Please read! Seriously

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
Posts: 398
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Please read! Seriously

Post by R Croxford »

Office of the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights and other
> United Nations, EU and European Parliament Members,
> There are a number of Human Rights Issues I will be telling you about
> that the Democratic - Republican Political Party US Government and It's
> Agents have Committed, first I will begin by Identifying myself to you. I
> am United States Defense Department Intelligence Investigative Office
> Supervisor to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (see copy of ID Card)
> [url[/url] Why did it take 10
> months for Donald Rumsfeld to issue me a new DoD ID Card(?) he Refuses to
> explain his Criminal Activities to me since it is Illegal for Donald
> Rumsfeld to withhold a US Federal Agent's Federal Resources because he is
> "Not" a member of Donald Rumsfeld's Republican Political Party; so you
> will have to confront him yourselves if you want the answer to why he is
> committing the US Federal / International Crimes he is Committing.
> This 10 month effort began in February 2004 when I first began
> contacting Lawyers to help me obtain my new DoD ID Card. In March 2004 a
> Mr.Gerry Spence one of America's most famous Lawyers reviewed my request
> for Legal help and told me I had a case against Donald Rumsfeld and the US
> Government for withholding my Federal Resources but he had Retired and
> said I should contact another Lawyer. (see copy of letter)
> I also began
> contacting US Department of Defense Personnel Offices and received replies
> from a few, a couple explained to me to contact my Personnel Office but
> didnot say which Office this was since the Bill Clinton - Al Gore
> Democratic Political Party Administration had closed down the Seattle,
> Washington Office of the CIA (Why was this an Improvement in US National
> Security to leave the entire West Coast of America without a Personnel
> Office where DoD Personnel could get Administrative help?) where I had
> previously gotten my DoD Administrative help; and one from the Ombudsman
> of the Department of Defense Personnel Office apologizing for the delay in
> my getting a new DoD ID Card. (see copy)
> I also contacted
> the Tacoma,Washington DoD Field Office who told me that all they did was
> Boeing Employee background checks and I would have to go back to the East
> Coast since there was "No" DoD Personnel Office on the West Coast.
> In August 2004 I traveled to Washington,DC and on Friday August 6,2004
> went to the Pentagon itself to the Personnel Office in the Polk
> Building. I arrived that morning at the Pentagon and gained Access through
> the Employee Gate without showing an ID Card or any Personnel paperwork
> and was Politely shown to the Employee only Bus-stop where I needed to
> catch the #3 Bus to the Polk Building. (How was I able to gain access to
> the Inner Grounds of the Pentagon without a DoD ID Card? I am "Not" Hated
> by everyone at the Defense Department only the
> Democratic - Republican Political Party Members and their Corporation
> Supporters.) Here I waited for over 30 minutes amongst the Lieutenants,
> Captains, Majors, Colonels and other Civilian DoD Personnel waiting for
> the #3 Bus. When it arrived I was informed that I needed to contact the
> Polk Building Personnel Office and have them send for me an Escort to be
> able to ride on the Bus without an ID Card. I left the DoD Employee only
> Bus-stop and went to find a phone to call the Office.
> I spoke with a Mr.Pitman who explained to me that since 9-11-01 DoD
> Personnel could No longer come directly to the Personnel Office to be
> Identified but had to now be Physically Identified prior to coming to the
> Personnel Office by the FBI. I went to the J. Edger Hoover Building (the
> main FBI Building in Washington,DC) and spoke with one of the Guards at
> the door and was told that I needed to call and make an
> appointment to have my Fingerprints taken to Physically Identify who I
> was. The number I was given was to the Washington,DC Field Office; when I
> explained to the FBI Agent on the phone that I needed to get my
> Fingerprints taken to Identify myself for the Department of Defense, she
> told me I had to travel to Virginia to have my Fingerprints taken. I
> lamented that I had just traveled 3,000 miles from Bellingham,
> Washington and wasn't there any place closer I could have my
> Fingerprints taken; she put me on hold. After a long time waiting, she
> picked up the phone to see if I was still on the line and then she hung-up
> on me. I looked at my watch and saw it was now 4:30 pm the time the Office
> closed and when the answering machine took over answering the phone. She
> deliberately kept me on hold until she knew the Office answering machine
> would automatically turn on at the Office's closing time and had Refused
> to provide me with the location where I could have my Fingerprints taken
> for my FBI Physical Identification for the
> Department of Defense.
> (Why is Deliberately Sabotaging a 30 Year Veteran of the US Defense
> Department effort to get a new DoD ID Card, an Improvement in US
> National Security?
> It is "Not" an Improvement in US National Security; It is a Political
> Party Criminal Activity according to US Federal Law and the way the
> Democratic - Republican Political Party has the US Federal Law written
> their Political Party Law Enforcement Agencies "Do Not" have to
> Investigate any Criminal Activity that the Members of the Democratic -
> Republican Political Party Commit; they are used by the Political
> Parties to carry out Political Party Agendas against those in America who
> demand that the Truth be told to the American People in Direct Violation
> of Thomas Jefferson's US Constitution that states that "No" Person in
> America is Legally Entitled to the Truth about the US
> Government and this is why they the Democratic - Republican Political
> Party hasnot told one word of Truth to the American People in over 200
> Years.
> If you are not familiar with this "No Truth for You" provision that
> Thomas Jefferson wrote into his US Constitution you need to read the US
> Constitution; because this "No Truth for You" provision is known in Legal
> Circles as the Original US Legal Disclaimer. Meaning that because Thomas
> Jefferson wrote this "No Truth for You" provision into his US Constitution
> he "Voided" every other Provision in his US Constitution meaning that
> everything that his Democratic - Republican Political Party tells you
> about what the US Constitution means is "Not True". This is a US
> Government "Legal Trick" used to deceive Everyone about what the US
> Government is, what the US Government has done and what the US Government
> plans on doing in the Future. In Layman's terms
> Everything that John Kerry, Edward Kennedy and the Democrats - George
> Bush, John McCain and the Republicans tells you is a "Political Party Lie"
> just like Adolf Hitler and the Nazis accept they have been doing it for
> over 200 Years and Noone from your Country has Stood-Up to the Kennedys,
> Kerrys, Bushs and McCains and Demanded the Truth, the Whole Truth and
> Nothing but the Truth from Them. Why is being Lied to by the Democratic -
> Republican Political Party about Everything, All the Time; Freedom?!)
> I had to wait for the next week to be able to try again to have my
> fingerprints taken. This time I went to the Office of Home Land
> Security to get some of this Inter Department Co-Operation that Tom Ridge
> the Director of Home Land Security said there was under this new US
> Government Security Improvement Program and was told that there was "No
> Help" for me from the Department of Home Land Security and I would have to
> go back to the FBI and try again. I went to the FBI Office again and was
> told again to call for an appointment to have my
> Fingerprints taken.
> This time I explained to the FBI Agent that answered the phone what had
> happened on the Friday afternoon the week before, being put on hold until
> 4:30 pm Office closing time; she told me that I had to go the J. Edger
> Hoover Building since that is where they housed the FBI's
> Fingerprint Files; I told her that they had sent me to the Field Office.
> She then told me that the FBI "No Longer" takes Fingerprints that it had
> been Outsourced to Local City Police Departments; I asked her if the
> Washington, DC Police Department was good enough and she said it was. I
> was told 3 different stories about the FBI's post 9-11-01 Policy on
> Federal Government Fingerprinting, each one seemed to be made up by the
> FBI Agent to prevent me from being Physically Identified. Why is
> Physically Preventing a US Department of Defense Intelligence Agent from
> being Physically Identified an Improvement in US National Security? Can
> you depend on the US Government for assistance when this is the way they
> treat their Own Agents? ("I don't think so Tim". Al Borlan)
> I then went to find a Washington, DC Police Station; I was directed to
> the one on Indiana Street. When I arrived there I found out that they
> didnot do Fingerprinting for Federal Government Employees and gave me a
> sheet of paper with information about Federal Services a Private For -
> Profit Corporation where I went to have my Fingerprints taken for the FBI.
> (see copies)
> [url][/url (the information
> paper) (copy of my
> check and Federal Service's receipt and Business Card)
> (the
> Fingerprints page) After obtaining my Fingerprints from Federal
> Services I contacted the FBI Office again and the FBI Agent then told me
> that I didnot bring them to the FBI Office I had to send them to the DoD
> Personnel Office who would then forward them to the FBI; when I was told
> this I realized that I wasnot going to be given a new DoD ID Card but
> instead was going to be given an Illegal Political Party Run-around on the
> Orders of Donald Rumsfeld and resided to the Fact that I needed to return
> to Bellingham, Washington to further try to obtain a new DoD ID Card.
> (When Donald Rumsfeld outsourced the Physical Identification of US Defense
> Department Military Intelligence Agents from the FBI to Local Police
> Departments or Private For - Profit Corporations who have "No" US
> Department of Defense Personnel Security Regulations they have to comply
> with, Why is this an Improvement in US National Security? Anyone of you
> who have any Military Experience knows that you "Do Not" Publicly Expose
> your Military Intelligence Agent's Identity through Non - Secure Offices,
> like with the Valerie Plame CIA Leak Case. Does
> Donald Rumsfeld have Stock Investments in these For - Profit
> Fingerprint Corporations like he has in Haliberton, Bectel, Boeings and
> other US Defense Department Contractors?)
> This Outsourcing of US Defense Department Military Intelligence Agent's
> Physical Identification from the FBI that had to follow the strict Non -
> Public Exposure Security Regulations required by US Federal Law to Local
> Police Departments and For - Profit Private Corporations
> epitomizes what the US Congress' Post 9-11-01 Democratic - Republican
> Political Party US National Security Improvement Program is; It is "Not"
> an Improvement in US National Security; but the "Dismantling" of US
> National Security for Donald Rumsfeld and his Corporation Buddies Stock
> Holdings Increased Profits; which happens to be a US Federal Felony.
> (Where was US Attorney General John Ashcroft who was
> Responsible for Investigating Federal Crimes when this Criminal Program
> was Implemented by his Republican Political Party Brother Donald
> Rumsfled? What Stock Holdings did John Ashcroft have that went up in Price
> when this Program was Implemented?)
> Upon returning to Bellingham, Washington I mailed my Fingerprints along
> with a letter to the Defense Department Personnel Office requesting that
> it be processed and I be given a new DoD ID Card. By November 2004 I had
> not received any reply from them so I hand delivered a written request to
> US Federal Judge Coughenour at the Seattle, Washington US Federal Court
> asking that he use his Federal Court Authority to
> Expedite my DoD ID Card paperwork. Six weeks later my new ID arrived in the mail with this letter
> For those of you
> who are Military Allies of the US Government let this be "Notice" to you
> that the Democratic - Republican Political Party US Government doesnot
> care about It's Military Security and will "Compromise" your Military
> Security for Political Party Retaliation Purposes (Valerie Plame) or for
> Corporation Increased Profits (Federal Services, For - Profit Fingerprint
> services) and that you should Reconsider being a Military Allie of the US
> Government because of these Activities that Donald Rumsfeld is involved
> in.
> Now that I have Identified myself for you I will explain the situation
> the Bush Administration has put me in Illegally; which is that of a
> Political Prisoner. On July 6,2005 FBI Special Agent Lance Boyer and 3
> other FBI Agents came to my home in Bellingham, Washington under the Guise
> of wanting to talk to me about the request to have them help me locate the
> remaining members of C-Battery 2/81st FA, US Army 1976 I had sent them
> over a Year before. (see copy)
> after a few minutes
> of talking they then became Belligerent and Demanded that I give them my
> DoD ID Card; the Legal Reason that Lance Boyer gave for their Confiscating
> my ID Card was because he Lance Boyer had "Never" seen a DoD ID Card
> before; because he doesnot have the Security
> Clearance to have been entitled to know what one looks like. (There is
> "No" US Federal Law that allows a Low Level "No" Security Clearance FBI
> Agent to Confiscate a US Defense Department Official's ID Card because
> they have never seen one before; which Physically Proves that this Illegal
> Activity of the FBI on July 6,2005 was a Criminal Act Orderred by George
> Bush and his Republican Political Party Administration.)
> I surrendered my DoD ID Card to the 4 FBI Agents after I balked at
> their Demand but when one of the FBI Agents "Yelled" in my face that they
> would go to the Bellingham Police to get Re-Enforcements and come back and
> "Tear my Apartment apart" without first obtaining a Judicial Issued Search
> Warrent; like what Adolf Hitler did in Germany in the 1930's; because I
> have Heart Disease and didnot want to be forced into a Physical
> Confrontation with 4 FBI Agents in their 20's or 30's since it is now
> acceptable for Police Officers or Federal Agents to
> Physically Beat and Kill US Citizens Openly in the Street like they did
> with the School Teacher in New Orleans which was Televised to the
> Horror of the American People. Isn't this the same thing that the Nazis
> did on November 9th "the Night of Broken Glass"? Yes, yes it is. (see copy
> of FBI Receipt)
> Since this time I have tried to find a Lawyer who will represent me but
> none will because I am "Not" a Democratic - Republican Political Party
> Member, my Federal Resources are suspended, that is my Salary and
> Benefits Package, Expense Account, etc. and I am under an Illegal
> Political House Arrest unable to go anywhere or do anything to perform my
> US Military Mission. Here is the copy of the Request to have the FBI
> Investigated for their Criminal Activity on July 6,2005 (this is what I
> mean by they the Democrats and Republicans refuse to investigate Crimes
> they Commit; it has been a month and No Investigation has been
> started) ... shals2.jpg I need
> for you the Members of the United Nations to come to my assistance and
> Order that George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and the Republican
> Political Party Release me from this Illegal Political House Arrest and
> Physically Release to me my Federal Resources that I am entitled to
> According to US Federal Law. (see copy of Mr.Spence's letter)
> This Illegal Political House Arrest that the Bush Administration has me
> under is the result of my performing my Legal US Military Mission that I
> received in 1976 when I was one of the US Army participants in a US
> Congressional Commissioned Military Study to Improve US Air Travel
> Security while stationed on Strassberg Kaserne in Idar-Oberstein, W.
> Germany assigned to C-Battery 2/81st FA, US Army 1975-76. The purpose of
> the Study was to Identify Security Lapses and submit Corrective Actions to
> the US Congress; on September 11,2001 the Security Lapses that were used
> to carry out the Attacks were the same ones that had been submitted to the
> US Congress for Correcting "25 Years" before.
> In June 2002 I took a polygraph exam in concerns to my taking part in
> this US Military Study, it was given by a Mr.Weller who is a Retired
> Canadian Army Officer who was trained by the US Army as a Military
> Polygraph Examiner and the Exam I was given is the same one the US
> Government uses; I met the US Government's Standard for telling the Truth
> and Passed. (see copy of polygraph exam results)
> The polygraph exam
> results along with letters of support from: the Honorable John
> McCallum, Canada's former Minister of National Defense
> and Carolyn
> Parrish, Canadian MP and former Vice Chair to the International NATO
> Executive
> two of the World's
> Top Military Experts to get this information into the media are on the web
> site I put online about the Study. (see web page)
> I would like to point out that Mr.McCallum didnot get in Political
> Trouble for giving me his written support the way the German Woman who
> compared George Bush's Actions to those of Adolf Hitler did when she was
> forced to Resign her Position in the German Government; and, that time has
> shown she was Correct in her Observation (Will your UN
> Committee on the Persecution of Women make a Demand to the German
> Government that she be given her Job back with all back Pay and
> Benefits); but instead he was given the Honor of being the Celebrity
> Announcer who got to announce the Rolling Stones Concert from Canada that
> was Broadcast to the Canadian and US Troops in Afghanistan and got a Job
> Promotion in the current Canadian Government.
> There is also a letter from George Bush's Church from a Janet Horman
> who wanted copies sent so she could get them to Sen.Graham-D for the first
> US Government 9-11-01 Investigation. Why hasn't George Bush's Church been
> allowed to make any Public Statements in the US media since they
> "Condemned" George Bush's Illegal Invasion of Iraq? Why did George Bush
> Order a Media Censorship of his own Church when he claims that "God"
> Instructed him to Invade Iraq but his Church says that God
> "Didnot" Instruct George Bush to Invade Iraq?
> There is also posted my Affidavit for the Ellen Mariani RICO (Racketeer
> Influenced and Corrupt Organization) Lawsuit that was filed against the
> Bush Administration which my US Military Study information is Count III
> and is also posted on the web site. I would like to point out that US
> Attorney General John Ashcroft "Didnot" Arrest me for Impersonating a US
> Federal Agent which is a Federal Felony, when I stated in my
> Affidavit's first paragraph that I was the US Department of Defense Agent
> I am. Which means that my Information has been Investigated by the US
> Attorney General's Office and found to be True. This is one of the reasons
> that Donald Rumsfeld another of the Lawsuit's Defendants is Illegally
> Retaliating against me and withholding my Federal Resources because I told
> the Truth about his involvement in this 1976 US Military Study; which is,
> he was the "Man in Charge" of conducting the Study being the Secretary of
> Defense durring the Time when the Study took place.
> Some of the other information about the Study is what Lt.Teague, one of
> the Officers who conducted some of the Study's sessions told me on the
> first day I took part and that was that the reason they were conducting
> the Study was the Heightened Tensions following the last Israeli and
> Egyptian War in 1974, Mr.Byke's failed attempt to Hi-jack an Airliner to
> crash it into the White House to get Richard Nixon, The Munich
> Olympic Games Attack and a recent Bombing of US Soldiers in Frankfurt. He
> said that the main Scenario of the Study was to Hi-jack an Airliner and
> Crash it into a 100 Story Building in America and we were to come up with
> ideas about how we would carry out this Mission. Two or three days later
> Lt.Teague told us that the 100 Story Building had been
> Replaced with the World Trade Center Twin Towers and that this change had
> came down as a Military Order with "No" explanation just that the 100
> Story Building had been changed to the WTC Twin Towers and that It would
> remain the "Building of Concern" for the Remainder of the Study.
> This upset Lt.Teague as we were told one day in the Hallway by
> Sgt.Terry Henderson that Lt.Teague had said; that he could do this because
> it was his Duty, but it was Weird being asked to Plan to
> Blow-up your own Home Town, since Lt.Teague was from Long Island, New
> York.
> On another day Lt.Teague asked the question; What about using
> Explosives? when we looked puzzled he expanded the question to; What about
> using Explosives to bring the Building down? My answer was that it would
> have to be done by someone who worked there or had access to the inside of
> the Building, since I had seen a TV show about bringing old Buildings down
> with Explosives. This is as far as the questioning went with me since I
> had limited knowledge of Explosives and this may have been discussed in
> more detail with someone from the Unit that had more knowledge of
> Explosives; but it proves that the US Government had discussed using
> Explosives to bring down the WTC Twin Towers in this US Congressional
> Study conducted by Donald Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense, George Bush, Sr.
> Director of the CIA, Dick Cheney and Rudi Guliani other Ford
> Administration Security Advisors.
> Another important bit of information is the day that Lt.Teague asked
> us; Who would it be that would Attack America? He didnot allow us to
> answer, he answered his question himself and he said; It would be
> Middle Eastern Arabs-Muslims. (Which leads to the question; Was the
> 9-11-01 Attack set-up for Middle Eastern Arabs -Muslims to do?) He then
> asked what we should say to the Nation of Islam about the US
> Government's Military Retaliation; the US Government already had a
> Military Retaliation Plan in place for an Attack like the 9-11-01
> Attack. I answered that; If the Attack was an accident that couldnot be
> prevented, then we should tell the Nation of Islam that we were not
> Attacking their Religion, but those who made the Attack. Well, we have
> seen that the 9-11-01 Attack wasnot an Accident that couldnot be
> prevented since the US Congress had "25 Years" to Implement the
> Security Upgrades and Improvements from this Study but they chose "Not"
> to.
> It made me Sick to see Condoleeza Rice Lie to the People of the Nation
> of Islam when she told them that the US Government wasnot Attacking the
> Religion of Islam when in Fact it is and she got her statement from this
> Study. What the Muslim Countries of the World need to do is to confront
> Condoleeza Rice with her Lie and ask her if this Study ever took place and
> did it include a Question about Deceiving the People of the Nation of
> Islam about the US Government's intent with It's
> Prearranged Military Retaliation Strike already in place. And if she Lies
> again, then you need to demand that she be Fired or Forced to Resign her
> Position in the US Government and Never hold another
> Government Position again for as long as she lives.
> There is other information about the Study posted on my web site like
> the names of the other participants but not all of the information I have
> about the Study is posted, I am putting more online as I have the time.
> One last item about the Study I will tell you about is how I got my
> Non-Rescindable Orders to tell the American People about this Study if the
> WTC Twin Towers was ever Attacked. One day I blurted out that; if the
> Security Improvements from this Study werenot implemented and we were
> Attacked because of it, that I would tell the American People about the
> Study. Lt.Teague and Sgt.Middleton immediately grabbed one arm each and
> carried me down the Hallway and then told me that I was in the Military
> now and if the Army failed you didnot tell people. I
> replied that it wasnot the People who were taking part in the Study that I
> was talking about because we were all trying to Prevent this type of
> attack but I was talking about the People in the Government that wouldnot
> make the Improvements. I was then Dismissed from the Study for the rest of
> the day. About a week later I was called to the Office and stood next to
> Lt.Teague and given Non-Rescindable Orders that if the WTC Twin Towers was
> ever Attacked in the manner in which we Discussed in the Study I was to do
> everything I could to get this
> information to the American People so that they could use this
> information to decide if they wanted to continue to be Represented by the
> People who knew that US Air Travel Security needed to be Improved in 1976
> the "Democrats and Republicans" and Didnot do it or to Vote in "New
> People" who wouldnot Attack the American People in this manner.
> Later on Sgt.Riggs came to me in the Hall way and told me that the US
> Government had Threatened Retaliation against their Wives and Children if
> they were to be the first one to try and break the media Censorship that
> the US Government was going to put on this information but if I could
> Break this US Government pre-arranged media Censorship that they the other
> participants would come forward and tell what they know. To date George
> Bush and his Corporation media Cohorts have kept this
> information out of America's mainstream media and a Secret from the
> American People who they know would Vote them out of Office if they were
> to ever find out about this US Congressional Military Study. So for those
> of you who would like to get rid of the Democrats and
> Republicans and get some Human Beings into Elected Offices in America have
> your Country's media carry this Study's Story in your newspapers and
> Broadcast it on your TV and Radio Stations with a Demand that the United
> Nations Security Council Investigate this US Congressional Study since it
> is the biggest destabilizing issue in the World today and if you the UN
> can Investigate Syria over the Death of one Person then you should be able
> to Investigate the ten's of thousands of Deaths that the US Government is
> Responsible for.
> What the Study's information proves is; that the Democratic -
> Republican Political Party US Congress knew that US Air Travel Security
> needed to be Improved in 1976 (that is why They conducted the Study) They
> had Sufficient information to Remedy the Security Lapses (the Corrective
> Actions that were submitted to the US Congress) Billions of Dollars in US
> Tax Payer's Money and "25 Years" to "Just Begin" to
> Implement the Security Upgrades and Improvements from Their Own Study. And
> "After all, 25 Years is; a Quarter of a Century" and if John Kerry, Edward
> Kennedy and the Democrats - George Bush, John McCain and the Republicans
> "Did Not" perform Their #1 Governmental Priority "National Security" in
> that amount of Time it is "Not" an International Legal reason for any US
> Military Actions let alone a 100 Year US
> Congressional Declared World War!
> Another Human Rights Issue that the US Government needs to be UN
> Investigated for is It's Policy on and use of Torture. One day during my
> Intelligence training Lt.Teague my Training Officer told me that the US
> Government uses Drug Induced Hypnosis Interrogation to obtain
> Information from Prisoners and have done so for Decades; because after you
> have gotten the Information you want from the Prisoner you can command
> them to not remember the Interrogation Session and then wake them up and
> they will go about their lives as if they were never
> Interrogated just like on the Montel Williams TV Show when he has
> Audience members Hypnotized and commanded to dance like Chickens and quack
> like Ducks on stage in front of his audience and then commands them to not
> remember this so that he then can confront them with the video tape of
> them doing the Chicken Dance or the Duck Quacking for Laughs afterwards.
> The US Government came upon the use of Drug Induced Hypnosis by
> accident during WWII when they were trying to come up with a way to reduce
> the amount of Morphine needed in the Combat Zone. My father was a US Army
> Medic during WWII and told me that one day he saw People he called
> "Government People" since they wore US Military Uniforms that didnot have
> Insignias on them hanging around the Wounded but werenot helping out with
> their Injuries. He said he worked his way over to where they were to see
> what they were doing. They were trying to
> Hypnotize the Wounded Soldiers so they wouldnot have to use Morphine on
> them for the pain; but they found that they couldnot Hypnotize the
> Soldiers who were in pain but they noticed that the Soldiers who had been
> given Morphine that were next to the Soldiers that they were
> trying to Hypnotize responded to their Hypnosis Commands. This led to
> Decades of Drug Induced Hypnosis Experimentation; in one case the US
> Government advertised for People to take part in a weight loss or quit
> smoking program and then used Drug Induced Hypnosis on them without their
> knowledge. The results of this program was that all of the
> participants were placed in Mental Hospitals after two of them
> committed Suicide and one while under Heavy Sedation in the Mental
> Hospital committed Suicide also as was reported on PBS. In another case
> the US Government took pre-school children age 4 or 5 and subjected them
> to Drug Induced Hypnosis and have kept them under their control as
> Hypnosis Slaves never allowing these Children to have control over their
> own minds because of Thomas Jefferson's US Constitutional
> Provision that the US Government can do what ever it wants, to who ever it
> wants and there is Nothing anyone can do about it except Militarily Defeat
> the US Government to Physically Stop them. These are just a couple of
> things the US Government / CIA have done to create today's US Military
> Interrogation Method of using Drug Induced Hypnosis
> Interrogation on Prisoners to obtain information from them.
> The use of Physical Torture Lt.Teague said; was for the purpose of
> Physically and Psychologically Injuring People to the point that when they
> would be released they would be a Detriment to their Country
> because they couldnot function as useful Human Beings any more. So the
> Physical Torture that the US Government is using on People around the
> World is "Not" to obtain Information but to deliberately Injure
> Prisoners to the extent that they are a Detriment to their County when the
> US Government releases them.
> In summation Lt.Teague told me that it is the Intent of the Democratic
> - Republican Political Party US Government to "Control" as much of the
> Earth's Human Population through Torture and Murder because that is "what
> Life is about" According to the Democratic - Republican Political Party
> and the only way that anyone was going to Stop them was by
> Militarily Defeating them.
> How did the US Government come up with the Human Subjects for the
> Medical / Torture Experiments? They used the Feres Doctrine. What the
> Feres Doctrine is is a 1950 US Supreme Court created US Federal Law that
> exempts the US Government and It's Agents from any Criminal or Civil Legal
> Responsibility for any Injuries, Damages or Death caused by any Act or
> Action taken against or upon US Military Personnel by the US Government or
> It's Agents. The Feres Doctrine was concocted in
> conjunction with "Operation Paper Clip" in which the US Government brought
> to America Nazi Doctors, Scientists and others following WWII who agreed
> to work for the US Government in exchange for "Not" being Tried for Crimes
> Against Humanity and War Crimes; what the US
> Government did was to take for themselves Hitler's Torturing Murders to
> create Programs of Torture and Murder as well as the CIA Agency itself for
> the US Government based on the Torture and Murder Programs of the Nazis.
> And the Feres Doctrine gave them a massive supply of Human
> Subjects that were Isolated from their families already since they were in
> the US Military even though they were Harry Trueman's own US
> Government Citizens. The Democratic - Republican Political Party US
> Government created Medical / Torture Experiment Human Subjects out of
> their own US Citizens / Military Personnel.
> You can learn about the Feres Doctrine at which is
> the web site of Veterans Equal Rights Protection Advocacy, Inc. an
> American Veteran's Group that has been trying to have the Feres
> Doctrine Repealed for over 10 Years but the Democratic - Republican
> Political Party Elected Officials Refuse to discuss the reason why they
> need to take US Military Personnel against their will to be Medical /
> Torture Experiment Human Subjects like when the US Congress had the CIA
> conduct It's LSD Medical / Torture Experiments for Decades that they
> admitted to in the 1990's. Here is the first page of the Lawsuit that Mr.
> Jeff Trueman a Co-Founder of VERPA has filed to have the Feres Doctrine
> Repealed to put a Stop to the Torture and Murder of US
> Military Personnel for the enlightenment and enjoyment of those US
> Government Agents who carry out these Human Subject Medical / Torture
> Experiments that were used to create the Physical Torture Methods that the
> US Government is using on People around the World today.
> This is another issue that the UN needs to Investigate, the use of
> Human Beings for Medical / Torture Experiments by the US Government under
> the Guise of the Feres Doctrine.
> I will tell you of a CIA LSD Experiment that took place on German soil
> at Strassberg Kaserne that involved members of the 2/81st FA, US Army so
> that People from the German Government can conduct Criminal
> Investigations into the US Government using Germany as a Place of US
> Government Torture and Murder of US Military Personnel and others
> against their will in Medical / Torture Experiments just like Adolf Hitler
> and the Nazis did who US President Harry Trueman then Prosecuted at the
> Nuremburg Trials and then Executed by US Military Firing Squad or Hanging.
> One day my room mate Spec.4 Richard Seanz asked me if I liked to take
> LSD, this was an unusual question for him and I didnot know quite how to
> take it. Then a few days later before starting work in the morning I was
> going to our room which was across the Hall from the water fountain where
> he was standing and he kind of stuck out his hand as I walked by. I got
> what I wanted from the room and then reported to the Motor Pool
> Maintenance Office where I worked as a Parts Clerk.
> Later that morning I had to take a Motor Pool Report to the Battery's
> Office and stopped by our room to pick up a package of Cigarettes, when I
> went into the room Richard Seanz was sitting on his bed in his
> underwear with a totally blank expression on his face. Then he started to
> try and climb the wall while yelling at me that I was the Devil. I didnot
> know what was going on so I went to get help; I ran into one of Seanz
> Buddies a Sgt.Toomer who I told that something was wrong with Seanz and
> would he come and check it out, he did and told me that he would take care
> of it.
> He took Spec.4 Seanz to the Medical Clinic where they had to tie him
> down in Leather Restraints for two days because of the Massive Dose of LSD
> that the CIA had Deliberately gave him. When they brought him back to our
> Unit he had large dark Bruises on his Wrists, Arms and Legs where he had
> struggled against the Leather Restraints for two days due to the LSD
> Poisoning by the CIA. ("Don't ask what your Country can do for you; ask
> what you can do for your Country" John F. Kennedy)
> A few days later I was called to the Office to talk to two People in US
> Military Uniforms who questioned me about what I had seen; I told them
> that they didnot have to Poison US Combat Troops with Massive Over Doses
> of LSD to see what it does to People, all they had to do if they wanted to
> see what a Drug Over Dose looked like was to go to any US City Hospital
> Emergency Room on Friday or Saturday night and they could see all the Drug
> Over Doses that came into the Emergency Room.
> After this session with the CIA Agents who were wearing US Military
> Uniforms I told Seanz that he should ask for at least two months off to
> recover from the effects of the LSD Poisoning and they gave him a room in
> downtown Idar-Oberstein to recover, but after two weeks the CIA decided
> that he could return to C-Battery for regular Duty even though Seanz
> himself said he wasnot ready. The CIA's demise for me was yet to come.
> A few weeks later the CIA came to my room while I was asleep and lifted
> my blanket and injected me with Drugs and then removed my unconscious body
> to another Building they had set up for their Medical / Torture
> Experiments where they subjected me to weeks of Psychic Driving.
> Psychic Driving is where a Person is given Massive Doses of LSD and other
> Drugs and then subjected to Acts of Physical Torture.
> Sgt. Handley a Hard Core Viet Nam Veteran Career Man (Who by the way
> never again said; it was the responsibility of all Americans to Serve in
> the US Military until the day he left the US Army at the end of his
> current Enlistment; because he had joined the US Army to keep Americans
> from being subject to Torture "Not" to be Physically Forced by the
> Democratic - Republican Political Party and their CIA to Torture
> Americans.) had another Soldier tell me what the CIA had forced him to do;
> they had him help them carry my body out of our Barracks and
> transport it to their CIA Torture Building and then forced him to watch
> them conduct Acts of Torture on me to include the Field Phone Torture
> Technique. This is where they connect the wires of the Field Phone to a
> Person's Testicles and Penis and then Crank the Field Phone handle sending Electrical Currency to the Person's Sexual Organs; like has been Reported by Afghan and Iraqi Prisoners of War. They also used the Air Field Siren Technique on me also, this is where they place mobile Air Raid Sirens next to your head within inches of your ears and then in the Loudest Volume setting broadcast the Air Raid Siren Sound for Hours to cause you to go Crazy and damage your Hearing.
Most of the Torture that I was subjected to was done to me while I was
unconscious and have only blips of memory of it. After weeks I was
returned to my Unit C-Battery 2/81st FA at Strassberg Kaserne in
Idar-Oberstein I was placed on my bed in my room. I was barely able to
think do to the Drugs I had been Poisoned with by the CIA but I was able
to say a Prayer to God to have Him lift the Evil from me so that I could
get out of there. While I was Preying Sgt. Middleton opened the door to my
room and looked in to see me Preying and then shut the door. In a couple
of minutes I was able to stand up and walk out the door and make my way to
the Motor Pool Office where I was a Clerk to be around other People so the
CIA couldnot take me away again for more Torture. Members of my Unit made
up a Guard Squad to watch me so that the CIA couldnot be able to recapture
me for additional Torture or Murder. It took a week, a full seven days for
the Drugs that the CIA had Poisoned me with to wear off so that I could
understand what day it was, what my name was and where I was on the face
of the Earth.
Was the CIA done with their LSD Torture Experiments? No not yet.
Colonel Morrison filed a Complaint with Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld to Stop using his Troops for Torture Victims. Did Donald
Rumsfeld do this? No, Donald Rumsfeld Ordered the CIA to do even more
Torture Activities on Members of the 2/81st FA, US Army. One day while I
was walking down the street in front of the Battalion Command Office I
heard Yelling and looked up the Street to see the new Soldier who had just
arrived to our Unit running down the Street Yelling and pulling his hat
off and throwing it away and then trying to tear his Field Jacket off.
This 19 Year old Soldier who didnot have the Financial ability to pay to
go to College had joined the US Army to get the GI Bill College Money to
be able to go to College and to fulfill his
Military Obligation and was one of the more Intelligent Soldiers they had
sent our Unit in a long time, since most of the "All Volunteer Army"
Recruits had Criminal Charges they were avoiding Jail time for by joining
the Army or they were the undereducated young People of America who
couldnot find a job elsewhere.
The Massive Over Dose of LSD that the CIA Poisoned him with caused him
to be sent back to the US as a Medical Evac and he never came back. So
when the US Congress and their CIA Agents tell you that they don't Torture
anyone and donot Operate Torture Facilities in other Countries this is
100% Thomas Jefferson Totalitarian Lying. All CIA Activities need to be
Investigated at the UN level for the purpose of Prosecuting the US
Government for Crimes Against Humanity that it Commits against It's own
People as well as against the People of other Countries. I would like to
have you travel to where Edward Kennedy is and ask him Straight to his
face: why is being Tortured and Murdered by You and your Democratic
Political Party under the Harry Trueman concocted Feres Doctrine for the
last half Century; Freedom?
This is just the "Tip of the Ice Berg" as is said when there is so much
Corruption and Criminal Activity taking place by a certain group of
People; like, Edward Kennedy and his Democrats - John McCain and his
Republicans have Committed in the over 200 Years that they have been
Committing these Criminal Acts against the American People and covering it
up by owning all US media outlets and never allowing the Victims of their
Crimes Against Humanity to be able to tell what was done to them by Edward
Kennedy, John McCain and their Democratic - Republican
Political Party.
Why is what the Democratic -Republican Political Party done to the US
media Freedom of Speech / Freedom of the Press? Prior to the Harry Trueman
decision to make the US Government the Dominating World
Government Country there were thousands of Independently Owned
Newspapers, TV and Radio Stations where information about the US
Government's Criminal Activities might have a chance of being exposed.
Then Harry Trueman's Democratic Political Party started their program of
Media Consolidation like Adolf Hitler did to ensure that the US Government
would never have to be accountable for what they were doing. And now there
is only 5 Corporation owners of all US Media outlets and the FCC has plans
to Consolidate these 5 down to only 2 Corporation Owners. How can a
Country that has for over 200 Years Condemned other Countries for not
allowing Individual Independent Ownership of the Media call what they have
done and plan on doing Freedom of the Press? How can Edward Kennedy and
John McCain say that what they have done to the Media Ownership in
America, Freedom(?) when they condemned as the most hideous thing that
could be done to Human Freedom the
Consolidation of the media by Adolf Hitler; when they themselves have done
the exact same thing? Why hasn't one of you from the UN stood-up and
condemned this US Media Consolidation for what it is; one of the Acts
needed to create a Totalitarian Regime that will commit Genocide because
they own the Media and will cover it all up, why hasn't one of you done
I am willing to Testify before the UN and I am sure that Mr. Jeff
Trueman and the other Victims of the Feres Doctrine as well as the other
members of C-Battery 2/81st FA, US Army will Testify also about Crimes
Against Humanity and War Crimes that the Democratic - Republican Political
Party US Government has Committed so that the People of the World will
know the Truth about the US Government so that UN Sanctions can be placed
on the Democratic - Republican Political Party to Force Free Elections to
take place in America for the first time since Slave Owner Thomas
Jefferson Totalitarianly forced his US Government on the People of America
at the Point of a Gun over 200 Years ago. You use UN Military Forces to
make other Governments allow Free Elections so why won't you Demand that
the US Government allow Free Elections?
I will be sending you this Request to have the US Government
Investigated by the UN Security Council and other UN and EU Bodies such as
the International Criminal Court until you take action and have the US
Government Investigated from Top to Bottom for Political Party
Criminal Activity or the US Government sends It's Political Party
Police FBI / SS to take my Life to Stop me. I have about 130 UN and EU
contacts and will alternate 25 media contacts in each mailing for Help I
US Federal Agent
Tim McNiven
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear R. Croxford,

I have just reviewed your email.

I will make copies for Jimmy, and myself.

I must admit that I will have to re-read this a few times, and study all of the references. However, that being said, I am extremely interested in
09.11.2001, and all related matters.

On 09.17.2001 I said that the JFK Assassination was the tip of the ice-berg, and 09.11.2001 would ultimately be linked directly, and indirectly to
some people, groups, and parties that were directly involved with the JFk Assassination.

Recently, Greg Syzmanski (2005) wrote an article interviewing a "Think Tank" member for the C.I.A. who indicated that their group, in 1976, as an alleged "Academic Exercise" created the scenario of attacking the Twim Towers with airplanes, and then imploding them. The perfect time to set the charges would have been around 1993 - 1994 after the first attack on the Twin Towers. "Government Contractors" controlled the repairs back then.

I for one am very interested in this, and would hope that you follow-up on this thread, and all related materials that you can uncover.

Best Wishes,
Bruce patrick Brychek.
R Croxford
Posts: 398
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by R Croxford »

The article you refer to by greg is this man here. This is the statement Mr. Mcniven sent to the United nations and also forwarded me a copy. I am in contact with him and Wim is too. This guy is screaming and no one is listening. Everyone wants to try and figure out things but no one except you have responded to this thread. I'LL REPEAT IT AGAIN SO EVERYONE HEARS ME! THIS GUY IS STILL A FEDERAL AGENT CODENAMED GRILLFIRE!
He is the one that took part in that study in 1976 while Bush was head of the CIA and Rumsfeld and Cheney worked for Ford. No one read this thread and really truly America is in trouble because no one cares or they have just gotten to stupid to understand.
If you have any questions for Mr. McNiven I can send them to him if he lives long enought to read it.
I will be sending you this Request to have the US Government Investigated by the UN Security Council and other UN and EU Bodies such as the International Criminal Court until you take action and have the US Government Investigated from Top to Bottom for Political Party Criminal Activity or the US Government sends It's Political Party Police FBI / SS to take my Life to Stop me
No one is going to save this man's life.
Timothy Franzen
Posts: 42
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Timothy Franzen »

IBELIEVE YOU MR. CROXFORD!!! CALM DOWN!!! I'm an insignificant peon.You tell me what I can do do as Joe Citizen and I'll be glad to stick my neck out.
R Croxford
Posts: 398
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by R Croxford »

You can tell friends and anyone who will listen about it.
Send this link to people and let them know.
The more people that know the better chance we have.
Thanks bro.
Timothy Franzen
Posts: 42
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Timothy Franzen »

Mr. Croxford,I have done as you suggested and sent the link to Please Read, Seriouslyhere at this site, plus Mr. McNiven's website to relatives and friends.Whether they will be open minded enough to pursue the links is up to them.I urged them to pass the information along. That's all I can do at this point.
R Croxford
Posts: 398
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by R Croxford »

Thank you sir,
Me and Mr. McNiven appreciate it.
Timothy Franzen
Posts: 42
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Timothy Franzen »

Hello Mr. Croxford,Hypothetically, what is the next step if enough people are awakened to Government complicity in the 9/11 attack, JFK etc.? . How will we be able to protect Mr. McNiven from harm? Next, how do you make Mainstreammedia air the truth? How are we, the public supposed to gain control backof our government? There are stipulations in the constitution for just such an action. It all seems a little too much of an uphill climb and a little unrealistic that we can boot out the corrupt powers that be.Your thoughts please. I want to make a difference
R Croxford
Posts: 398
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by R Croxford »

We the people brother, do not ever think we cannot do anything.
Once in mainstream media it gets harder to whack him. The people need to band together and start standing up again. You think men in the 40's would have tolerated this America of today. No jobs, High living cost. Crooked as hell politicians. They have succeeded in making people in this country stupid. 7 out of 10 people were sure Iraq attacked us on 9-11. Therefore, 70% of us are stupid as hell. Al Gore served 26 years as a senator and we elected cocaine sniffing drunk verses a seasoned public servant. John Kerry served in Nam and had medals out the ass. They convinced us that medals were crap and anyone can get a silver star and re-elected a chicken hawk. If George Bush is a Christian then I am god. People had better start waking up and if they do not, they better get used to welfare. Nobody votes, nobody cares, everybody has the it don’t effect me attitude and it sucks. Rome was sold at an auction while we are selling ours to the biggest corporations. The rest of the world is gearing up to fuck us up. Can you see it? The clone army is China and they are going to use them to take over the planet. In a sense it does not matter I guess if you do not care about the history of it all. The sovereignty of it all.

In democracies, sovereignty is held by the people, which may exercise it directly, as in a popular assembly, but it is usually exercised by the constitutional delegation to institutions constituting the legislative and/or the executive power in all representative democracies

Tribal sovereignty is the ability of a tribe to govern itself. In the United States it refers to the status of federally recognized American Indian tribes and pueblos, for which court decisions since the ratification of the United States Constitution have established legal doctrines that presume them to be sovereign "domestic dependent nations." Sovereignty is not given by an exterior government, but is recognized. In the United States the federal government has restricted the sovereignty of tribal governments

People can change the problems in America but first they need to pay attention. That right now is not happening. Stupid is as stupid does.
R Croxford
Posts: 398
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by R Croxford »

Other then you Timothy it appears that no one cares about this subject. See no one cares. I challenge anyone to disprove this man and his story. Find 1 fact that shows he is lying. No one can do it, Yet no one cares. It must be too simple for them.