Please read! Seriously

JFK Assassination
Tim Carroll
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Post by Tim Carroll »

R Croxford wrote:See no one cares. I challenge anyone to disprove this man and his story. Find 1 fact that shows he is lying. No one can do it, Yet no one cares. It must be too simple for them.
It's not reasonable to interpret the lack of an internet response as a lack of caring. ... =2006&mm=3

Try an internet search of the following phrase: "Immanentize the Eschaton." It's about the power center of fruitcakes deliberately trying to provoke the end times. Some actually have a religious belief that a nuclear conflagration would harness the spiritual energy of the planet, like some kind of massive bunsen burner run amok in an alchemical attempt to rule the world.

R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

That is true Tim, Unlike the controlled demolitions and the plane remote controlled and the size of whatever it was that hit the pentagon. This story is getting no coverage period.
Here is more links to help everybody see whats going on,
Nice to see your not swallowing the crap they laid on us too.
I like the one that says the want to ignite jupiter that it is actually a burnt out sun. lol
never have night again and will banish evil in the light. I always got a chuckle out of that one.
Timothy Franzen
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Post by Timothy Franzen »

Less than six months ago, I began posting with the Capitol hill blueforum. I don't think I've ever dealt with a bigger bunch of Idiots in my entire life. One of the last forums conducted concerned Charlie Sheen's comments of his belief of Government Involvement in 9/11. Two or more of the forum posters going as far as referring to Sheen as a "nut" and an "idiot". I shared the links to Mr. McNiven's website and the ones you have posted above at that site and invited all (when they remove their heads from the sand) to join us in a real discussion of what really happened on 9/11.I figure the more talking heads we have in this discussion the better. Some of the posters there are in agreement that the Government was involved.I sent the article of proof of the demolition of the twin towers to Democracy now with Amy Goodman. Unfortunately I don't expect any publicity from her program because my understanding is that they are also corporately funded and I think that limits them on how far they can "push the envelope" on controversial issues like 9/11.
Timothy Franzen
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Post by Timothy Franzen »

Considering that the JFK assassination has links to what's going on today, I would think more people would want to get involved in this forum discussion than are. Like with the moot court, maybe we should try to investigate all of the direct links between the "players" still alive or dead in the JFK Assassination and who helped orchestrate from the 70's on, the 9/11 attack.Mr. Croxford, what are your thoughts? I'm going to take Tim McNiven's material that you posted here at Please Read, Seriously and at this website and piece together similar government officials who might have had a hand in both "deeds". CNN did conduct a poll and the majority of people thinksthat the Government didn't tell us everything about what happened on 9/11.That's something positive to build on at least.
Tim Carroll
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Amy Goodman

Post by Tim Carroll »

Timothy Franzen wrote:I sent the article of proof of the demolition of the twin towers to Democracy now with Amy Goodman. Unfortunately I don't expect any publicity from her program because my understanding is that they are also corporately funded and I think that limits them on how far they can "push the envelope" on controversial issues like 9/11.
Amy Goodman and Democracy Now certainly "push the envelope" better than most. I also think she's pretty sexy, in a deadpan sort of way.

Timothy Franzen
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Post by Timothy Franzen »

Tim, I agree that they do explore stories more in depth than most but It wouldn't take much to improve on our Pathetic Main Stream Media. The problem is that I've sent several suggestions on who the could interview to verify questions concerning 9/11 and they continue to follow the main stream path on that incident. She interviewed Gary Hart Tuesday and he thought that Castro along with any Cuban dissidents had nothing to do with the JFK Assassination but didn't pin him down on who might have been responsible.I even sent her the links to Tim McNiven's website, etc. I guarantee you, they will not explore possible complicity by our government. I understand they receive Corporate Grant funding from I believe the Rockefellers.
R Croxford
Posts: 398
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Post by R Croxford »

I find it amusing that 1976 is a key year in all this. The same players and everything. What year did the towers come to life in design and the year they were completed them. Who was governor of New York at the time?
What the hell was Cheney and rumsfeld doing in 1963? It is quite interesting that Mr. McNiven's claims happen to fall on daddy's watch while Rumsfeld was defense secretary. Both Bush and Rumsfeld were the recipients of any information that study would have yielded.

The Government might not be to blame but like I have said before there are some bad eggs in our government right now and their interest do not include the American people. Government is a wide group of people and I do not think you could get them all to go along with it. I do however believe the same people killed Kennedy and anyone else who interferes with their goal.

I really question as to when our people, We the people are going to stand up. What is it going to take. What event is finnaly going to make Americans realize they are under attack. I pray they find the truth before it is too late to stop them.

We can discuss how,who, what and when Kennedy was killed but if we do not find out who ordered it, This is all futile.

Outside the box bro. Thats where I play.
Timothy Franzen
Posts: 42
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Post by Timothy Franzen »

I agree with you Mr. Croxford,

My wife was just saying a couple of weeks ago. That having all the knowledge, i.e. Kennedy's assassination, even the Waco incident,
Oklahoma city bombing, ... bombs.html
and now the 9/11 attack. What good does it do to have all
of this knowledge if we're forced to sit on our hands and do nothing
while our government spins out of control?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear R. Croxford,

You post some very interesting material and thoughts.

I would be very interested to hear your thoughts about

as your time permits.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Tim Carroll
Posts: 106
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Democracy Now

Post by Tim Carroll »

Timothy Franzen wrote:She interviewed Gary Hart Tuesday and he thought that Castro along with any Cuban dissidents had nothing to do with the JFK Assassination but didn't pin him down on who might have been responsible.I must have been watching a different show the other night. While Gary Hart does dismiss Castro as the likely perpetrator of the Kennedy assassination, he in no way let's anti-Castro dissidents off the hook.Timothy Franzen wrote:I guarantee you, they will not explore possible complicity by our government. I understand they receive Corporate Grant funding from I believe the Rockefellers.
No news program explores the "possible complicity by our government" in the Kennedy assassination. None. Democracy Now is as credible and courageous a news program as is currently available. The fact that it may or may not receive funding from some branch of the Rockefeller Foundation is not indicative of anything except perhaps that in the broadest sense, nations and media are controlled by corporate interests. An article in the new Vanity Fair notes a Rockefeller donation to bail out Martin Luther King, Jr. and his associates from jail in Birmingham, Alabama. Is that indicative of any unholy King-Rockefeller alliance? Omigosh! Does this mean that the entire civil rights movement was a Rockefeller-perpetrated sham?
