My new film The Grassy Knoll

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by Dealey Joe »

I just want to add my .02"The Grassy Knoll" is awesome.Professionally done and right on the money.easy to watch, spell binding and never boring.Thanks for a job well doneI intend to be at Dealey next aniversary with these DVD'ssurer wish I had thought of it this year. I am still kicking my rear end.
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by ChristophMessner »

Somehow these 12 parts of the film have disappeared or flooded by too many other films on youtube unfortunately, can there be done anything to make them more prominent in ranking:
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by dankbaar »

Bob, who is J.J.C? How do I contact this clown? Can you reach him? Please forward this to him.What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you post my film without my permission? If I want it on Youtube or anywhere else, I can post it myself. REMOVE IT AT ONCE! I am getting very tired of having to send such messages every two months or so and have my properties removed by the Youtube team, when the poster does not listen. But really, I would be very interested to learn your reasoning as to why you place other people's films on Youtube, without asking. It's basically theft and you know it. You must have some morals when bringing attention to the injustice of the Kennedy assassinations. Why don't you have it then in daily life? Wim
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by Bob »

Wim, I'll remove the post, but it wasn't ME that posted it on You Tube. It was some guy named RBittikofer, who ever that is. J.J.C. is part of this forum. He just found it on You Tube and posted it. Also, I THOUGHT you knew about this. Your problem is with RBittikofer, not J.J.C. or me. Nobody has promoted this site or your book/vids more than me. Don't kill the messenger.Also, I just read your post again, and I realize your message is to J.J.C., and not me, but J.J.C. was not the guy who posted your film on You Tube either. It was RBittikofer. Anyway, J.J.C. posts a lot of links from a number of locations including You Tube in the forum. I'm sure that J.J.C. thought if it was on You Tube, that it also had your permission to be posted there. Obviously he was wrong. So was I. I also know that you post stuff yourself on You Tube, so I guess if you really wanted the film to be posted there, you would do it yourself.
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

Bob wrote:J.J.C. was not the guy who posted your film on You Tube either. It was RBittikofer. Anyway, J.J.C. posts a lot of links from a number of locations including You Tube in the forum. I'm sure that J.J.C. thought if it was on You Tube, that it also had your permission to be posted there. Obviously he was wrong. So was I. I also know that you post stuff yourself on You Tube, so I guess if you really wanted the film to be posted there, you would do it yourself.Thanks Bob.
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by dankbaar »

The clown is this RBittikofer. What a prick! Wim
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by katisha »

WimRBittikofer may not be such a prick (of course he might be; I don't know him meself).People post stuff on youtube all the time; stuff they find that interests them and that they want to share with others; it's just the way the WWW is going; you can find all sorts out there and post it elsewhere for other people to watch/read. I assume (disclaimer: my legal knowledge is virtually non-existent) it's illegal to post something that someone else (in this case your good self) owns, but I don't think it's necessarily malicious. Maybe the guy saw, and loved, your film and wanted other people to see it too.Just my little 2c (Australian cents, so worth even less! ) on this.
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by ChristophMessner »

katisha wrote:... , but I don't think it's necessarily malicious. ... I think so too. Wim, why do you hold back the Grassy Knoll Film, is it not quite ready yet? Isn't it highest noon to bring it to the public?
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by dankbaar »

Love for a product is NEVER an excuse to take it and give it to others to share its goodness. I can't walk into a supermarket and steal all the things I like to share it with the people on the street: Gee, folks, you must try this. How good it tastes!Any moron that posts a film on Youtube knows that it may be copy righted or someone else's property. I say it IS malicious. Christoph, you have pressed me over and over again to make everything I authored free of charge, just because you find the information so precious and important. I have adressed this each time. I am not going to answer you again. You're reaching the point of severe irritation with me. Do not raise the subject again!Ask Bill Gates to give away his software. It's important that people can use Windows! I love the film the shawshank redemption. Does that give me the right to post it on Youtube? If I ever want to put the film in front of real audience, I will blow any chance to with a distributor if it's already on Youtube. Anyone who thinks the film is good, tell pour friends to spend a few bucks. Or give it away as your next present. I give discounts like anyone else for quantities. WimThe content has been removed by Youtube.
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by andries »

A nasty argument we often hear from large numbers off people : conspiracy-non conspiracyis besides the killing of a president that it,s sometimes to mutchto bear that well known people attempting to make cash and fame out offconspiracy.Perhaps a mighty fine opportunity here to show them that they are very wrong as the mighty emperor did : he pardon,s the sleeping solder during guardand he gathers credebility and goodwill business before pleasurethruth before business