Could someone transcribe these two pages for me?

JFK Assassination
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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What I got

Post by Ricky Clow »

I'll do my best to transcribe the best I can after part after says:

sometimes within the first two weeks of November 1963 wither on a Tuesday or Thurday night, (I don't remember the exact date, but this will help establish the date, It was the night that the strippers had their pictures made for thr National Magasine at the Carocel. Three of them signd the release and one didn't. I do not remember the mans name who took the pictures) I went to the Carocel Club. i had an appointment wih Jack ruby between 10:00 and 10;30pm. I entered and asked for Jack Ruby and was told by the doorman that Mr. ruby was not in, but I should wait. There were three people already waiting to see him. the doorman was a man in his late 40's or early 50's about5'7" to 5'9", stocky build, close curly hair, silver colored without a part, and he spoke with a northern or mid western annent. He was wearing a blue suit, dark blue tie with light blue and red on it, and white shirt with collar unbuttoned. He offered me a seat at the first table to the left of the door, and said I should wait until Mr. ruby Arrived. While I was waiting, I had a cup coffee and watched the show and observed the people in the Carocel.

while I was watching the crowd which consisted of about 20 people, I noticed about 4 tables directly in front of me, a man in a white sweater. the reason I noticed this man was that everyone else in the carocel was either in a suit, sport coat, or in uniform.

After I had been waiting approximately one hour, the door opened. In came a dash hound, and in came Jack Ruby. Jack greeted me, and said just a minute, spoke to the doorman, came back and asked me id I'd mind waiting that he has to see some toher people, took his hat off, turned left and went to the back towards his office. He came back into the club area, and the first person he saw was a felloe in his late 30's or early 40's, black wavey hair, road stockey build, who was sitting at he table directly by the door to the back, next to the wall. I was informed by the doorman and jack Ruby

that this gentleman was an old friend from California, Jack spoke to this man roughly 15 to 20 minutes.

The next man Jack saw was a photographer for a national magazine similar to stag or male, etc. the reason I know this man was a photographer for a national magisine is that during my discussion with Jack Ruby, this man was introduced to me (although I don't remember his name) as a photographer for the above type national magsine.

The next man that Jack saw was the man mentioned earlier who was sitting 4 tables in front of me wearing a white sweater. Jack came and got this man and they walked back towards his office. They were gone about 15 to 20 minutes. they both came out and Jack stopped at the table by the wall and spoke to the man from California again. the gentleman in the V neck white swa=eater and grey slacks walked by me under neath a bright light by the door. He was approximatley two feet from where I was sitting.

After Jack got through talking to the man from California, he came over and gto me and carried me back to his office. We discussed a private club. I asked him if he would sell the Vagne. He said no, it had about $40,000 Federal taxes against it, but that he had a good, terrific idea for a private club at a location in northwest Dallas. I asked him if he has a lease, what the idea was and what the location was. Jack did not say. He said he was afraid someone would stal his idea from him. I left around 1:20 to 1:45 am. After President Kennedy was assassinated, and this follow Oswalds picture was on television and in the paper, I remembered that he was the man that I saw in the white v neck sweater the night that I was at the Carosel Club to see Jack Ruby. I didn't say anything for about a week until Sunday, December 2, 1963, and then I called Don Green, a friend of mine and told him about it, and asked his advise. He suggested that I come in and talk to the police.
tom jeffers
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Wim, here is what I got

Post by tom jeffers »

Sometimes within the first two weeks in November, 1963, either on a Tuesday or Thursday night (I don’t remember the exact date but this will help establish the date: It was the night that the strippers had their pictures made for the national magazine at the Carousel. Three of them signed the release and one didn’t. I do not remember the man’s name who took the pictures) I went to the carousel club. I had an appointment with Jack Ruby between 10:00 and 10:30 pm. I entered and asked for Jack Ruby and was told by the doorman that Mr. Ruby was not in, but I could wait. There were 3 people already waiting to see him. The doorman was a man in his late 40’s or early 50’s about 5 foot 7 inches to 5 foot nine inches, stocky build, close curly hair, silver colored with a part and he spoke with a northern or Midwestern accent. He was wearing a blue suit. A dark blue tie with light blue and red in it, and whit shirt with collar unbuttoned. He offered me a seat at the first table to the left of the door and said I could wait until Mr. Ruby arrived. While I was waiting I had a cup of coffee and watched the show and observed the people in the Carousel.

While I was watching the crowd which consisted of about 20 people, I noticed about 4 tables directly in front of me, a man in a white sweater. The reason I noticed this man was that every one else in the Carousel was either in a suit, sport coat or in a uniform.

After I had been waiting approximately one hour, the door opened. In came a dash hound and in came Jack Ruby. Jack greeted me, said just a minute, spoke to the doorman, came back and asked me if I’d mind waiting that he had to see some other people, took his hat off, turned left, and went to the back towards his office. He came back into the club area, and the first person he saw was a fellow in his late 30’s or early 40’s, black wavy hair, real stocky build, who was sitting at the table directly by the door to the back, next to the wall. I was later informed by the doorman and Jack Ruby that this gentleman was an old friend from California. Jack spoke to the man roughly 15 to 20 minutes.

The next man Jack saws a photographer for a national magazine similar Stag or Male, etc. The reason I know this man was a photographer for a national magazine is that during my discussion with Jack Ruby, this man was introduced to me (although I don’t remember his name) as a photographer for the above type national magazine.

The next man that Jack saw was the one mentioned earlier who was sitting 4 tables in front of me wearing a white sweater. Jack came and got this man and they walked back towards his office. They were gone about 15 to 20 minutes. They both came out and Jack stopped at the table by the wall and spoke to the man from California again. The gentlemen in the V necked white sweater and grey slacks walked by me under neath a bright light by the door. He was approximately 2 feet from where I was sitting.

After Jack got through talking to the man from California, he came over and got me and carried me back to his office. We discussed a private club. I asked him if he would sell the LEASE, he said no, it had about $40,000 federal taxes against it, but that he had a good, terrific idea for a private club at a location in northeast Dallas. I asked him if he had a lease, what the idea was and what the location was. Jack did not say. He said he was afraid someone would steal his idea from him. I left around 1:20 to 1:45 am. After president Kennedy was assassinated, and this fellow Oswald’s picture was on television and on the paper, I remembered that he was the man that I saw in the white V necked sweater the night that I was in the Carousel Club to see Jack Ruby. I didn’t say anything for about a week until Sunday, December 2, 1963 and then I called Don Green, a friend of mine and told him about it and asked his advice. He suggested that I come in and talk to the police.

Note that the word in caps LEASE is what I think the overtyped and was referring to.
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Two at once

Post by Ricky Clow »

Oh Tom we must have been doing them at the same time sorry bud but I just bet ya
Posts: 999
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Post by dankbaar »

Thanks much, Tom and Ricky.

The stocky built man with black wavy hair was David Morales if you ask me. I believe he was also the driver of the Nash Rambler, driving away from the book depository after the shooting (as seen by Richard Randolph Carr), later picking up Oswald , as witnessed by Roger Craig. And I believe he was the dark-complected man with rifle in the 6th floor as seen by some witnesses (Rowlands a.o.)
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Post by Bob »

The SAME David Morales that was photographed at the Ambassador Hotel the night RFK was shot. The SAME David Morales that died of a "heart attack" just before he was to testify before the HSCA regarding assassinations.