 feet away from RFK and was also always in front of Kennedy. Cesar started firing as soon as the crowd was distracted by Sirhan firing his weapon. Even with all this, the L.A. police never tested Cesar's weapon for being fired that night. Speculation is that Cesar fired a .22 caliber handgun at RFK . Cesar had a .38 caliber handgun in his holster, but also owned a .22 caliber weapon that he pulled from his pocket when Sirhan started shooting. Cesar suspiciously sold this weapon just months AFTER the assassination after lying to police and the FBI that he sold the weapon BEFORE the murder.
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Ricky Clow »

Ya, I knew about that I just wasnt sure of the guys name. thanks for clearing it up
Posts: 2652
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Post by Bob »

Hey Ricky, no problem. I definitely believe that Cesar was the assassin in the RFK murder. But I also believe that the CIA was involved, namely David Morales. Morales, as you know, was also reportedly seen on the 6th floor of the TSBD and also driving a get away vehicle shortly after the JFK assassination. Here is a report by the BBC that talks about Morales and CIA being involved in the RFK assassination...


Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Ricky Clow »

thanks, I just ahd to do up a small report on it for school. Thank god the topic was my choice but the damn teacher wouldnt let me do anything that had to do with JFK so I did the next best thing
kjell roald
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Post by kjell roald »

After reading about "The Second Gun" here, I googled and found this site :


On the top of the page it says :

"Coming soon. The entire film available for download.
"The Second Gun Expose" coming soon for download."

But it´s been a couple of weeks now, and still no film available.

Does anyone know more about this? If it is coming up anytime soon?