My new film The Grassy Knoll

JFK Assassination
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Post by Pennyworth »

r christen wrote:Paul, read an earlier comment of mine that states admiration for the efforts of Wim, Bruce and others. Wim invited opinions on the comments from Mrs Langbroek. I declined to comment re Mrs L because it does seem that she has very little interest, if any, in the assassination. My hasty Sunday morning response could have been written with better clarity. One point I was trying to get across is that the number of people with a genuine interest in the assassination, as expressed in percentages, is likely to be decreasing with each passing year. In other words I'm all in favour of any publicity that further discredits the WCR.Paul, I admire your crusading zeal. Your intentions are good. But it does seem to me that you need to slow down a bit and not try to right more of the world's wrongs in this forum.

I run my own agenda ..and I do my own slowing down and speeding up as I will to do...exactly who are you to tell me what to do dork ? And by the way who are you?
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Post by Pennyworth »

r christen wrote:Paul, read an earlier comment of mine that states admiration for the efforts of Wim, Bruce and others. Wim invited opinions on the comments from Mrs Langbroek. I declined to comment re Mrs L because it does seem that she has very little interest, if any, in the assassination. My hasty Sunday morning response could have been written with better clarity. One point I was trying to get across is that the number of people with a genuine interest in the assassination, as expressed in percentages, is likely to be decreasing with each passing year. In other words I'm all in favour of any publicity that further discredits the WCR.Paul, I admire your crusading zeal. Your intentions are good. But it does seem to me that you need to slow down a bit and not try to right more of the world's wrongs in this forum.

Post the comment here. ..I am not even going to bother looking for it...
r christen
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Post by r christen »

Paul, read my previous posts to learn that I'm just an observer who admires the efforts... etc.

My contributions to this forum are restricted to alerting members to recent newspaper articles with a direct reference to the assassination.

I'm always happy to engage in friendly debate, that is without name calling and excessive emotion.

Don't overheat. There is nothing to be gained by in-fighting in the quest for justice.
LTC Daniel Marvin
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The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Post by LTC Daniel Marvin »

Having had training related to the use of subterfuge in such a way as to appear to be from a solid base of evidence so as to steer people away from the truth. I also was a trained SF assassin used by the CIA, was offered a job by the don of the Boston area mafia as part of a hit team with my friend MSG Joe Hill in 1964, was told, by the Don that he had been asked to take JFK out, correspond regularly with the man (Jimmy Files) who actually killed JFK, was briefed by CIA personnel with regard to the scenario for the JFK hit, was asked by the CIA to kill LCDR William Bruce Pitzer who had the photos that would prove the Warren Commission Report to be a lie, was taken, along with my publisher, to federal court to defend the truth of SF/CIA assassination activities and the truth of the use of friendly forces by the CIA to kill our own troops. I have no doubt in my mind that what Wim Dankbaar has put together as a documentary proving the who, what, where and how of the hit on JFK is on the money. IF it wasn't true why are so many doing all they can to try to discredit it and Wim Dankbaar?????
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Lt. Col "Dangerous " Dan Marvin:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Lt. Col. "Dangerous" Dan Marvin, Retired, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

Dan, Thank You for your outstanding post.

Fellow JFK Forum Members, Wim, Jimmy, Dan, and I communicate weekly, and sometimes daily. I can not emphasize enough the Outstanding Record of Lieutenant Colonel "Dangerous" Dan Marvin. Please read his books:

1. Expendable Elite, and

2. Smoking Gun by Kent Heiner, about Dan's CIA assignment to kill the doctor who had JFK Assassination information.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
r christen
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Post by r christen »

Anybody with an open mind and some degree of interest in the assassination should find plenty of reading interest in this website, which provides solid material to support the case for conspiracy. But...

Problem 1. Most adults couldn't care less about the assassination - or even about politics in general (as evidenced by the figures where voting is not compulsory).

Problem 2. There are countless millions of Mrs Langbroeks. Any interest they might have once had has either ended or been severely diluted by the most outlandish conspiracy theories and resultant media negativity.

Problem 3. All institutions generally place self-interest as their No 1 priority. For instance the tobacco companies suppressing the harmful effects of nicotine. The Catholic Church protecting its pedophile priests. No remedia action until they were forced into it.

To contest the favourable media reviews of Reclaimed History by VB, just imagine the content of a book co-authored by Wim, Bruce and Dan. Not too long, maybe 300-350 pages of concise information. My money says it would create much greater media and public interest than does this website.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:On 05.26.2007 Mr. Wim Dankbaar originally published this Headline. Please read this Headline, and All Posts, then think about my Analysis.While I think that it is true that today there is very little serious interest in the Assassinations of JFK, MLK, and RFK by Americans, think about this analysis.When JFK was assassinated, we reached a fork in the economic, political and military road of America, like the letter "Y." We veered in another direction.I seriously think that today's Research and Writing must seek to show today's Americans the logical sequence of why we are here today.1963 - JFK, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, MLK, and RFK. Then, 150 + American Wars, or Military Actions.2009 - Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and 30,000 more Americans to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Failing infrastructures, roads, bridges, railroads, seaports, health care, education, recession/depression, etc.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dealey Joe
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by Dealey Joe »

Dear members of the forum and guests. I more or less represent the 60+ age group and try to see things as they were, are or might be.Like you all I have a passion about the JFK conspiracy and the decay of our freedom in what wasonce a great Republic, degraded to a democracy and on to total socialism of which the greatestloss of our freedom of choice is being cosidered now in the form of healthcare not to mention the great shifting of debt onto our heads and our families yet to come if allowed.The average person today does not vote. They are not offered a choice actually. They have bought the idea that it does not matter mainly becausethe governemt controls everything and they are mostly correct in their assumptions.I fear that the time for a peaceable solution is far past.This forum and others like it, Jesse Ventura ect. is only attended by a select few.and most who watch are looking for entertainment.Most citizens will not participate in these events or be called to action.We must realize we are telling our story to a select few and mostlly the same few over and over again.I say this not to condem but it is something we need to keep in our consciousness.Never to quit what we are doing and to better understand why.Are we activist or pacifists or researchers only?At some point in time if we truely care, must get out on the street corner.Our passion should be in the education of the ignorant as well as the informed.I noticed on the 22nd. the Lancer group had soldiers at Dealey passing out literature.It was very low quality photo copy stuff, but at least they were there.If there is any interest I would like to see a nice color tri fold pocket sized pamplet telling about this websiteto use as handouts. people love to watch TV so the DVD's should be of interest also."The Grassy Knowl" is an awesome weapon. Short enough to hold attention and yet provide a good coverage of informationIn 2013 we should make a concerted effort to be there at Dealey. it of course will be the 50 year aniversary.There should be plenty of media coverage along with a multitude in attendance.We should take a big part in the program with Wim, Bruce, LTC Dan Marvin and others speeking.Some of you movers and shakers might figure how to accomplish this if interested.We might also have a JFKMURDERSOLVED.COM forum convention there?Or something as simple as setting up an info table and sign across the street on the lawn.The members on this forum are highly educated and informed and should be heardMy opinion!
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by ChristophMessner »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Messers. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:On 05.26.2007 Mr. Wim Dankbaar originally published this Headline. Please read this Headline, and All Posts, then think about my Analysis.While I think that it is true that today there is very little serious interest in the Assassinations of JFK, MLK, and RFK by Americans, think about this analysis.When JFK was assassinated, we reached a fork in the economic, political and military road of America, like the letter "Y." We veered in another direction.I seriously think that today's Research and Writing must seek to show today's Americans the logical sequence of why we are here today.1963 - JFK, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, MLK, and RFK. Then, 150 + American Wars, or Military Actions.2009 - Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and 30,000 more Americans to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Failing infrastructures, roads, bridges, railroads, seaports, health care, education, recession/depression, etc.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Dear Mr. Brychek, your analysis is correct. But one could speculate whether JFK would have been able to change much about this obvious course, if he would have lived longer. Maybe not much, but at least a bit. I think the human society has reached this fork "Y" all the time. It's always up to independant thinkers and believers into humanity to rebel against the war system. Why are there not more? Maybe there are more than we think, but it's just hard to turn the political unconsciousness in the US around, while China and Russia and the muslim world can be portrayed as possible WMD- and system-threat in the fear-provoking we-need-a-strong-state-with-a-strong-leader-propaganda so easily. At least some 100000 people in the US see the connection between the JFK-assassination and the following course of war-politics and it needs only one rich and willing one of them to sponsor an e-mail-truth-campaign to reach those 100000 as further multiplicators. There have been successful freedom fights and campaigns in history, so it's never hopeless, isn't it? Christoph Messner
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by ChristophMessner »

Dealey Joe wrote:Dear members of the forum and guests. I more or less represent the 60+ age group and try to see things as they were, are or might be.Like you all I have a passion about the JFK conspiracy and the decay of our freedom in what wasonce a great Republic, degraded to a democracy and on to total socialism of which the greatestloss of our freedom of choice is being cosidered now in the form of healthcare not to mention the great shifting of debt onto our heads and our families yet to come if allowed.The average person today does not vote. They are not offered a choice actually. They have bought the idea that it does not matter mainly becausethe governemt controls everything and they are mostly correct in their assumptions.I fear that the time for a peaceable solution is far past.This forum and others like it, Jesse Ventura ect. is only attended by a select few.and most who watch are looking for entertainment.Most citizens will not participate in these events or be called to action.We must realize we are telling our story to a select few and mostlly the same few over and over again.I say this not to condem but it is something we need to keep in our consciousness.Never to quit what we are doing and to better understand why.Are we activist or pacifists or researchers only?At some point in time if we truely care, must get out on the street corner.Our passion should be in the education of the ignorant as well as the informed.I noticed on the 22nd. the Lancer group had soldiers at Dealey passing out literature.It was very low quality photo copy stuff, but at least they were there.If there is any interest I would like to see a nice color tri fold pocket sized pamplet telling about this websiteto use as handouts. people love to watch TV so the DVD's should be of interest also."The Grassy Knowl" is an awesome weapon. Short enough to hold attention and yet provide a good coverage of informationIn 2013 we should make a concerted effort to be there at Dealey. it of course will be the 50 year aniversary.There should be plenty of media coverage along with a multitude in attendance.We should take a big part in the program with Wim, Bruce, LTC Dan Marvin and others speeking.Some of you movers and shakers might figure how to accomplish this if interested.We might also have a JFKMURDERSOLVED.COM forum convention there?Or something as simple as setting up an info table and sign across the street on the lawn.The members on this forum are highly educated and informed and should be heardMy opinion!Dear Mr. "Dealey",it's realistic to say, that only a selected number really engages in broader enlightenment about the jfk-case and against the decline of the American Democracy, but if the goal of any human society should be a peaceful society, should be the methods to fight the war system peaceful methods nevertheless? Of course naive pazifism does not work against the actual war machine. So why not leaving the war machine alone and letting it move into it's own traps and destroy itself while we care for the time after the coming big crash?Christoph Messner